Are cheat days bad?



  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I don't like the concept of a cheat day because you're saying 'it doesn't count'. It's like 'what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas'. It doesn't. It stays on your waistline.

    But absolutely have some meals where you relax and eat over your calorie allotment. Log it. Enjoy it. And adjust the rest of your week to make up for it. You can't 'average' your goal if you never go over.
  • Jordancsmith99
    Jordancsmith99 Posts: 7 Member
    The best advice I have is have a cheat day when you want one. Then the following day, only eat the bare minimum (200-300 calories) as a punishment. Eventually you will realize that you won't want to have cheat days anymore!
  • Spiderkeys
    Spiderkeys Posts: 338 Member
    I had a full cheat day than just a cheat meal, having a day out with mates there was plenty of beers and food around.

    I weighed myself the next day and yeah I put on serveral pounds, but for me it got worse before it got better, the day after I was 5 pounds, then up 7 pounds, but then only 24 hours later, suddenely I lost 7 pounds, and got my true weight back, now in under a week, it feels that cheat day never happened. Nearly like getting away with murder!

    So now yeah I recommend everyone should let themselves go and have your own cheat day every few months, let everything go and enjoy yourself, thats what I did...
  • applejuices
    applejuices Posts: 19 Member
    MPF is set up really well to help you have a "cheat day" or "cheat meal." I never have a blow-out or anything, but it's easy to see weeks when I haven't used hundreds of calories, so I can use them towards a satisfying cheat day or cheat meal without blowing everything. Today I was able to have a couple sweets and a couple drinks with friends because MPF showed me I had skimmed a little and, mathematically, should still be able to lose as usual. In my mind, cheat days should not be excuses to eat thousands and thousands of calories, but a good thing to look forward to in order to make healthy choices.
  • sarahmichel101
    sarahmichel101 Posts: 158 Member
    The best advice I have is have a cheat day when you want one. Then the following day, only eat the bare minimum (200-300 calories) as a punishment. Eventually you will realize that you won't want to have cheat days anymore!

    Is this a joke? I am not sure anyone should do this. The reason I say this is because I see time and time again people skipping means or a day of eating just to drink. Maybe it is ok, I'm not an expert....

    My suggestion is to learn how to cheat, in moderation. Just like every other part of a healthy lifestyle, don't over-do it. Remember a pound is 3500 calories, and generally takes a week to lose if youre eating the right deficit. It you go over by 500 calories it might be easier to justify doing it than if you went over by 3500.
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    To me it is all in moderation. Shouldn't feel bad.. tomorrow is always a new day etc
  • applejuices
    applejuices Posts: 19 Member
    The best advice I have is have a cheat day when you want one. Then the following day, only eat the bare minimum (200-300 calories) as a punishment. Eventually you will realize that you won't want to have cheat days anymore!

    This is a pretty messed up way of thinking. If you need a day, take a day. It won't kill your goals in the end. Don't punish yourself- that's a pretty unhealthy relationship with food.