New-ish Mama Starting this Journey Again

Hi! I had my daughter in June, so she is now 7 months old. I am breastfeeding still, but she also eats solids/purees twice a day. I plan to continue breastfeeding to at least a year. When I first left the hospital and got home, I started losing weight fairly quickly. I only gained 14 pounds, but I was overweight to begin with. By one month postpartum I was ten pounds lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight. However, I'm not losing anymore, and I've actually gained. So I want to start logging, safely, without jeopardizing my supply as I continue to feed my daughter. I'd love to have a few "friends" here!


  • Hi! Congrats on your daughter! :)
    I think as long as you have proper nutrition you won't have to worry about your milk supply. (been there 6 times lol)
    I would eat multiple small meals throughout the day that consist of things like fruits, veggies and protein. No packaged foods. Keep up the water intake (a must for lactating mommies!) and get some regular exercise. Walking is my all time favorite, and it's something you can do with the little one.
    Good luck! :)
  • rebarka
    rebarka Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks, Heather! I do try to drink lots of water--generally around 32 ounces three or four times a day. I do want to try several small meals a day. That would work with my schedule ( work part time and am at home with the little the rest of the time). Honestly, my weakness is that EVERYTHING I shouldn't eat sounds good. Even food that I don't normally even WANT to eat (Taco Bell, for example, gross). Thanks for the advice!
  • HI there! Congrats on your baby (not so baby anymore)! I am new here too so maybe we can stubble along together. :)

    Take Care and good luck with your journey,
    Maggie from Canada~
  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 476 Member
    I also had a little one in June :) and I'm bfing as well. I've been eating to hunger usually and very sporadically logging and not really losing anything since late last summer. Decided it is time to really try and log a lot more often if I'm going to get off the rest of my baby weight by his first birthday (have about 20 pounds to go to be where I would ideally like to be) feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.
  • bkeeldo
    bkeeldo Posts: 28 Member
    I'm a new mom as well. My son is 4 1/2 months old. I am not nursing but am so busy that I either forget to eat or eat crap! I have started keeping snacks on hand and in the fridge that are healthier so I will eat those instead of chips or whatever else I can find. Some things I always have are hard boiled eggs, Luna bars, bananas, apples, Dole Squish'ems, and a couple of premade salads from Trader Joe's. It has helped a ton! I am now at my pre-pregnancy weight and working to lose 20 more pounds. Good luck!
  • chris31337
    chris31337 Posts: 7 Member
    Congratulations on your (semi-) recent addition to the family. I know little to nothing about infants, post-childbirth, or breastfeeding, (mostly because of having a penis) however I am committed to fitness and would be happy to friend up so we can support one another and achieve our goals.
    It looks like you've already nailed down your primary challenge, which is wanting (and likely consuming) *kitten* food. Losing weight and looking great is just a side-effect of eating right. Breastfeeding alone with be burning calories off you at a pretty good rate so I wouldn't try to pack in too much workout time. You should be resting when you can so I would recommend really getting serious about your diet. Throw that crappy food at your house away, try to avoid fast food at all costs and eat responsibly when you do go out to eat. Once you are finished with breastfeeding I would throw in a nice workout routine when you can fit it in an you should get to and maintain your target weight in no time.

    Again congratulations and best wishes!
  • enaliba
    enaliba Posts: 146 Member
    I had my second daughter in July and am working on the same goal! I set my calories at a very reasonable amount and then try to hit 250-500 deficit per day. For me, at 5'7", nursing exclusively, that ends up being about 2200 calories per day. However, if I am feeling very hungry, I do listen to my body...especially because it is very important to me to maintain my milk supply. On my average of 2200 calories (some days I go over or occasionally under), I am seeing a steady weight loss on the scale of about a 1/2 a week. I track it on a spreadsheet like I read about here and I am noticing fluctuations each week due to all sorts of things. Like, I ate a lot of salt one day and boom, was up 4 pounds...the next day I watched my sodium and of course all of that water weight came right off along with some real weight. I don't get caught up in the daily ups and downs on the scale, but I like to see the trends and they're going the right direction! I drink a lot of water, always carrying my water bottle around with me. Right now exercise is hit or miss, but I sure do carry baby girl a lot and that has to count for something...

    Good luck!
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    I had my newest addition in Sept and am breastfeeding as well. I try to come close to my cals at least most days instead of feeling like 200+ cals under was a good thing. Feel free to add me if you wish. :)
  • rebarka
    rebarka Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks, Chris! I appreciate the input, and I welcome your MFP friendship :) You're right--crap food is what does me in. The worst part? I feel awful after eating it, so I really only get a few minutes of enjoyment (fulfilling that annoying craving) before I regret it.