looking for friends to motivate eachother! :)

Hi everyone! I've been doing MFP on and off for a while now. I've finally gotten back into it full force since the new year. I think i'm ready to add some friends to motivate me and who i can motivate back!

A little about me: I'm 22. Full time worker/part time student. Currently doing insanity to get my butt in shape, and tracking all my food, even the bad bingey stuff- which is a big step for me!

Let me know a little about you, and add me! (I posted this in motivation, but this is probably a better place for it.. sorry for the double post!)


  • NorCal311
    NorCal311 Posts: 44 Member
    I have been hitting it had as well. I love the motivation that I get from like minded people on MFP. Feel free to add me and let push each other!
  • Kacie_88
    Kacie_88 Posts: 26 Member
    I've recently gone though some life changes and I'm mentally ready to get back on this bandwagon. I'm 25 and teach 5th grade. It's hard to find the time and motivation sometimes to come home and workout and cook dinner after working all day!
    If anybody would like another face to their news feed, I'd love the friendly support!
  • brooookeexo
    brooookeexo Posts: 51 Member
    I totally agree that after a long day of work it is very hard to get into a workout and cooking. I've started meal prepping a few meals on sundays so i'll feel a little less stressed and a little more likely to work out when i get home.
  • Kacie_88
    Kacie_88 Posts: 26 Member
    I've found that meal planning my week helps me to stay on track. It's harder for me to justify swinging through the drive through when I know I have something thawing in the fridge to cook. I try to make my breakfast for the week ahead of time - something I can pop in the microwave and eat during my commute, or in my classroom before the kiddos arrive. I'm so not a morning person and cooking just... isn't an option during the week. lol
  • wayne12182
    Hey there. I never been part of any type of community like this before, but I have been using the app on my phone, so, why not? I just turned 32, 6 feet tall and weigh 244 pounds, so I'm a larger fellow... I want to get down to 190 or so. So, here's to helping eachother out.
  • lilmami81090
    Hey, I'm 23 years old, married with two kids & currently a stay at home mommy. I just joined MFP today because I finally decided I need to get off my butt & lose weight because my self-esteem is super low. I'm also keeping track of ALL the food I eat so I can see how bad I eat & hopefully cut back on some things. I've been doing Zumba for 3 days now & it is kicking my butt. I'm hoping I can get different exercise routines so I don't get bored with the same thing all the time. You've added me already, thank you!! Can't wait to get to my goal! Good luck to everyone on here... keep up the hard work!!
  • gottolosethisfat
    After a year on and off MFP I have come back now and back into eating healthy and training. Feel free to add me :)
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Hi all feel free to add if you like...I am happy to motivate and support
  • karch123
    Please add me if you like....looking for support and motivation! :)
  • ThinningKB2014
    Hi there! I've recently rejoined MFP and am quite motivated as well. Feel free to add me as a friend!