looking for friends on this weight loss journey



  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    LOVE LOVE LOVE the new found attitude and commitment and LOVE LOVE LOVE that you use the app. I would be lost without the app on my android personally. I have 150 to lose and hopefully tomorrow morning at the doctors office it will be 140 (or less!) LETS DO THIS!!!
  • Geekygal85
    Geekygal85 Posts: 37 Member
    I've been on the journey to lose 100+. Doing both this and weight watchers. So far so good!! Plus the added support is always great!! Feel free to add me!!
  • Hi Geekygal. I started just a little over 3 weeks ago and have had great results. Logging what you eat really keeps you honest and seems to help me make better choices. It is hard with kids, but they understand and are encouraging. I am not sure how much weight I want or need to lose, but at least 60 pounds would be great. Guess I will know when I get there. Good luck and remember, stay the course. It all becomes a "will" thing. And also remember, if you go over your daily calories, it's not the end of the world, just try harder the next day. Having a cheat meal once a week is something I soooo look forward to!! Good luck!!
  • inspiredkat
    inspiredkat Posts: 26 Member
    I just started two weeks ago, and my goal is to lose 57 lbs. So far I have lost 7 lbs with exercise and logging in daily from my phone app to log my food and exercise. I try hard to not go over my calorie budget and to stay below it. I wish you the best of luck in your weight loss journey. It is easier to do it with friends, I'm doing this with my mom and I have a couple other friends on here as well. I find with friends, it keeps me honest in tracking my food and weight. Logging in daily, after every meal for me, works and the results show. :smile:
  • Ninaj1986
    Ninaj1986 Posts: 8 Member
    We're all on the same journey but just keep in mind that slow progress is still progress. Feel free to add me :-)
  • ElizaB84
    ElizaB84 Posts: 105 Member
    Welcome and feel free to add me. I've been exercising and tracking calories since Jan 9th. 106 pounds to lose originally, 7lbs down.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • jjoh553028
    jjoh553028 Posts: 41 Member
    hello, I am from Texas and 58yrs. I started 2 weeks ago. So far so good. It would be great to have some one to chat with.
  • Hi, I've used this thing for years and my progress has been cyclical. I'm 24 and I'm from America. I weigh 153 lbs and I'd like to lose 28 lbs.

    Last year I went through a really rough time. Since then, I've been looking for ways to build my confidence and self-respect. Now I have a personal trainer, a meal plan, and lots of workouts to do. I have been struggling with persistence and resisting sweets. Now that my wedding is coming up soon, I've calculated that if I can just lose 1.1 lbs each weak, I can reach my ideal weight by my wedding date.

    I want to build a support community so I'll stick to it! Add me and we'll help each other reach our goals!
  • I'm looking for friends too it's almost taken me a year but with hard work and some ups and downs I've managed to loose 30 lbs I'm half way but I feel like my motivation is almost lost like i'm stuck I've definitely plateaued and I don't really know what to do :( I'm looking for friends with nonjudgmental opinions for a little help. I'm good at giving advice and keeping other people motivated its just hard for me to listen to myself you know? :P
  • Iwantchange_22
    Iwantchange_22 Posts: 49 Member
    Hey, Im looking to lose around 55 pounds or 25kg.
    Anyone can add, Im new to mfp :D
  • friend me?
  • Hey my names Jules, I'm a personal trainer and amateur boxer. I'm here to help and learn more from every individual in their fitness journey to make me a better PT. No one should be on a diet but rather changing the way they go about eating which is the hardest factor for everyone!

    Please add me as a friend to share your journey and help me learn more. I'm here to motivate, learn and count those calories!
  • ruthd1401
    ruthd1401 Posts: 23 Member
    Hey I've just joined.
    I'm impatient too...if I don't see results quick enough I tend to just give up.
    Want to stop this habit now though! Sick of feeling down about my weight and doing nothing about it!
  • AdamFoureyes
    AdamFoureyes Posts: 18 Member
    Also looking for MFP friends :) weightloss "stopped" for me over Christmas and im struggling to get going again now so getting frustrated and nervous. No idea what i need to lose, its whatever it takes to get a body that only moves when i ask it to, not when gravity gets involved!
  • kinjeloo
    kinjeloo Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm 25f and since january 2012 I've lost 17kg (around 35lbs I think), still have about 10(20lbs) to go. I log in daily and need some motivation as we all here :) feel free to add me!
  • Hi everyone...
    I am 26 years, female..hv registered today only..m on my weightloss journey n determined to loose 88 lbs..i do poweryoga for my workout..would love 2 gv u all motivation n support for wt loss & would love 2 get it back throughout this journey....
    Please add me ur friend n wud love 2 hit this weight loss target with u all...
  • Annalisa_87
    Annalisa_87 Posts: 56 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm in need of friends to keep me motivated and I to keep them.
  • goalie234
    goalie234 Posts: 97 Member
    add me too ! i need motivation real bad .. im 186 pounds and need to lose 35 pounds . i log in daily and would love some company .. also since im a vegetarian my protein intake is so low :(
  • lizzycoombs
    lizzycoombs Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me as well! I have struggled with my weight my entire life. This lead me to career in the field of nutrition. Any questions you have - fire away! Having support is so important - that's why I love this app and website!

    Any weight loss journey is a challenge! We all want the quick fix, but being accountable for what you eat and how much you move during the day is key! Congrats on starting this journey and good luck!!