How much do you lose in a week?

I've been stuck at 65kg(143lb) for as long as I can remember, and I finally made up my mind, no more excuses! I'll get into shape and reach my goal of 55kg(122lb)!

I've been counting my calories for a week now, and following Jillian Michael's 30 day shred..(Day 4 of Level 1 just completed!)
And I know that it takes time and patience to see changes.. but I would like to know for motivation sake.

How did everyone else start out? And how did you start losing your first few pounds?
Having one of those dips in motivation :(


  • /bumpety
  • jackie_moo
    jackie_moo Posts: 73 Member
    Hey! i began working out and watching my calories in November, and my exercise began with 30DS.
    I took photos the day i started, and approx. every 2 weeks. i also took my measurements. I definately suggest taking measurements and relying on those changes rather than judging your success on the scale! i mark on the measuring tape the date and body part measured, cos there's nothing more motivating than markign a few weeks later and seeing the difference in cm/inches.
    when i did the30DS EVERYTHING hurt, i couldnt do a routine without stopping for water, i was red in the face, dripping all over, coughing up a lung with certain routines..conclusion: it was TOUGH. i decided to take focus away from the scale/measuring tape and set myself small exercise goals - surely if i was no longer coughing up a lung, i could only be doing amazing things to my body! :wink:
    I suggest finding other means of motivation: being able to do a routine without taking a break, being able to do a push up (i'm doing the modified pushups now, but when i started my poor arms with a shaking wobbling mess, so it's progress that i'm proud of!), doing that workout when all you feel like doing is relaxing on the couch... try to take the focus away from the scale and without even realizing it you'll reach your goal :flowerforyou:
  • I usually find I lose a bit in the first week - 1 to 3 kilos and then in tapers off in the second or third week. That's when it's hard to stay motivated. But if you just hang in there and keep to whatever routine you have decided on, then it continues to come off.
  • It depends on what you are going to lose ( water weight or fat ) , i'm expecting to lose at least 3-4 pounds of water weight , i already lost one yesterday ! , and i'm also expecting to lose 2-3 fat weight because i workout a lot , but i'm not sure about the water weight
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    Do not be surprised if the weight goes up before it starts going down, especially if you are doing weights. Plus, salt in food at restaurants, TOM, etc might show a temporary increase. People usually lose a lot in the first weeks when they have a lot of weight to lose like 60 kg. Especially if you are near the normal range for your height, the scale wont show loss so fast. But you will see a lot of change in how your clothes will fit.
  • I just started out, 28lbs to lose, and I am losing 1lb per week. That isn't earth shattering progress but it is nice and steady. I tried eating less (MFP recommended 1200 calories) but I felt like I was starving and it led to binging, so I ate more instead, 1500 calories and I'm not starving and still losing weight. Some people can lose weight super fast but I think I prefer losing it nice and slow. If you have a lot of weight to lose then you can drop water weight fast and that would feel much more dramatic than the slow and steady fat loss I'm working on.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    I'm more or less where you are at 144.5 pounds at the mo looking to be 125. I'm losing 1 pound a week which will probably slow to half a pound a week for the last 7/8 pounds (I've done this before and doing a restart).

    Looking to hit ultimate goal by August 1st but my happy goal by April 11th (133 pounds, everything after this is just bonus) I've put my goals on a calendar to keep me motivated :)

    I know August seems such a long way away but the thought of being my ultimate goal by then and my happy weight zone for most of summer keeps me going when it feels like slow progress. xxx
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I've lost 10lbs since Sept. 1. That's a lot for me although it's only 2lbs a month.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I lost 40 Lbs over the course of about 26 weeks so that averages out to around 1.5 Lbs per week. That said, my initial losses were bigger (water weight) and then they slowed down to a more normal rate of loss of right around 1 Lb per week as a general trend. Note also that I didn't have losses every doesn't work that way. It is a general trend over time, not a linear function. I would very often go a week or two without a loss and then drop 2-3 Lbs...
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I lost 40 Lbs over the course of about 26 weeks so that averages out to around 1.5 Lbs per week. That said, my initial losses were bigger (water weight) and then they slowed down to a more normal rate of loss of right around 1 Lb per week as a general trend. Note also that I didn't have losses every doesn't work that way. It is a general trend over time, not a linear function. I would very often go a week or two without a loss and then drop 2-3 Lbs...

    +1...this is pretty much me as well.