28lb to lose...10lb by April 26th? To much to quick?

Hello! I am looking for friends with around 2 stone to lose.

My question is though, is 10lb by April too much to hope for? I'd love to lose 10lb in 3 months then hit my goal by December but it this too much to quick?


  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    It depends on how much you have to lose. What's your starting weight?
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Not if you do it in a healthy way (eating at a moderate deficit) - don't undercut your calories too much, slower is better!
  • It depends on how much you have to lose. What's your starting weight?

    My starting weight is 12 stone 6 pound
    Goal weight is 10 stone 6 pound
  • Not if you do it in a healthy way (eating at a moderate deficit) - don't undercut your calories too much, slower is better!

    I'm going by what MFP gave me to lose 1lb a week. 500 calorie deficit. I am also eating back exersize calories.
  • Looseing x2 lbs /week isn't that extreme but maybe difficult depending on your food/drink intake. No soda, lots of water, lower your carb intake, and lower your meat intake and eat more soy based food, and exercise. Those are my short & sweet suggestions.
  • If you eat back your exercise calories, it's like you didn't exercise at all. I don't eat mine back at all...
  • Looseing x2 lbs /week isn't that extreme but maybe difficult depending on your food/drink intake. No soda, lots of water, lower your carb intake, and lower your meat intake and eat more soy based food, and exercise. Those are my short & sweet suggestions.

    I'm aiming for 1lb a week. My 10lb goal is 12 weeks away. I guess it's do-able :)
  • If you eat back your exercise calories, it's like you didn't exercise at all. I don't eat mine back at all...

    I eat back so I net at my goal. In my opinion (might be wrong) but MFP already gave me a deficit so I want to stick to that. Plus sometimes I walk miles and burn a lot. I'd rather eat back and keep my energy up :) each to there own though.
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    If you eat back your exercise calories, it's like you didn't exercise at all. I don't eat mine back at all...

    Not if you factor in a deficit as well.

    I make your goal date 13 weeks away. You should be able to drop 10lbs by then :-)
  • otter090812
    otter090812 Posts: 380 Member
    If you eat back your exercise calories, it's like you didn't exercise at all. I don't eat mine back at all...

    I eat back so I net at my goal. In my opinion (might be wrong) but MFP already gave me a deficit so I want to stick to that. Plus sometimes I walk miles and burn a lot. I'd rather eat back and keep my energy up :) each to there own though.

    That's the idea on this site, to eat them back. Just be a bit careful as plenty of people on the forums suggest MFP overestimates exercise calorie burn, so if you're relying on that, perhaps scale it back a bit (I've seen lots of people say they eat back half) or get a heart rate monitor so you know better what you've burned.
  • If you eat back your exercise calories, it's like you didn't exercise at all. I don't eat mine back at all...

    Not if you factor in a deficit as well.

    I make your goal date 13 weeks away. You should be able to drop 10lbs by then :-)

    Oh I hope I can! :)
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Just make sure you get accurate estimates of all of your food intake . I would also be a little careful with the calories MFP gives you for exercise. Some seem spot on while others can seem an overestimate compared with other sources. 10 lb in 10 weeks though should be no problem at all though so good luck
  • If you eat back your exercise calories, it's like you didn't exercise at all. I don't eat mine back at all...

    I eat back so I net at my goal. In my opinion (might be wrong) but MFP already gave me a deficit so I want to stick to that. Plus sometimes I walk miles and burn a lot. I'd rather eat back and keep my energy up :) each to there own though.

    That's the idea on this site, to eat them back. Just be a bit careful as plenty of people on the forums suggest MFP overestimates exercise calorie burn, so if you're relying on that, perhaps scale it back a bit (I've seen lots of people say they eat back half) or get a heart rate monitor so you know better what you've burned.

    I use a heart rate monitor so go by that! :)
  • otter090812
    otter090812 Posts: 380 Member
    If you eat back your exercise calories, it's like you didn't exercise at all. I don't eat mine back at all...

    I eat back so I net at my goal. In my opinion (might be wrong) but MFP already gave me a deficit so I want to stick to that. Plus sometimes I walk miles and burn a lot. I'd rather eat back and keep my energy up :) each to there own though.

    That's the idea on this site, to eat them back. Just be a bit careful as plenty of people on the forums suggest MFP overestimates exercise calorie burn, so if you're relying on that, perhaps scale it back a bit (I've seen lots of people say they eat back half) or get a heart rate monitor so you know better what you've burned.

    I use a heart rate monitor so go by that! :)

    Perfect :) Good luck, sounds achievable and it also sounds like you're being very sensible about it.
  • Just make sure you get accurate estimates of all of your food intake . I would also be a little careful with the calories MFP gives you for exercise. Some seem spot on while others can seem an overestimate compared with other sources. 10 lb in 10 weeks though should be no problem at all though so good luck

    Yesterday I noticed a lot of the foods on the system, the calories were wrong. So I kept :creating a food: and going by what it said on the box.
  • maffrizzle
    maffrizzle Posts: 7 Member
    You can lose 2lb a week pretty safely, so it's shouldn't be a problem.

    Careful with eating back your exercise calories, always assume they're a huge overestimate.
  • If you eat back your exercise calories, it's like you didn't exercise at all. I don't eat mine back at all...

    I eat back so I net at my goal. In my opinion (might be wrong) but MFP already gave me a deficit so I want to stick to that. Plus sometimes I walk miles and burn a lot. I'd rather eat back and keep my energy up :) each to there own though.

    That's the idea on this site, to eat them back. Just be a bit careful as plenty of people on the forums suggest MFP overestimates exercise calorie burn, so if you're relying on that, perhaps scale it back a bit (I've seen lots of people say they eat back half) or get a heart rate monitor so you know better what you've burned.

    I use a heart rate monitor so go by that! :)

    Perfect :) Good luck, sounds achievable and it also sounds like you're being very sensible about it.

    Thank you :D
  • WhoHa42
    WhoHa42 Posts: 1,270 Member
    You have about 12 weeks to lose 10lbs. Definitely an achievable goal.
  • You can lose 2lb a week pretty safely, so it's shouldn't be a problem.

    Careful with eating back your exercise calories, always assume they're a huge overestimate.

    As I have said above. I use a heart rate monitor so should be ok. Thanks though :)
  • You have about 12 weeks to lose 10lbs. Definitely an achievable goal.

    :D great!