meal replacments

would it be ok if i drank meal replacements such as slimfast for breakfast and lunch then a normal meal at night? obviously drink lots of water and atleast two servings inbetween.

how does this sound?


  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Sounds like you'll get hungry, pretty quickly.

    That IS the Slim Fast diet, and while it's a temporary fix, keeping the weight off after not learning how to have a healthy relationship with food is nearly impossible.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Why would you do that? I'd personally rather chew my meals than drink them. As long as you're getting in enough calories to fuel your body and getting all your vitamins and minerals it's ok, but you might do better to learn how to out healthy meals together than relying on shakes. Just my $.02.
  • BloodHost
    As far as I know, it doesn't matter if it's solid or liquid,
    What matters is your calorie deficit.
    As long as you drink plenty of water,
    You should be fine!
  • barton6435
    barton6435 Posts: 23 Member
    My personal opinion would be to have one a day, my partner has hers for breakfast then spreads out her remaining calories over the rest of the day. I dont think you could have meal replacements for ever so maybe starting with 1 then slowly phase it out into a healthy breakfast would be better.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    In terms of losing weight, you will be in a calorie deficit and yes you will lose weight.

    However, most people who go on meal replacement diets find that when they start eating solid food again, the weight comes back very quickly. Meal repalcements do not teach about portion control. Additionally they are usually more expensive than buying real food.

    You would be better off eating what you already enjoy but in smaller portions. This is much more likely to be succesful long term.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    If you want a shake, I'd just drink one within your calories. My main issue really is that I have yet to find a shake that fills me up as much as a meal, unless you add a lot of stuff to it and then you're just better off eating something anyway.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    In terms of losing weight, you will be in a calorie deficit and yes you will lose weight.

    However, most people who go on meal replacement diets find that when they start eating solid food again, the weight comes back very quickly. Meal repalcements do not teach about portion control. Additionally they are usually more expensive than buying real food.

    You would be better off eating what you already enjoy but in smaller portions. This is much more likely to be succesful long term.

  • CarmenLourens28
    CarmenLourens28 Posts: 69 Member
    i shake once to twice a day depending how i feel - it is not a diet for me, its part of my lifestyle and its convenient. i enjoy it as i do struggle to eat alot.
  • befitnow3
    befitnow3 Posts: 62 Member
    Slim fast for a week is good to jump start weight loss but it gets old fast and you will gain the weight back as quickly once you are back to normal food:/ better to just eat smaller portions of what you eat now, then cut back on soda/juices/dessert/sugar. Might take a little longer but it's lifestyle and lifetime change you should be investing in!! Good luck! Be honest with your logging, create a calorie deficit and you'll be on your way!!
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    I don't know about you but I know I wouldn't feel satisfied with two artificially flavored liquid meals a day, even if I were getting adequate calories and nutrition from them. I'd feel grumpy and deprived, snack like a fiend and end up eating more than I would have with actual meals. Your mileage may vary, but it's something to be aware of.

    And while I can see grabbing a shake-in-a-can when you're crazy busy at lunchtime or flying out the door late for work, I'd think you'd miss out on nutrients that you'd get from eating a variety of real food if you relied on them too long.
  • AbstractSilver
    I've tried meal replacement, and I always end up going WAY over my calorie limit on days I do that. I'm not sure what it is, but liquids do not fill me up and I end up overeating later to make up for it. I know it is different for everyone, but they definitely don't work for me. I gained weight on meal replacement.
  • Shriffee
    Shriffee Posts: 250 Member
    Everybody loves to hate on meal replacements. I get it, but I've found they are pretty good for jumpstarting your diet. You get used to eating little and start to crave something else, which hopefully gets you ready to start counting calories.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Everybody loves to hate on meal replacements. I get it, but I've found they are pretty good for jumpstarting your diet. You get used to eating little and start to crave something else, which hopefully gets you ready to start counting calories.

    I "get it" .. but what happens when that 'jumpstart' turns into a 10lb loss? Why change what you're doing? Then you keep going with it and the jumpstart becomes a fad diet program, which is all Slim Fast is.

    I have the odd protein shake as a breakfast when I'm in a hurry, but it's not something I do every day, twice a day.

    OP - if you are going to replace a meal with Slim Fast, go with the high protein option, or just go out and find a decent whey protein and have that instead!
  • CarmenLourens28
    CarmenLourens28 Posts: 69 Member
    Everybody loves to hate on meal replacements. I get it, but I've found they are pretty good for jumpstarting your diet. You get used to eating little and start to crave something else, which hopefully gets you ready to start counting calories.

    I "get it" .. but what happens when that 'jumpstart' turns into a 10lb loss? Why change what you're doing? Then you keep going with it and the jumpstart becomes a fad diet program, which is all Slim Fast is.

    I have the odd protein shake as a breakfast when I'm in a hurry, but it's not something I do every day, twice a day.

    OP - if you are going to replace a meal with Slim Fast, go with the high protein option, or just go out and find a decent whey protein and have that instead!

    I didnt start shaking to jump start a diet - its really part of my life style - i have different shakes, ranging from USN, HERBAL LIFE, SLIM FASTE etc - it is just very convenient and i do supplement with vitamins :) not that im a pro at this, but it really works for me - coz i use to skip bfeast and lunch alot so it really helps me :)
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Slim fast doesn't last me long enough and I end up eating a meal in addition to it.

    Plus these tend to have a fair amount of sugar in them and
    Sugar preventions the absorption of calcium and other nutrients.
    So even if it does contain nutrition, if your body can't access it it's not doing you any good.

    It's a temorary fix
    Learn to eat healthy it will last you the rest of your life.
    (I'm old, I've yo-yo dieted and screwed up my metabolism, gained weight back plus more a couple of times each time panicking then felt the need to restrict more and got into a vicious cycle. It's just not worth it. Your health is more important.)

    Maybe try the old 80/20 rule, 1200 cal of solid nutrition and 300 calories in treats.