28lb to lose...10lb by April 26th? To much to quick?



  • If you eat back your exercise calories, it's like you didn't exercise at all. I don't eat mine back at all...

    Surely you'd still be building muscle from the exercise though? So it's not like you didn't exercise at all. I thought the point of exercise mainly was to turn your body into a powerful, toned fat-burning machine. Even if you eat them back, it's making it easier for you to burn more next time you exercise. If you don't eat them back and you end up burning like 1000 calories in a day doing a long run or something, wouldn't you be damaging the muscle? So THEN there's no point exercising at all?
  • If you eat back your exercise calories, it's like you didn't exercise at all. I don't eat mine back at all...

    Surely you'd still be building muscle from the exercise though? So it's not like you didn't exercise at all. I thought the point of exercise mainly was to turn your body into a powerful, toned fat-burning machine. Even if you eat them back, it's making it easier for you to burn more next time you exercise. If you don't eat them back and you end up burning like 1000 calories in a day doing a long run or something, wouldn't you be damaging the muscle? So THEN there's no point exercising at all?

    This is what I believe.
  • I eat back so I net at my goal. In my opinion (might be wrong) but MFP already gave me a deficit so I want to stick to that. Plus sometimes I walk miles and burn a lot. I'd rather eat back and keep my energy up :) each to there own though.

    Sounds like you've got a good plan and a good head on your shoulders... That sounds like it's definitely achievable!

    I'd say best of luck, but I know it's a lot of hard work, so... Keep at it! :happy:
  • I eat back so I net at my goal. In my opinion (might be wrong) but MFP already gave me a deficit so I want to stick to that. Plus sometimes I walk miles and burn a lot. I'd rather eat back and keep my energy up :) each to there own though.

    Sounds like you've got a good plan and a good head on your shoulders... That sounds like it's definitely achievable!

    I'd say best of luck, but I know it's a lot of hard work, so... Keep at it! :happy:

    Thanks :)