Sugar help!!



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Thanks for the comments.
    Don't think we need a keyboard war over sugar though guys!
    You must be new around here. :smile:
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    So your right! sugar is sugar, sort of.... Let's take High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) as an example.

    Fructose is found in fruits and other food, of course. When fructose is found in fruit, for example; its in relatively low quantities and accompanied by many other things such as phytochemicals and fiber which are very healthful.

    Plain sugar table sugar (the stuff you put in your coffee) has a scientific name, Sucrose. Sucrose is a combination of two mono saccharides that are Glucose and Fructose. HFCS is not that different from table sugar, chemically speaking. However, HFCS is a highly concentrated amount of only Fructose (which is absorbed only by the liver, unlike Glucose which is metabolized differently. Just for those who say your body processes it the same :)

    Refined fructose is bad for your health because it is concentrated and not surrounded by all those other good things nature provides. It's also much easier to consume ungodly quantities of it. Also, the many other detrimental health affects it causes that you will have to research because I am tired of outlining this.

    Check this article out from the guardian that talks about Fructose as a start. I haven't been doing this along time like yourself but I dont take every piece of advice or opinion to heart and no one should. Just be aware what you are saying is incorrect and dangerous.

    No. Just no.

    I lost weight, while continuing to eat sugar. I'm also very healthy. Sugar isn't evil, despite what Lustig, and the rest, claim.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    So I suppose the numerous, and more recent scientific studies about HFCS are only alarmist? I will continue to look into this and have an open mind.

    The principal problem with HFCS is how ubiquitous it is in modern foods and how palatable it makes food (which prompts over consumption.)

    Dosage and context of the person's diet and lifestyle is important in determining if it, or pretty much any other foodstuff, in reality can be considered harmful.

    Modern western diets which centre around large quantities of manufactured / processed foods then yes, it is an area of concern. In the context of a balanced diet? Not so much.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Thanks for the comments.
    Don't think we need a keyboard war over sugar though guys!
    No worries. :flowerforyou: It wouldn't be the same around here without at least one daily sugar discussion. Every day is pretty much the same, in a Groundhog Day kinda way. :laugh:
  • reesa12345
    reesa12345 Posts: 6 Member
    I just started today also and I had a nutrigrain bar right after the gym this am, 2 wasa crackers w/ almond butter and fruit spread, and a coffee w/ milk and 1 tsp of sugar and I'm already -4 in the sugar category. I'm going to use the sugar as a guide of what just has more sugar in it then I ever realized but that's about it.
  • Synamin
    Synamin Posts: 80 Member
    I can only speak from personal experience with sugar. If I eat sugar (in any form) in the morning, I will be starving in 2 hours and I will do nothing but think about food for the rest of the day. I get cranky, irritable and fatigued and sometimes weak and dizzy while craving sweets. It's easy to see why some people might think of sugar as toxic or addictive if they have had that sort of experience. It is also easy to see how they might assume that everyone else will have the same response to sugar consumption as they do.

    There is a simple fix which is to add protein to breakfast. An orange would wipe me out, an orange and an egg and I would be okay. Two eggs, a whole grain and a few berries and I won't even think about food again until late afternoon.

    A simple calorie deficit WILL result in weight loss but what you eat does matter and I think it matters more for some than others. To lose weight comfortably, I have to be careful with sugar.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Source of sugar does not matter...

    ndj1979, I hope that you don’t consider the toxically concentrated sugars in most processed foods to be equivalent to those found in raw fruit.

    It's processed the same in your body, so idgaf where my sugar comes from. Also BINGO for the word "toxic"

    Sorry it's not processed the same in your body, fruit sugars are processed by the liver and absorbed at once, therefore increasing fat cell production (this really only applied if you are sedentary, if you are active it will use it as energy rather than building as fat), fruit does expand in the gut and make you feel fuller.
    I always speak to a dietician regarding what should be going in my diet and review it on a quarterly basis!!

    get a new dietician...

    how does your body differentiate between fruit sugar and added sugar?

    Like phoenix said..excess calories get stored as if you over eat then you get can eat in a deficit, eat sugar, and lose fat.

    Sorry don't think so, the dietician I use is also used by elite athletes, where are you getting your information from??
    Try googling how fructose if processed by the body, fructose is metabolised by the liver and absorbed straight away, so if you are in a sedantary lifestyle then is goes to fat much quicker than glucose which is not metabolised by the liver.

    I would suggest you getting a new dietician if yours is telling you that all sugars are the same and processed in the same way by the body.

    what elite athletes?

    < does not use a dietician. My claims are based on seven years of success, going from 220 pounds 25%+ body fat to 175 pounds and 11-12% body fat. Guess what? I still eat sugar, and have lost fat.

    So my information comes from my body and own personal story.
  • arnfolly
    arnfolly Posts: 79 Member
    Keep in mind sugar from fruit is fine if you are NOT a diabetic and they are also high in FIBER. When fiber is available in fruits/veggies/nuts then the carbs absorb more slowly than if you were eating or drinking say, milk, especially skim milk which has no fat/fiber to slow down absorption. There are plenty of LOW sugar fruit options out there. Take berries for instance. They are DELICIOUS, easy to pack, eat etc and are LOW on the glycemic index. Add these along with low fat cottage cheese, low fat yogurt or a handful of almonds, pecans, walnuts etc and you have a very healthy high fiber snack that does contain sugar. :)