So, this is embarrassing. And possibly TMI, but please help.



  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    I think you should make an appointment with a GI dr.

    This is the only answer the thread needs.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    My sis-in-law was just diagnosed with Chrohn's and she had all of your symptoms, plus. Please go see your doctor for a referral to a specialist. She's been on an elimination diet since just before Christmas and she's starting to feel a whole lot better.
  • Brown523
    Brown523 Posts: 112 Member
    I would definitely see a doctor. Also, if you use Splenda - I's stop using it. When I took that out of my diet I saw an improvement. Also, try taking Acidophyllis supplement andf Greek yogurt with the good bacteria. I also suffer from IBS-D its not a fun time but manageable. :)
  • ScottH_200
    ScottH_200 Posts: 377 Member
    It could be a number of things. You need to see a GI specialist.

    A general doctor wouldn't help? I couldn't go before because of money and no insurance. But I have insurance as of this month.

    Under the new health care provisions, you are able to receive a full physical every year at no cost to you or your deductible. I would schedule a physical first, then allow your physician to make recommendations regarding your symptoms.
  • nessachugonzalez
    Hello Hon,

    It could also be allergies....what used to happen to me was a combo of vomiting and diarrhea...
  • DavidCHobby
    From personal experience (and having friends who have IBS and friends who have Crohn's) I think these conditions are not black and white but exist on a continuum. I have mild IBS that can exist or not based on stress levels, caffeine and/or general diet.

    I had similar symptoms as you do for many years. It just became "normal" to me. Since I have lost weight (and, more important I believe, am eating *much* cleaner now) they have all but disappeared. If I were to wolf down a big meal (I mean, like one of my *old* big meals) I would expect it an hour later. But I haven't been doing that, either.)

    Definitely start keeping a diary of what you eat and when and how much and how your body reacts. That will be one of the first things a specialist asks you to do. And you should definitely take advantage of your new insurance and see your GP. WHo will no doubt refer you to a GI doc.

    Good luck. Been there, no fun. But it can get better very quickly.
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    Had the same thing happen to me over the years. Ended up going to a Gastroenterologist and getting a colonoscopy. Turns out I have IBS and take medication now which helps.

    Bottom line, see a doctor if you can. There's a few things out there they can prescribe to help.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Haven't read all of the replies so this may have been mentioned, but I had a friend who had this problem. She had Crohn's Disease. May be worth looking into. None of us can diagnose you :) Please go to a clinic (I think I read you have no insurance)!
  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    DH has similar problems. I agree with the others that you need to see a gastro.

    He eliminated all dairy for two weeks to test. We knew he was slightly lactose intolerant, but didn't think it was that bad. The improvement on the elimination of dairy was amazing. He's now added back in milk products in baked goods, etc. but limits lactose (uses lactose free cheese, milks, etc.) It hasn't eliminated the problem, but has improved it.

    You may want to ask the gastro about Cholestryl. I know a few people who use it for similar problems and has helped immensely. My dad takes it every day. It was originally designed to lower cholesterol, but the 'side effect' that has been determined is to help with chronic diarrhea.
  • nessachugonzalez
    @ DavidCHobby, Very good advice! especially the keeping the food diary part. I had similar issues, however my reactions weren't Crohn's or Celiac's mine are more allergy based, to wheat and nuts go figure! :-( After I figured out what it was, my symptoms (vomiting diarrhea, acne, upset stomach and fatigue) stopped as well and like you mentioned that stopped quickly!
  • LittleRed987
    LittleRed987 Posts: 1 Member
    GI Dr. is a gastro intestinal Dr.
    My husband suffers the same thing... Try to cut back on your caffeine intake and on the size of your meals. So eating more meals, just less food at each sitting. You could start out on a very limited foods diet (foods that you know are not stressing your system) and add new foods each week. Keeping a food journal is key.
    Limiting or cutting out those items that cause you more distress is optimal. So, you may want to try altenative dairy options like almond milk or goats milk or soya milk. The goat milk and soy have cheese options too. You can try taking out gluten. This can't hurt. There are many options to trade out your normal foods for gluten free. (rice noodles cook up in a flash, esp. vermicelli, quinoa and rice, using spagettii squash is also a great way to increase your vegetable intake)
    I agree with the rest, you need to seek medical assessment too.
    Best of luck to you.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    It could be a number of things. You need to see a GI specialist.

    A general doctor wouldn't help? I couldn't go before because of money and no insurance. But I have insurance as of this month.

    Under the new health care provisions, you are able to receive a full physical every year at no cost to you or your deductible. I would schedule a physical first, then allow your physician to make recommendations regarding your symptoms.

    Unfortunately, it is only free if it is "preventative care". If the doctor has to suggest, diagnose, or treat an actual problem it is considered diagnostic care. You WILL be billed for the visit in that case. :(

    OP, see a Gastroenterologist. Good luck!
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    Milk upsets my stomach, but not yogurt or cheese. So I don't think I'm lactose intolerant, or at least not badly.


    It happens regardless of my food choices or fiber. I've tried high fiber, fiber supplements, etc. Not even Imodium helps.

    This isn't normal. Go see a GI doc ASAP. You may be gluten intolerant, lactose intolerant, have food allergies...or something else entirely. We aren't qualified here to say.
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    you need to see a Gastroenterologist you may have Colitis or inflammatory illness
  • DavidCHobby

    Thank you! I find my symptoms track pretty closely with my weight and my eating habits. As I lose weight and eat clean, things are getting much better.

    Who knows, I may well have been allergic to one or more of the bad foods I cut out, too!
  • blswilliams
    blswilliams Posts: 3 Member
    I agree, you need to see a doctor. I have had this same problem. First they said it was my gall bladder. Finally had to have it removed but did not solve the problem. Only thing they say is IBS. That's the only answer I get. I did a clinical trial and the medication did help. But I don't know if it was ever approved because if misused can cause constipation and colitis.

    Just know you have others out here with the same problem. Hang in there. Keeping the food diary always helps too when seeing a doctor.
  • LH85DC
    LH85DC Posts: 231 Member
    Definitely see a doctor, but just as an aside- I had very similar problems for years. It could definitely be IBS or a more serious problem, but give lactose intolerance a second look.

    I didn't think I was lactose intolerant, because I tried eliminating it and still had problems. It turns out that I was also soy-intolerant, so all the soy milk that I drank when I gave up regular dairy was masking the problem. I'm severely lactose intolerant, and moderately soy-intolerant. Now I drink lactose-free milk or almond milk, stick to greek yogurt (which doesn't seem to upset my stomach) and lactose free cheese (Cabot brand makes cheese that is lactose free but still made with real dairy), and make sure to take plenty of Lactaid pills when I want to have ice cream or real cheese, and I've been doing SO much better.
  • selfepidemic1
    selfepidemic1 Posts: 159 Member
    A lot of people actually are intolerant to lactose. Just because cheese doesn't cause it doesn't mean you aren't, it could just be the quantity.

    Go to the doctor, this is NOT healthy. Your body is washing out all of the bacteria and other things it needs, I'm surprised you're not overly dehydrated along with other awful symptoms.

    I know its a bit embarrassing. However doctors have seen it all!
  • imjolly
    imjolly Posts: 176 Member
    Sounds like you have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). I would make an appointment with a Dr since you may be losing important nutrients. They can run test and determine why you are having this issue. Good Luck!!