Birth Control Hell



  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 302 Member
    I have been on Paragard since 2009 and have no issues. I had heavier than my usual periods for the first 4 months, but no other weight gain issues or harmonal issues.
    The reason I decided on Paragard was to keep myself away from the harmones and weight gain concerns.
    I have lost 30lbs since 2009 too.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Sorry guys, there isn't a girls only thread. :ohwell:

    I always avoid the scale while Aunt Flo is around, but recently I've come into some trouble. I stopped taking my birth control in hopes of switching to a new one, but I then found out that my Primary Care dropped me without any notification (don't worry, found a new one).

    So now I'm detoxing from the pill while waiting to get an appointment and I'm having my second period this month (literally five days after my scheduled period). It's probably the most horrific period I've ever had.

    I'm afraid to step on the scale because I have no idea what this might do to my weight fluctuations- I'm also worried that starting a new birth control will make it more difficult to shed pounds. My old birth control didn't cause me to gain weight, but I'm trying to find one with a lower dosage of hormones.

    Has anybody's birth control given them trouble with weight loss goals?

    Junel Fe 1.5 has the lowest amount of hormones. I've been on it for over 5 years and LOVE it. My period is so light I barely bleed.
  • vanessabarela
    vanessabarela Posts: 2 Member
    I've been on Mirena since 2009 and it's about time for mine to be removed. I do know that there has been an issue with this kind of birth control for others with weight loss and there has been recently been a recall for it.

    When I started BC in 2004 I increased in weight from 87 lbs to 200 lbs over the course of 3 years and this was taking a pill. I've now dropped from 200 lbs to 150.

    I'm not sure if my weight gain was due to birth control, but likely played a small part. It was a low hormone option.
  • Autumn611
    Autumn611 Posts: 2 Member
    Paraguard IUD has been my best option because it doesn't contain any hormones. Between the depo shot and the Mirena (they use the same hormone, but Mirena uses a much smaller amount of it), I gained 45 lbs that just won't come off. Apparently I am extra sensitive to this particular hormone, because my sister has used both of these contraceptives without any weight change at all.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I just got off the Nuva Ring two and a half weeks ago because it was rubbing and causing problems. I'd been on it for three years and loved it, without any side effects. I'm on the pill now and officially insane. If this doesn't tone down I may switch to IUD and see if it makes me less psychotic. I've already had spotting, but my period isn't (hopefully) until later this week. I've actually had a bit of weight gain from the pill (must be water weight since it's been 2 weeks), but it seems to be going away finally. Maybe.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Sorry guys, there isn't a girls only thread. :ohwell:

    I always avoid the scale while Aunt Flo is around, but recently I've come into some trouble. I stopped taking my birth control in hopes of switching to a new one, but I then found out that my Primary Care dropped me without any notification (don't worry, found a new one).

    So now I'm detoxing from the pill while waiting to get an appointment and I'm having my second period this month (literally five days after my scheduled period). It's probably the most horrific period I've ever had.

    I'm afraid to step on the scale because I have no idea what this might do to my weight fluctuations- I'm also worried that starting a new birth control will make it more difficult to shed pounds. My old birth control didn't cause me to gain weight, but I'm trying to find one with a lower dosage of hormones.

    Has anybody's birth control given them trouble with weight loss goals?
    Mirena caused me problems with weight gain/inability to lose. The pill never did (I was on several different ones). Your experience will be your own, though.
  • Vermilliana
    Vermilliana Posts: 42 Member
    I always found that the hormones in birth control caused weight gain that I couldn't lose. It frustrated me to NO end. It also raised hell with my moods as well as my mind (I always felt spaced-out and unable to concentrate). My doc suggested an IUD. Its basically a non-hormonal copper twist-tie *L* I have been UNBELIEVABLY happy with it. I have had zero side effects (though the first couple of periods were ROUGH, because of the body adapting to a foreign object) and its good for 5 years without having to even think about it. No detox required, because there is no chemicals/hormones. Its not cheap, I won't lie. Mine cost $280...but if you add up how much you pay for birth control over 5 years, its a worthy investment. There are people with horror stories from back in the day when quality control was an issue and safety standards were not required or met. This has Changed. IUDs are safe, highly effective and efficent, non-hormonal alternative.
  • Vermilliana
    Vermilliana Posts: 42 Member
    IUDs are fantastic. I've had 2 over the last 10 years and would recommend them to Anyone thinking about getting one!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I got pregnant on the IUD, plus my ex felt the strings poking him. No thanks for me. YMMV.
  • CMoeDee
    CMoeDee Posts: 102 Member
    In because everyone is different.

    For example, Depo made me a hot sobbing mess who gained 15 pounds (in a month!) but my friend loves it and it balances out some of her hormonal issues. I have yet to find ~anything~ that doesn't make me crazy pants, though, so I am a special snowflake. Good luck on your search!
  • toscarthearmada
    toscarthearmada Posts: 382 Member
    It sounds totally gross but the Nuvaring has been the best Birth Control that I've ever had! I've lost over 100 pounds on it and it has never given me any issues.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    my gyn is a guy. j/s
  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    Why not just stay off the pill? Being pumped with hormones is not good for you and obviously has some bad side effects. They make condoms for a reason. :-P From what I hear, the pill decreases your sex drive as well, so why would you want it? I'm a Naturalist, but that's my humble opinion. Find the right condoms that are lubricated and ditch the Pill!!
  • janinab75
    janinab75 Posts: 147 Member
    I've been on Lo LoEstrin FE for 3+ years now. It's the lowest form of BC you can get now. I've been on some sort of BC since I was 17 because of PCOS. I've had no troubel withweight loss as a result, interestingly enough, which is a side effect of PCOS. I think I have a somewhat mild form, or a form of PCOS that doesn't effect weight loss or something. Anyway, my GYN put me on this pill because it has the lowest dose of hormones in it. Just putting it out there for you...
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    I've opted out of Aunt Flo's visits and don't miss her at all. It's been almost 8 years since I've had a visit or any PMS. I haven't had any noticeable weight gain from the pill. I was on Lybrel until it went generic so now its called Amethyst.
  • bohemian124
    bohemian124 Posts: 153 Member
    The best thing you can do is talk to your OB-GYN; they know your history and will be able to walk you through your options. With that said, here's my 2 cents...

    I've had the Mirena IUD for 1.5 years and I love it! It hurt like hell when it was implanted and I had cramping for a few days, but now that's done. MY periods are a bit inconsistent (light spotting for a day to more normal flow for 3-4 days), but much lighter than before. I also don't get the cramps, bloating, or fatigue I felt before. I was on the pill for 6 years before switching to Mirena. I never had any weight gain or loss side effects from either. What I love is that I don't have to think about it day to day! If you are still worried about hormones, the copper IUD lasts 10 years and is hormone free.

    Best of luck whatever you decide!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Why not just stay off the pill? Being pumped with hormones is not good for you and obviously has some bad side effects. They make condoms for a reason. :-P From what I hear, the pill decreases your sex drive as well, so why would you want it? I'm a Naturalist, but that's my humble opinion. Find the right condoms that are lubricated and ditch the Pill!!
    The pill did not decrease my sex drive (and if it did, it's probably a good thing I was on it!).

    People in long-term, monogamous relationships sometimes don't like using condoms, but still do not want to get pregnant. The pill did nothing to harm my health in any way. In fact, the pill has been proven to decrease one's chances of contracting ovarian cancer, one of the most difficult cancers to detect and one of the most deadly there is. It lightened and shortened my incredibly long, heavy, uncomfortable and somewhat debilitating periods, too.

    That may be your humble opinion, but this is my actual and real experience.

    Obviously, different women react differently, but the pill is no better or worse than any other medication out there and is extremely helpful to some people.
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I have had Mirena for 4 years and I love it! I have lost 60pds while being on it! I think if you eat right and exercise it really dont matter what kind you take!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have had Mirena for 4 years and I love it! I have lost 60pds while being on it! I think if you eat right and exercise it really dont matter what kind you take!
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    You can't compare anyone's experiences with birth control and expect to have the same results as anyone.

    I had the Mirena for over a year. Started here at the same time, still lost weight. BUT My periods were insane, 2 weeks long, every 2 weeks, and very heavy. We're finished having children, so I went in and just had an ablation done, had the IUD removed and had an attempted tubal (Doctor's should not explain what happened in the OR while you are waking up and being pumped with pain meds! - going for a follow up next week)

    It's too soon to tell what happened with my period, but aside from pregnancies, this is my first time since 15 years old that I'm away from the added hormones. Yay!