Hello MFP! I will confess I have been eating for the last week so much that I gained the 8lbs I had lost:(..I have not exercised, I have no will power! I'm just a hot mess! I have to get back on track, but I just don't know how!:( I'm just jealous of all yall that can stick to this life changing eating habits! I can't, I truly need help!


  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    The fact that your still here posting and asking for help means you haven't failed! Chin up, you can do it! We've all had weeks like that:flowerforyou:
  • nwestlin
    Don't give up! It happens to us all at one time or another. But your "falling of the wagon" is just a minor setback. You can always get back in the saddle and come back harder and stronger than before!

    If you are really struggling I suggest perhaps contacting a nutritionist and/or a personal trainer to keep you motivated and on track. I know it can be pricey, but being healthy is an investment in your future.

    Take care my friend =)
  • pattysw17
    Hi! Don't be too down...Each day is a new day...start back up tomorrow...ALLLLLL of us fall back sometimes. Find comfort in knowing that you are not alone! You lost those 8 pounds not too long agao...you can do it again. Just re-commit to your goals...and keep us posted mmonica! :heart:
  • skinnygirlfreed
    Tomorrow is a new day, girl. Anytime you have "fallen off the wagon," jump back on immediately the next day! :)

    Don't beat yourself up....weight can fluctuate - especially in women. Just move forward. If you find yourself over-indulging in one meal - make a point to fix it at the next meal if you can. Just keep making conscious efforts to make healthy choices. You'll get there!

    Oh - and exercise, exercise, exercise! You can sometimes undo a meal by just working it off! :)
  • nanger1
    I am someone who has been in your position many times. How do people do it, how do they stick to the diet, the exercise? Certainly they must have more willpower than I. Well, I hate to tell you, that is not the case. They struggle too, they just don't let one bad day or one bad week keep them down. The thing is YOU need to be ready to do this. YOU have to be able to look at those fries (or whatever) and say ya know, it's just not worth it. Or look at the pizza and say nope, I'll have grilled chicken instead. It's a mind set. And until you are ready, it's just not going to happen. And when you are ready, you have to realize, NO ONE is perfect. We all eat something we wish we didn't or sleep past the time we need to get up to exercise. The thing is to let it go and tomorrow is a new day. Good luck to you. When you are ready, trust me it will happen.
  • numberscolors
    hey, you're still on here posting and reaching out for help instead of sitting around, feeling ashamed and spiraling out of control! that is a huge success. seize the moment: plan a healthy, low cal dinner and take a leisurely walk just to get yourself moving again. you will lose the weight again (and then some!). :flowerforyou:
  • 2blueeyes
    We've all been there. I am stuck at 6 pounds. I gained 3 back but finally lost them again. We all have different circumstances. If I was single I would be at my prebaby weight (about 40 lbs ago), which I can no longer use as an excuse since my girls are 9/12 now. So much running them around and my darn husband can eat whatever he wants and never changes - damn him!! LOL. Not a very good pep talk huh!! Well, I am just here to say that it can be done BUT only you have to want it. Don't do it for anyone else. Don't set a timeframe for yourself and no one is perfect, we all slip up. I had a brownie with my kids after lunch because they baked them themselves. I never log on the weekend, just too busy. If notihng else, drink 100 oz of water every day and you will be amazed how quickly you'll loose the weight. Good Luck!!
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    Everybody falls out............ ME TOO!!!! CRAP! :sad: :noway:

    I get really bummed out, then snap out of it. It's OK! :flowerforyou:
    We just get going again and again and again....... :laugh:

    It may help to have someone else to be accountable with:
    personal trainer ~ nutritionist ~ workout buddy ~ partner ??

    Best of luck to you! Hang in there baby!!! :love: :flowerforyou:
  • JakeNonne
    JakeNonne Posts: 74 Member
    Don't get too upset. I find it hard to believe that you gained 8 pounds of fat in a week. I had a 4 pound weight spike last week then I was back to normal a couple of days later. I suspect that I had a lot of salt over the weekend and I was retaining water.

    The good news is that you can get back on track now and start making progress towards your goals.
  • runner915
    Sometimes I find that when I have really tough workouts planned, I have this all or nothing attitude. Like if I don't run for an hour, it isnt worth doing anything. And that is completely not true! On days when you feel like you are just too tired or too stressed to do your full workout go for a 20 minute walk, and who knows after 20 minutes you might feel better and feel like you can do another 20. I've learned that a little exercise is always better than no exercise at all! Also, when I do exercise for the day it makes me want to eat healthier for the rest of the day, while on my lazy non-workout days I tend to think "Oh I already blew it today so whats the big deal if I eat a bunch of junk" So jus try to get out and do a 20 minute workout everyday! It will help you feel better and I think its better to consistenly do smaller workouts than go a week with really hard workouts and then not doing anything the next week,
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    Probably most everyone on MFP could have written that post. Make up your mind that you slipped up, but are ready to get back on track. It's the ONLY way to succeed in the long run; that is, never giving up!:flowerforyou:
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I gained 5 pounds last weekend without even doing tooo badly. It's not all fat. I tried my best to have a good week, but really only had a so-so week. It's come off. But I'm still nibbling more than I should. We both just have to remember that a down week is not a DONE week. We are not done. We have a new day tomorrow, and the rest of this day to do better. Every time I do better (not even great) that's 100% better than I used to be eating. So It's still progress.
  • Disciplined74
    Disciplined74 Posts: 298 Member
    Sounds like you are right on track. lol

    I bet if you ask any one of us, how many set backs we've had they may equal or out number our successes.

    You're body is throwing a temper tantrum right now becuase you are wanting it to change. Don't let it get to you.

    If you are craving chocolate, have a bit and put it down. It will satisfy the craving and in a few minutes your body will be ok. I'll tell you what I did and it may not work for you but - if I'm craving something I have 100 calories of if. There was a day that I was craving one of those 1000 calorie sandwiches from a national restuarant. I got one and in the drive thru I seriously cut it into 10 slices. I ate one and made myself wait one hour before I ate anything else. If I wanted another slice of it then I did. It helped me to get the rough time and I got back on track much more quickly.

    I also set MFP as my homepage so that it opens every time i turn the computer on. That way it helps me to remember to log any food I've eaten since I was last online.

    Hang in there. Baby steps. You will get there.

    If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.
  • k8ieP
    k8ieP Posts: 54
    Starting out is the hardest. Once you continue to diet and exercise for two or three weeks it becomes a natural habit. As everyone else has said we all have weeks of setbacks like that. Just use it as motivation to pick it up again and take it seriously this time. You have to make the choice for your health everyday (even though it may not happen sometimes) :flowerforyou:

    You CAN do it!! Get up each day and tell yourself that. One day at a time you will get there:bigsmile:
  • crissi66
    Dont be negative. we all go through our ups and downs. You need to dig deep and remind yourself that you are worth taking a few extra mins to look at the labels on things and making some you time to get to the gym or excercise anywhere you can. We have all been there. Do it for you!!
  • mmonica
    mmonica Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you all for your support!
    I feel so much better, I can do this
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Put the past behind you and start over again...I still don't eat super healthy but I started out at drinking a ton of soda no vegetables maybe one fruit every week or so, alot of pizza and fast food....By slowly making changes, I have added at least one vegetable a day to my diet, but out fast food except when I'm at work (I work in fast food) and no longer drink sodas...I slowly started to add something healthy once I got used to one thing...LIke I stopped drinking soda and only drank water, didn't worry about anything else...after about 3 weeks I realized I no longer craved soda, so I added a vegetable for me it makes it easier.
  • christan04
    Give me 5 days and I'll be screaming the same thing. I have decided to avoid the main table at Thanksgiving and just eat pie. ;-) It'll be ok, we all have weeks like that. FORGIVE YOURSELF and move on.
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    We all have ups and downs. It isn't something that happens over night. It actually takes 6 weeks to break a bad habit. (heard that on Dr. Oz show). I eat what I want but in smaller quantities so I don't feel deprived. You can do it just start again. That's the nice thing. You can restart Anytime you want.
  • crystalroy
    crystalroy Posts: 84 Member
    Hello MFP! I will confess I have been eating for the last week so much that I gained the 8lbs I had lost:(..I have not exercised, I have no will power! I'm just a hot mess! I have to get back on track, but I just don't know how!:( I'm just jealous of all yall that can stick to this life changing eating habits! I can't, I truly need help!