What happened to my motivation?

Really - I am wondering where it went. I used to be a workout fanatic. A daily session of cardio and weight training was normal and routine. I'd feel guilty if I missed it. Now, I am too tired and have little time to spare for working out. I am trying to fit 45 minutes to an hour in at night time when my kids are in bed but it so difficult. Between getting up early for my fulltime job, household chores and kids, I am ready to pass out by 10 or 11 PM - when I actually have my first free moment to myself. And sometimes I just want to veg by reading or playing on the computer or writing (my other passion besides my family).

I used to be up every morning at 5 AM for a 2-hour workout session. I can still remember the feeling of exhiliration I had after completing it and having energy for the rest of the day. Or course, that was before kids and when I was living at home only working parttime and going to school. Now getting up at 5 is just early enough to get ready work. I really want to be able to capture that exhilirated feeling again. What can I do to bring that motivation back?


  • dinosgirl
    dinosgirl Posts: 157 Member
    Really - I am wondering where it went. I used to be a workout fanatic. A daily session of cardio and weight training was normal and routine. I'd feel guilty if I missed it. Now, I am too tired and have little time to spare for working out. I am trying to fit 45 minutes to an hour in at night time when my kids are in bed but it so difficult. Between getting up early for my fulltime job, household chores and kids, I am ready to pass out by 10 or 11 PM - when I actually have my first free moment to myself. And sometimes I just want to veg by reading or playing on the computer or writing (my other passion besides my family).

    I used to be up every morning at 5 AM for a 2-hour workout session. I can still remember the feeling of exhiliration I had after completing it and having energy for the rest of the day. Or course, that was before kids and when I was living at home only working parttime and going to school. Now getting up at 5 is just early enough to get ready work. I really want to be able to capture that exhilirated feeling again. What can I do to bring that motivation back?
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Sometimes you really do need a break. How many days a week do you work out, and when was the last time you took a break? I take a week off every 3-4 months. When I get back to the gym, my lifts have always increased and I can barely wait to start moving again. I'm never that excited about cardio hehe but I am past the point where I need to be excited. Sometimes you also have to just do it, even if it's not as 'fun'. It's still beneficial, like eating brussel sprouts :tongue:
    If you haven't taken time of in a while, definitely do that. It doesn't have to be a week, four days is helpful too. Eat maintenance calories, don't lift or do intense cardio. You can still go for a walk and have some active rest if you like.
  • dinosgirl
    dinosgirl Posts: 157 Member
    Thanks songbyrdsweet. :smile: My problem right now is finding the motivation to workout at all. I maybe get in a workout 2-3 days a week. I am trying to aim for 5-6 days a week now going forward. But it is so hard. I need to find my old motivation but I don't know what happened to it. I don't have a problem doing the actual workout (I love sweating and intense cardio), my problem is getting up to do it instead of finding other, less active things to do.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Yea, I've had those days. I used to have two jobs and school full time, and getting in a workout seemed impossible! But I did 5 days a week because I planned out my entire schedule for the week, and then I didn't think about it. Once you start thinking "gosh, I'm tired...now I have to go to the gym...and do this and this and this...that's going to take a long time...maybe I could just go for a little walk instead of lifting and cardio..." That's where you lose it. Just plan your day hour by hour and stick to the schedule. :smile:
  • betterme
    betterme Posts: 54 Member
    As a mother who does not work full-time, but only a few hours a week from my home I have to say - you have a tremendous amount of stuff on you!! Please get off your own back!

    I don't think it is realistic to expect to be able to do the same amount you did before children + the added stress of working full-time. It's not humanely possible, you have so much more to do in your schedule now. I also workout when my kids are sleeping. I started working out in the middle of October. I started very small doing 10-15 minutes on my very cheap Walmart elliptical machine at home while I was watching TV. This was sort of like a treat, too, since I never felt like I had time to watch any TV before. This 10-15 minutes was hard for me at first, but I did it 6 days a week. Anyway, I've worked up to doing 30 minutes a day 6 times a week and now that 30 minutes is getting too easy, so I'll probably have to add a little more at this point. Now I also vary the elliptical with some other things and I am just now adding weights in. I wouldn't be able to leave my house to do this. I think when you're trying to get in shape when you're a mom you have to keep it simple (like taking a walk with your kids if you're able or in some way getting it in at home while they're sleeping if that's not possible).

    Anyway, I didn't pay any attention to my diet until November 4th and since then I've lost 17 pounds. :happy: I am pretty sure when I weigh myself tomorrow I'll find out it's 19 now. I have been pretty steadily losing 2 pounds a week.

    My heart goes out to you. If I had your schedule I would probably have to find a way to work less. But if that's not possible (or even if it is) I think you would benefit yourself more by starting very small and just getting the routine in, adding time as you are able. The routine is the foundation in my opinion, and 45 minutes to an hour just seems like a huge routine to undertake all at once.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Sometimes we just hit a wall, and with work, kids and a house to take care of sometimes the wall is pretty big. I know exactly how you feel and when I loose my motivation I try to remember how good I feel after I work out, and how proud I am of myself for making time for me and sometimes it is only 1-2 days of getting to the gym or rollerblading while my kids play outside but eventually it gets kicked back into full gear.

    If I am feeling overwhelmed with the kids and their activities, keeping up with work and house I do take a break, get the house cleaned up and back in order, get the calendar planned for the month and I just have to add the exercise to the calendar. You have to make time for yourself, a happy mom makes a happy home!
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    I used to have that problem, then I figured out that I was board with my same old same old.
    "You mean I have to run 30 min on the treadmill yet again??!!??" ICK!
    then I discovered if I shook things up a bit. If I did things that where more fun, If I tried something new here and there that my motivation came back.
    I have heard people reach a weight loss goal and then stop all together. Gain all of the weight back and wonder what happened. Opps ME AGAIN!
    Try to find an activity that is fun and new for you.
    Take a dance class, Learn how to surf,
    Go take a hike in a park that you have always wanted to go to but never found the time before.
    Ride a bike, swim, etc.
    Also refreashing goals helps too, If your same goal is no longer motivational for you find something new that is.
  • dinosgirl
    dinosgirl Posts: 157 Member
    Thank you all so much. And I know you other mothers really know the difficulties I struggle with. You're ideas are really psyching me up for my workout tonight. :heart:

    It is impossible for me to get to the gym so I plan on keeping it at home. I have a vast collection of workout videos/DVDs and several sets of dumbells varying in weight from 2 pounds to 10 pounds.

    I should start adding working out to my calendar. And keep it like it is an appointment I have. And as you suggested betterme, I should try and break it down into smaller chunks of workout time. Starting with 20-30 minutes and work my way up.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I read that "researchers' have discovered that 2-3 short workouts give you just as much a punch as one long one, maybe even better because your energy level is even the whole time!

    I find that I feel better even doing some sit ups and push ups during commercials after the kids have gone to bed, at least I have done something for the day!