When you binge, what's for dinner?

So it's 1:37 pm right now, around lunchtime. I haven't binged in a while, but I had two containers of Girl Scout Cookies a bit too close and well, one csn only have so much self control. Needless to say, I just ate more calories in one sitting than I should have for an entire day (and I already ate today, so oops). I had 26 cookies (13 caramel delites and 13 peanut butter patties... aka, the "new" samoas and tagalongs for those not aware of the recent change), which was 1,690 calories... oddly not as much as I would have thought, especially with how sick I feel now xD My maintenance is set for 1,600 calories, and I'm already 642 over for the day. When this happens, what do you guys usually do for dinner? Eat it or skip it? I feel like I should eat some protein, but about how many calories should I save for that? I haven't done this in so long.... normally I'd be ashamed, but it's girl scout cookies >.> You can't do this too often!


  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    GS cookie season is short and sweet. Log the cookies, eat a sensible dinner, and start again tomorrow.
  • clszewczyk
    clszewczyk Posts: 19 Member
    Personally I think If you have moment and go crazy on the cookies... Don't deprive yourself of the healthy things you were going to have for dinner. Tomorrow is a new day!
  • fat2skinny50
    fat2skinny50 Posts: 104 Member
    I would eat a health dinner and start fresh tomorrow
  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    I appreciate all of your comments! However, I didn't really have anything "fancy" planned yet... and I doubt I'll be too hungry five hours from now >.>
    I was thinking of just having one teriyaki chicken breast fillet, which is about 180 calories... do you guys think that will be enough?
    I don't want to "starve" my body afterwards, but I also don't want to stuff myself even more than necessary, either.
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    I appreciate all of your comments! However, I didn't really have anything "fancy" planned yet... and I doubt I'll be too hungry five hours from now >.>
    I was thinking of just having one teriyaki chicken breast fillet, which is about 180 calories... do you guys think that will be enough?
    I don't want to "starve" my body afterwards, but I also don't want to stuff myself even more than necessary, either.

    Eat like you normally would. Protein, carbs, and veggies. Give your body some more nutritionally balanced fuel to consume in addition to the cookies.
  • llabruce4
    llabruce4 Posts: 41 Member
    just eat more of the peanut butter girl scout cookies, they have protein ;)
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    Antonio's Pizza - Sicillian Square!


    I don't think that I'd kill for it, but it's for the best that I never test that hypothesis...
  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 159 Member
    Have a salad with fat free dressing and no cheese.
  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    EddieHaskell9, that looks delicious. I'd probably drive out to get some if it weren't for my stomach screaming for me not to hurt it anymore xD
    and llabruce4, that is mighty tempting, I must admit ;) But I only have two left, and I'm trying REAL hard to save one for my brother and one for my dad! It's hard D:
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    I appreciate all of your comments! However, I didn't really have anything "fancy" planned yet... and I doubt I'll be too hungry five hours from now >.>
    I was thinking of just having one teriyaki chicken breast fillet, which is about 180 calories... do you guys think that will be enough?
    I don't want to "starve" my body afterwards, but I also don't want to stuff myself even more than necessary, either.

    This sounds like a good approach. Tomorrow's a brand new day.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    The double cheeseburger is my albatross. Upside, I can make them with under 700 calories.
  • plankaddict
    I'd go for the chicken fillet and vegetables. If you have bingeing moments, you don't want to deprive your body of the other nutrients, it might give you the feeling of hunger in 6/7 hours. Everytime I tried skipping a meat after bingeing, it went worse than expected and beinged my way to the following morning. But hey, that's me. Maybe you are different :)
    Tomorrow is a fresh start.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    The old me would say, "What the hell, I have screwed up today already so I may as well eat as much as I can and enjoy a FREEEEE DAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!" The new me says, "Log it, eat something light for dinner ( salad, baked fish and veggies, chicken breast and veggies) and drink a few extra glasses of water. You will get back on it tomorrow and you will be just fine!!!! Damn those little girl scouts for their yummy delicious concoctions!!!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Nothing if I'm not hungry (which often happens if I really go over, lol).

    Otherwise, grilled chicken and veggies. It's what I had last night... 3oz of grilled chicken and 85g of veggies, 150 calories total. It's not much food though.
  • PopeyeCT
    PopeyeCT Posts: 249 Member
    Thin mints have always been the most dangerous for me. I could eat an entire box without working up a sweat. Luckily, the Girl Scouts don't sell door to door anymore. They used to show up with a wagon full of cookies and I'd tell myself it was for a good cause.
  • xxofnir1xx
    xxofnir1xx Posts: 19 Member
    The old me would say, "What the hell, I have screwed up today already so I may as well eat as much as I can and enjoy a FREEEEE DAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!" The new me says, "Log it, eat something light for dinner ( salad, baked fish and veggies, chicken breast and veggies) and drink a few extra glasses of water. You will get back on it tomorrow and you will be just fine!!!! Damn those little girl scouts for their yummy delicious concoctions!!!

    Chhhhheeeeeaaaattttt day!!! :blushing:
  • twhaley1990
    twhaley1990 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm only tempted to binge when I go out. But because of that, I always plan my day around it. I'll eat oatmeal or an egg white omelet with onions, tomatoes, avocado, and spinach for breakfast and a salad for lunch. And drink water like it's my job. My stomach can't handle binges like it used to, so I go pretty fiber heavy.

    Generally, my binge is pizza, with a wonderfully fat crust, but lately when I go out I'm drooling over a picture of some type of seafood pasta with a creamy sauce. That'll probably be my next binge.
  • Cruxthemystic
    Cruxthemystic Posts: 149 Member
    PIZZA!!!! We usually have this on a Saturday for a late lunch. Then I'll eat light for dinner.
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    if it was me id try and get some exercise in and have either salad or soup for dinner, im to greedy to go hungry for the sake of cals lol
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Balance out that carb/fat overload with a dinner of lean protein and non starchy vegetables. Drink a lot of water. Go for as many mini walks and maybe do a Zumba class or DVD if the weather isn't allowing walks in your part of the world today.

    Wake up the next morning already starting out better from the good things you did last evening.