Do you have to be a gym member?

Flawlessk Posts: 68
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
My question is

Do you think that you lose weight more effectively when you are a gym member?

Or do you think that you can do it just as well at home?

Thanks in advance xx


  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    i think it depends on how you operate. there are some great dvd's out there - my favorites are power 90, p90x and jillian michael's 30 day shred. i've found them to be very effective. my problem is that after doing the same program for awhlie, i get bored. so i joined a gym to take classes, and it really keeps me motivated because every class is different, and working out with a big group of people really encourages me too. so for me...working out at home is effective so long as i actually do it - i'm more likely to find success at the gym, but not because the home stuff doesn't work - just because the boredom factor. hope this helps!
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    You can lose weight by just dieting. However, you will have a completely different body composition than someone who goes to the gym regularly and lifts weights to build muscle on top of the diet.
  • It doesnt matter where you are doing it, as long as you are doing it. A gym to me just gives you more options, but if you have equipment at home you can get the same results. I workout at home!!
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    I work a job where I can't attend a gym regularly, so I don't waste my money. I have some DVD's, an elliptical machine at home, a Wii with some fitness games and I walk/run when I can. I have managed to lose 48 pounds since April 24th by doing this, and eating right, all without attending a gym.

    However, everyone is different and if you are someone who always finds excuses not to work out at home, the structure of a gym may be for you. I am motivated to do this and I find home workouts suit my lifestyle much better. :smile:
  • I feel better about myself since I joined the gym..Its like I worked on two different things, the way my body looks and how I eat...good luck!!
  • chacaruso
    chacaruso Posts: 261 Member
    You can definitely lose weight by working out at home. No question about it. If you do the work, you'll lose the weight. It's as simple as that.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I cannot ever picture myself stepping foot into a gym ever again unless it's for some super fun class like Zumba or something. I workout at home every single day and LOVE it. Of course this is just me, I have been doing it this way for over a year.

    edited to add: I lift weights at home, use bands, have an elliptical and use a variety of DVD's including P90X, Insanity & Jillian.
    You just have to do the work to get the results!
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    My most effective weight loss came from trekking around the mountains near my home. I love to go hiking, and I made it a point to go as many times during the week as I possibly could. I lost most of my weight (30 pounds) just hiking. Since then I've picked up some fitness DVDs because the weather has turned cold. I've still got a bit to loose, but I"m focusing more on building muscle than just strait weight loss so my weight has been staying relatively stable, but where that weight is distributed is changing. There's more muscle in my legs and chest and less fat around the middle. Last month was good for an inch and a quarter of fat lost doing Jillian's 30 Day Shred and since the 15th I started the Insanity program. Speaking of which, I need to do today's routine.

    I've done better outside the gym than I ever did in it and haven't spent the money on a membership that I never use like I have in the past. That's my perspective.
  • VCStarr
    VCStarr Posts: 155
    I am a gym member but the hours I am able to get there (they don't offer child care) are after dinner which is also my time to relax. So I end up doing most of my stuff at home. I am lucky enough to have things that help like a treadmill, a step, exercise bands, Wii, and Kinect. But even without that there is walking, sit ups, push up, basic things, exercise channels on tv, exercise dvds. Today our family went on a 5 hour hike up a mountain. There are things you can do from home. So you don't have to be a gym member. The benefit to the gym is the lack of distractions. There are no dishes or laundry or vacuuming to do at the gym, no kids calling you, no computer to sit it all depends on you really. Where do you work best?
  • So far I own no workout equipment and I am losing weight. I don't have a gym membership but I am considering it.
    I eat whatever I want in moderation (but always staying under my calorie limit) and just go for walks in the morning and night. It's working so far!

    Try getting a trial membership to see if you like it. Can't hurt to check it out.
  • No, you don't have to be a gym member :) I exercised mainly at home (I've collected a lot of equipment over the past few years lol)
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    It has to do with you! Personally, I joined the gym because it had childcare and it was my 1 hour a day away from my son! :laugh:

    But now, I find that I feel more pressed to go to the gym because I go to the classes. I like that they have a start time and I will miss it if I am late. I also like that the same people tend to be there and there is someone telling me what to do when.

    With DVDs I am more likely to say, I dont want to get up or we have something else to do, or my husband brought home a movie, lets watch that instead.

    So, for me, the gym works best! If I would stay motivated and to a schedule, home I could have the same results!
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    You can out diet a bad exercise regime but you cant out exercise a bad diet regime

    (I know i spelt that wrong!)

    But if you do become a gym member (i noticed when i first started then caught on!) you will reward yourself with food for doing a good days work out, 'ahh i exercised for an hour, i can have this large chocolate bar!' but suppose that can go with dvd's if you do them too

    I love the classes and the social aspect, chatting away to random people between classes. I have a number of dvd's sitting about, but am always more motiviated to go to the gym.

    Alot of gyms have trial periods whether free or a reduced fee, it should be whatever suits you personally.

    No point doing exercise you dont like, do exercise you enjoy, you'll stick to it.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I can't motivate myself to do DVDs. I do them a couple times and find them monotonous I work out outside of the gym (running, walking, hiking, cycling etc...) on nice days and that never gets old EXCEPT that I live in Washington State and I'm not always commited to getting wet and cold (and risk pnuemonia) for the sake of exercise. I don't have any equipment at home (and no place to store it if I did) and am a BIG fan of weightlifting SOOOOO as you can see I built a fair case for myself to join the gym.

    I take away all of my excuses for going by prepacking my bag the night before and taking it with me to work. Instead of going straight home I go to the gym right after work. I've found great success there because I LOVE my gym, there is enough equipment to keep things fresh for my lifetime, the people there are awesome, they are open late during the week, I have access to classes (that I rarely attend) and a pool. It works for me.

    Like everyone else said though, it's all about personal preference. If you have access to equipment and enjoy DVDs more power to you. If you can't keep yourself motivated to do them at home consider a gym membership.

    :drinker: GOOD LUCK!
  • I can't get out to the gym so I don't bother with a membership. I just do the 30 Day Shred DVD 1-2 times a day during my kids' naptimes and I take them on walks/runs with my double BOB. It seems to be working well so far!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    My question is

    Do you think that you lose weight more effectively when you are a gym member?

    Or do you think that you can do it just as well at home?

    Thanks in advance xx

    I certainly do not believe that you have to have a membership somewhere to lose weight. You just have to have motivation, determination, and support whether that's from a gym or not.

    When I went from 191 pounds down to 128, I did it without a gym. I worked out at home and researched nutrition a lot.

    Now that I am much closer to my goal weight (I bounced back up a little and have 11 more pounds to go) I am actually wanting a gym membership just so I can go to group fitness classes because I like being in a group. I also am certified to teach, but I want to join some classes first to get a better idea of how to be when I apply to teach.

    But, all in all, you don't NEED a gym. Some people PREFER a gym, but you can get fit and trim without one.
  • Thanks everybody for your replies:bigsmile:

    I used to be a gym member and did pretty good. I was doing 2 hours of classes 4 times a week and swimming, but i got ill quite bad quite suddenly and couldn't get back into the routine. My weight rocketted from the illness, which is now resolved. I broke up with the guy i had a joint membership with and it was easier to stop the membership than to keep in contact with him.

    Now i have a new (6 month) relationship and Tom is currently living 4 hours away. He's going to be spending a bit of time here on and off until January and i find it hard to go to work all day and then leave him in the evening to go to the gym, considering we don't get a ton of time together right now.

    So...My Plan of Action
    Get up in the mornings and get on my dad's super dooper treadmill, workout on the wii, do some dvd's, etc
    We can walk the dog and whatever together

    Then i'll review the situation in January and if i feel like i need the "routine" more i might join the gym.

    Thanks again for the support :heart:
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