Rewarding Yourself...

I'm not sure what section this goes in so I guessed Motivation and Support because this is a motivation thing for me. I'm curious if anybody else rewards themselves with little goals in between the main goal to stay motivated?

Example; I intend to get a tattoo at my 50lbs mark (I have 110lbs total to lose).

So does anybody else splurge a little money to stay motivated? If so, what are your treats for goals? (: If not, then why not?


  • fitformidlife
    My treats are usually fitness-related. For example, when I can fit comfortably into my jeans again, I'm going to buy a new set of workout DVDs.

    Also, I don't know if you'd call it a treat, but I let myself have little guilt-free splurges every now and then. For example, I'm going out to a fancy brunch with friends this coming Sunday. That's acting as motivation to stay within my calorie and exercise goals this week so I can enjoy that day without thinking, "Uh oh, how is this going to look in my diary?!?!"
  • keykey48
    keykey48 Posts: 51 Member
    chinese foot massage!
  • FindingMyPerfection
    FindingMyPerfection Posts: 702 Member
    I would suggest making the tattoo your final reward because that last 60lbs will change the placement and shape of the tattoo.
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    My vice is perfume, so I told myself I wasn't allowed to buy any more until I was 15 lbs down, and then only samples.

    At 20 lbs down I was allowed to buy a bottle (ordered it yesterday!)

    In 10 more lbs I'll probably let myself have another bottle, since I'm pretty sure my final goal weight is going to be 130.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    shoes :)
  • Cyndesire
    Cyndesire Posts: 56 Member
    I am planning a few rewards after 53 lbs lost. I am getting all new work out clothes and running shoes. I am going to get a pedicure as well. Not something I normally do but will enjoy. 20 lbs to go. Woohoo!

    Oh and definitely agree on holding off on the tattoo. Your body will change a lot. Good luck.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    I had to get my blood work done every 3 months last year...seeing those numbers improve and getting everything into the green was reward enough for me. I only have to do blood work twice per year now and I'm down to two medications (which I will be on for the rest of my life due to hereditary factors).

    Honestly for me, the weight loss was just a really awesome side effect of correcting a whole lot of other bad **** going on. I did buy myself a new and very awesome bicycle in Sept after my 4th round of blood work over a 12 month period came back with everything being in the normal range with some numbers being optimal.
  • dixoncrew
    dixoncrew Posts: 186 Member
    I reward myself with new workout duds. I love getting new workout tees and tanks. Bottoms, not so much. I'm small on top and big on bottom so squeezing my ghetto booty in bottoms is rough ;)