Did the Dr. OZ 2 wk rapid weight loss& only lost 4lbs

I've never posted to MFP before. I'm frustrated and an EMOTIONAL EATER and right now I want to devour everything in my path. I just completed the Dr. Oz 2 wk rapid weight loss plan with two of my friends. We were all so pumped. One of my friends was doing it with a group of women at work as well as with us. Bottom line... friend A lost 4lbs in the first 5 days. I lost nothing. Friend B didn't weigh herself. Friend A and I weigh about the same, but with completely different body frames. Friend B is a lot thinner and was only looking to drop 10lbs. Friend A and I are looking for a 50lb weight loss in total. At the end of the two weeks, Friend A dropped 10lbs and friend B dropped 5. I was down 5.5 then gained 1.5 and don't know why.

I have a wicked sweet tooth and the Dr. Oz plan did help me to break that - a bit. I'm glad to be done with the Rice Protein Shake in the morning because I miss my egg whites. But, I want to continue with that a few days a week, to make sure I keep up with protein.

Bottom line... HELP!! PLEASE!!!
I'm 5'6ish, current weight 195.3. Highest weight 201lbs. Lowest weight 146 (on my wedding day- 20years ago.)
Mom of three teenage boys 19,16, 13. (they stress me to no end.)
Dr. told me my sugar was 99 or 100 and she didn't think that was so great.
I don't drink soda - diet soda - anymore.
I am trying to watch my carbs.
I LOVE fruit.
I like morning coffee
I like tea - black or green
I do not take any meds
I do take probiotic chewables daily (as a result of Dr. oz diet)
My private dr. told me to take Vit. B complex. I tend to forget.
I don't have a restful sleep.
I tend to be fatigued most of the day.
When I've logged my food on MFP, I consistently go over my 1200 limit. Usually due to snacking, which I'm doing right now as I type this (i'm munching on pretzel sticks).
I did pilates for the first time in Nov thru Dec and really enjoyed it, but it's VERY expensive.
Bought hubby (who is also 50lbs overweight and on blood pressure meds)a stationary bike for Christmas. I've been on it twice since then.
I have a gut. Somedays I look pregnant.
My thighs have developed so much cellulite, I'm embarrassed for ANYONE to see my legs.
My face is big and round.

UGH!!! Somebody help me.


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    First, stop listening to Dr. Oz.

    Second, read this link and all of the links in it for a decent starting point:

  • beekaki
    beekaki Posts: 12

    Just started a dieting recently. I have always been struggling with my weight ever since I was a child. I eat when I'm stressed
    or bored. I'm beating this habit by being conscious of it and making myself notice whenever I eat out of emotion. I truly believe the only secret is healthy eating habits and maintaining them.

    MFP is great because it makes you aware of your caloric intake and bad eating habits. Setting clear goals and
    striving to achieve them is the next step.

    Stress and little sleep are reasons why some people don't lose weight. But I tend to believe that one should not
    make any excuses. Instead of finding reasons why you might not be losing weight, you should try to focuse on solutions
    to your daily habits to change to lose weight ;)

    Having friends dieting with you is great for support. You make the mistake of comparing your weight loss with theirs. Don't.

    Keep track of your calories. Set short-term goals. Cut your bad eating habits. Stay motivated!...and I agree, stop listening to
    Dr. Oz...most of what he says is ludicrous and/or sentationalism.

  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Stop listening to Dr. Oz. If his crap worked he wouldn't need a new "diet" plan to sell every week.

    Log ALL your food - accurately - use a food scale for solids, measuring cups for liquids.
    No mindless munching - weigh out your serving of pretzels and put the bag away.

    1200 might be too low for you. Figure out your BMR and TDEE - eat more than your BMR and less than your TDEE. http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/