Weekly food preppers!

Hi y'all! I'm curious to know what food you guys prep to prepare you for the week and keep you on track! Or if there is already a thread about this please direct me to it.
I would like to start doing this and would like to know what foods keep well and what don't!


  • prbreyes
    prbreyes Posts: 2 Member

    I am in my 4th week of meal prepping and I love it and I am still learning. There are a few great you tube videos for meal prepping. I do not prep for breakfast since I have the time to toast an English Muffin and boil eggs. I think you may find that you have "favorite" meals that you prefer. Some of the items I prep:

    chicken salad
    tuna salad
    Beef vegetable soup (homemade)
    Grilled Chicken Salad

    *Dinner Protein:
    Chicken Fajitas with (brown rice, romaine lettuce leaf as wrap, fresh salsa, peppers)
    Chicken breast
    Steak & Shrimp
    Turkey breast
    Turkey meatloaf
    Fish you prefer

    *Dinner Sides
    Sweet Potatoes (I generally eat 1/2)
    Baked potato (I generally eat 1/2)
    brown rice
    Roasted Veggies (yellow squash, zucchini, green, red peppers, and onions)
    salad (place paper towel in container to absorb water to keep salad crisp)
    any veggies you prefer

    This link provides safe storage times: