Feel like a complete Newbie again - Help please!

So I was eating right and walking and exercising until 18 months ago. Then I had my son. I would think I would be in better shape now than when he was born - running after an 18 month old and weighing less than I have since I was married. But my muscles feel weak. Weaker than I can ever remember being. My legs tire easily, so does my back. I have a theory that my abs are completely shot and so I would like to start there and hope that brings some relief to my back and in turn, my legs. But I'm scared to just start a routine. Can anyone recommend a good ab routine for beginners? I don't want to discover I can't complete good form in something like Jillian's ripped in 30 or something like that. Would that chart to build up to a 5 minute plank (starts with 30second or something like that) be a good thing to try?


  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Anything to get you moving
  • MrsAustin1480
    MrsAustin1480 Posts: 83 Member
    I like Pilates personally, it's nice and slow and concentrates on breathing and your core. I started about 3 weeks after my daughter was born (when I weighed 220 and had juuuust given birth). There were plenty of modifications for out of shape people like myself and I have worked up to being able to do *almost* any Pilates videos I come across. Just get started and do your best! YouTube has plenty of options for low impact exercises. Just search "beginner" or "low impact" and you're sure to find something you can do. :-) good luck!
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Muscle memory... if you engrained good habits subconsciously before the ramp up time to get back in the same condition will be easier than the first time around.

    I ride a bike maybe 4 times a year and the first ride I always look like an idiot. The next rides get easier and easier.
  • yogagirl100
    yogagirl100 Posts: 18 Member
    Pilates and yoga is a really nice way to ease into moving around a lot more because there are a lot of low-intensity things with them you can try. If you just go on youtube and type in something like 'beginners yoga' or something there should be a lot there.

    For youtube fitness channels in general I would reccomend 'yoga with Adrienne' and 'blogilates' :) Hope this was helpful.

    Also, the little things that you do can make a difference, like parking your car a little further to your destination and walking. Or taking the stairs.