No alcohol= Bloating?

I was a hardcore drinker (at home writer, nothing better to do), but decided on a reprieve three days ago. I decided to check how much I was consuming (while drinking) and my caloric intake was about 2500. I stopped and my intake has been around 1000. Yet, I feel extremely bloated and my clothes, in three days, are noticeably tighter. I've been drinking a lot more water and tea and exercising (20 minutes) but that shouldn't make me bloat, right?

Any input would be great :-/


  • 000Linda000
    000Linda000 Posts: 50 Member
    Umm... no...

    But you might be bloated because you started exercising. You're body will store more carbs and water in and around your muscles to keep up with the extra demand. Also, this increase will put pressure on some of your systems (digestive... intestines...) which might be what is causing the bloated feeling.

    Keep it up! You'll see results soon!