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nuttybuttersmommy Posts: 77 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I have not counted my calories for a really long time. And when I was counting I was doing slimfast as well... I honestly do not want to be over weight any more. I just have not been able to find the motivation that I am needing to restart counting my calories. Words of advice is greatly appreciated.


  • Michelle_J
    Michelle_J Posts: 362 Member
    You came to the right place. So many success stories here and everyone is awesome, encouraging when you've had a bad day, cheering you on when you're doing good. I feel the same as you. I don't want to be overweight any longer. I hate the way I look in pictures and it's pretty sad that most of the pictures taken in the last 2 years of me and my family will never be seen by anyone or have been deleted from my camera bc I hate the way I look. After I went to the dr to have my thyroid checked (bc I had tried and tried to lose and just KNEW my thyroid was the reason I wasn't losing weight) and it was fine, I realized that I needed to do something and stick to it. I've started so many diets, usually on Sunday bc it's the beginning of a new week, meanwhile pigging out on Saturday bc I was starting another diet the next day. I'd do good a couple of days then a co-worker would say "let's go eat Thai" and I had no will power or self control and would go. I work from home now and have no excuse to not eat healthy. I am home to make my bfast, lunch and dinner. I had to realize that I am responsible for my weight loss. Not my thyroid. Not genes. I'm responsible. You can do this. If you get discouraged, having a bad day, let us know. We'll do our best to cheer you up and let you know that tomorrow is a new day.......=] Make sure to log in every day. MFP keeps track and lets us know when you haven't logged in =]. Log all of your food, even if you go over your calorie count. I have to be honest with myself to be accountable........
  • Amyliscious
    Amyliscious Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! To be honest, I think counting calories is a boring task, but it is basically essential to help you get back on track.
    I think that this site is really good, in that it has a program where you can basically just enter the foods you eat and it calculates everything for you. That's much easier than writing down every single number of calories for what you eat and adding it all up at the end of the day (which I think is what the boring bit was, however I AM a bit slack at entering the foods I eat into here!)

    Good luck! Consistency is key and you'll be rewarded for your hard work if you keep it up and stick with it all :)
  • Don't think this as a diet, this should be a lifestyle change. Because if you think of it as a diet, then you will most likely to gain the weight back. You have to first promise yourself that you will keep this lifestyle, or at least try. It takes time to change your eating habits or any kind of habit at that matter. You have to take it day by day. I am on the same boat as you, the past year I have been going through a lot of changes in my life and it's been very depressing & a difficult year. Recently I tried to put on my skinny jeans and they couldn't go above my thighs... And then after that day I said that's it I need to change my lifestyle. I am so happy to find this App. on my iPhone I have been recording EVERYTHING I eat even if I go above my caloric intake. It helps me see what I am doing right or wrong. Most people need to change is the way they eat. It's hard I know... like I said, it takes time. We tend to eat when we are sad, bored, excited... YOU HAVE TO TRY TO LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! Cut your portion size and eat 3 good size meals, and 3 snacks. Also try to replace the foods you eat now with more healthier choices, instead of getting fries get a side of vegetables, and for a snack instead of chips, candy or soda choose rice cakes, pretzels, handful of nut, water! Try to get some kind of exercise, if you hate going to the gym try to go for a walk outside for at least 30mins or find a class to take. Don't expect to lose 30lbs in a month. Also set small weight lose goals for yourself. If you have an old pair of jeans or whatever that don't fit, hang it up on your closet door and every day look at them, maybe that could help! Or just remind yourself you want to do this for your health. It will be hard and it might take a while but you can do this. I hope this helps!:smile:
  • vbhoj74
    vbhoj74 Posts: 122 Member
    Hey, small advice, add all of us up, and we would wanna see and learn from your diary, so u better write one for us!
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