Les Mills Combat

Hello friends. I just ordered Les Mills Combat and am starting the 60 day calendar on Monday the 6th. I would love to have some MFP friends who are also doing it (doesn't matter where you are in the calendar) or have done it or would like to do it, that I can converse with.

I would love any advice or feedback that you can offer. Good luck in your journey and lets start this New Year off right.

Thanks Jenn


  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    I've never followed the calendar...too many other things I'm involved in, but Combat is my favorite series by far. Good luck with it!
  • naterar
    naterar Posts: 48 Member
    I am going to start it on the 8th, I have been doing the workouts over the last few weeks to get used to them. I am going to follow the calendar and I am doing Warrior. If interested we have a group started on FB if you want to join, https://www.facebook.com/groups/181363742071416/ . So far I love the workout and in two weeks I have already seen results so I am excited.
  • kinzieplatt
    kinzieplatt Posts: 81 Member
    I LOVED COMBAT!! good luck guys! :)
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    I LOVE Combat! I've done it twice in the last year (currently doing it while preggers)!

    Feel free to friend me!
  • JennArlen
    JennArlen Posts: 32 Member
    I ordered it yesterday and plan to start, and follow the calender as soon as it arrives!!
  • NextPage
    NextPage Posts: 609 Member
    I do this class at Goodlife - lots of hard work and fun! Bonus - All that kicking and punching is a good stress release at the end of hard day.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    As far as a great workout, combined with being a lot of fun to do, Les Mills Combat is right up there.
    The fast paced moves and plyometric style of some of the moves really get my heartrate up, but doing the martial arts style kicks and punches keeps me upbeat and entertained.
  • happilyeveractive
    happilyeveractive Posts: 167 Member
    I love Les Mills Combat. It is even better than I expected and while I'm experimenting it right now, it is addicting and highly motivating. I take an amazing Strike Kick class at my gym, but it is only offered once a week. I have been looking for something similar to do at home and Les Mills is totally that. I love the music, the instructors are great and you work up quite a sweat. I would describe it as: an energetic program that draws from many areas of mixed martial arts like karate, boxing, taekwondo, tai chi and muay thai. If you are interested in doing a challenge group or getting more feedback, you can follow my fitness group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hulkupbulkup/
    JENNTF Posts: 78 Member
    so how are you liking Les Mills Combat? I have really enjoyed the first week.
  • kellihigdon
    kellihigdon Posts: 2 Member
    I started on the 7th of January.. I've done Turbo Fire, Turbo Jam, Insanity, ChaLean Extreme, and casually done Les Mills Pump, Brazil Butt Lift, Rev Abs, pretty much any and all Beachbody Program LOL By far, Combat is my FAVORITE! I love it and am seeing awesome results already! I am 5'7" and 175lbs.. Started at 214 last March and have just been eating better and doing Beachbody programs! Would love to hear of your progress so far also! I still have a good 15lbs ( or a couple dress sizes) before I will be content so I plan on doing another round of Combat after i complete this round!
  • charliefocus
    charliefocus Posts: 36 Member
    Hi ! i have done the Combat DVD a few times - and was wondering if you guys use the gloves and where you got them? i feel i would like weighted gloves with them - but amazon has mixed reviews

    do you guys use gloves for the workouts?



    31yo 5'8 start 180 goal 150 lbs

    friend me if you want to ! im 20 days in and committed.
  • maisita509
    maisita509 Posts: 6 Member
    I've been doing Combat since January 1 (yup, New Year's Day, new program :) I do it with my wrist weights. It's a good alternative to the gloves, I feel, because your hands don't get sweaty, and you can get lighter or heavier wrist weights depending on where you are in the program! I can't imagine doing the program without my wrist weights - it just doesn't feel the same. So yes, definitely get weights or gloves, something to give yourself that extra power.
    JENNTF Posts: 78 Member
    I got the Les Mills Gloves when I ordered the program. I love them and can't imagine doing the workout with out them. When I put on those MMA gloves I feel empowered, which is an amazing feeling.

    I definitely recommend the gloves. You can order them directly thru Beachbody.