
I was wondering if anyone knows how our bodies go after a big night of drinking! I stay under my calorie count easily- UNLESS I drink! Every day I've gone over has been a night on the alcohol- that's to be expected though.

But my question is, the day after drinking, I get so hungry! Do we use a lot more calories the day after drinking as our bodies metabolize the poisoning from the night before?

I really do hope so :P


  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Bump for advice, sorry I have none to give but drink maybe twice a month and would like to know!
  • HADAWAY8178
    HADAWAY8178 Posts: 8 Member
    I feel the same way, A lot of times I actually make breakfast when we get home from the bar regardless if or how much I've drank. My theory is that because my body wants to sleep and is exhausted and wants energy my brain mistakes it for hunger. I've found that if I make pancakes and eggs for everyone I can eat a medium sized pancake (no syrup) and an egg (200 calories) go to bed (yeah I know terrible) but when I wake up I'm not craving food like I would if i'd just gone to bed and since I sleep in I just eat a piece of fruit to tide me over till lunch.
  • LTKeegan
    LTKeegan Posts: 354 Member
    My *guess* is that alcohol = sugar (after its metabolized) and your body sees sugar as a reward and so it wants more, so it makes you think you're hungry to get more sugars. Which *again, guessing* is probably why when you feed it protein (eggs) your not hungry anymore, because your body isn't getting any more sugar, it tells you never mind, not hungry.
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    When I go over, its usually from a good PARTY! haha

    But alot of the time, I try to make wiser alcohol choices (I think thats an oxymoron? LOL)

    So either low cal drinks (Alive Coolers have 80 cals each!)
    Skinny girl drinks are lower than some other types or alcohol, or I do rum and diet coke as to not add more cals with regular coke!

    The next day, I usually try to compensate for the damage Ive done and get right back on track! haha
  • sarahcyr3
    sarahcyr3 Posts: 28 Member
    I usually include the drinking and the day after drinking, which for me always includes mcdonalds^^ and I treat them like a normal binge. everyone has binges once and a while the key is to rehydrate and get back on track. Don't hate yourself. It's only human to want to party hard and make up for it with greasy bacon. I however have been having far too many party weekends so I hope to limit it to one in February. we will see how it goes with my b-day and the 1955 burger being back :P