Question about lowering body fat %

I've lost just over 50lbs in total and now weigh 163lbs and I am 5ft 11, 27 years old.

I recently went to see a trainer at the gym to set up a programme to help me 'tone up' and he suggested working out my body fat % using one of those scales with the handles you pull up (don't know there name i'm afraid). The results came back that my % was 33% - which i won't lie, did shock me that a third of me was just fat!

So the aim now is reduce my body fat % and increase my lean mass.

I'm eating about 1400 calories a day (and eat 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat) and work out maybe 5 times a week with strength training and interval cardio (as suggested by the trainer), as well as classes in circuits and spin and eat back about 80% of my exercise calories.

I've had a browse over the forum and read that you can't gain muscle while eating in a deficit, so i'm not really sure what I need to be doing? My main goal is losing inches and lowering my body fat % rather than what the scales say, so would appreciate any advice that anyone has to offer please :-)


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    set MFP to lose 0.5lb per week, and look into a heavy lifting programme 3 x a week and a bit of cardio if you fancy it. eat plenty of protein and your exercise cals back.

    with your stats there is no need to only eat 1400 cals.
  • ILoveGingerNut
    ILoveGingerNut Posts: 367 Member
    Unless your net calories are lower than you BMR you will only lose fat, not muscle. You will lose weight and fat so the percentage of muscle will be higher. although the actual amount of it will be just the same. Trust your trainer. The rest is bro-science.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Okay first things first you can't increase muscle on a deficet ...unless you are new to lifting, and even then those are small gains or you are mobidly obese.

    What you can do now is maintain as much as you can.

    I personally at 41 eat 1600 calories a day (TDEE-20%) everyday do weights 3x a week, and HIIT 2x a week and I eat 120g of protien at a min.

    You are on the right track now if you are going to start incorporating strength training...and ensure you get enough protien.

    Heavy lifting in 22 weeks for me personally has resulted in 8lbs lost, 5.5 inches and I have gone from a size 10 to a loose size 8. But the best thing is the change I see personally in how I look..

    My butt went from semi sag (I did a 30day squat challenage and 30 day shredx2) to round and perky....
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Unless your net calories are lower than you BMR you will only lose fat, not muscle. You will lose weight and fat so the percentage of muscle will be higher. although the actual amount of it will be just the same. Trust your trainer. The rest is bro-science.

    Sorry but I find that statement just lol...esp with all the cardio that trainer suggested. Cardio is fine but not required to lower BF%.

    And why not suggest TDEE - 10-20% instead of eating exercise calories back.
  • Thank you all for your replies.

    So my TDEE is 2150 and so with 20% off is 1720. So I should keep on with my strength training and cardio plan but up my calories? I'm making a concentrated effort with my protein intake as it used to be really low!

    When I say strength training, I might not be using the right term, im using the chest press, shoulder press, some sort of leg machine (like squats) and pull down bar for my back. This is to get me started as my arms are pretty weak at the moment if i'm honest. Thinking of also doing body pump, which I used to love.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Thank you all for your replies.

    So my TDEE is 2150 and so with 20% off is 1720. So I should keep on with my strength training and cardio plan but up my calories? I'm making a concentrated effort with my protein intake as it used to be really low!

    When I say strength training, I might not be using the right term, im using the chest press, shoulder press, some sort of leg machine (like squats) and pull down bar for my back. This is to get me started as my arms are pretty weak at the moment if i'm honest. Thinking of also doing body pump, which I used to love.

    I personlly would eat 1720 a day, start NROLFW(new rules of lifting for woman) or Strong lifts 5x5 3x a week and do cardio 2x a week...but that's me....

    I am no expert but machines ick...:sick: esp if te leg machine (like squats) is a smith machine...

    The key is to find something you love so it's not a chore.
  • After googling, I think it's called a leg press!

    Thank you for your advice! :-)