Can Running stall weight loss?

Please don't think I'm crazy. I can't think of anything other reason why I'm having such trouble. A little history on me. I have been at this for 16 months. SW was 284, CW 209, GW 150. 38 yo female, 5"6'. The first 4 months of this journey I only walked and dropped 40 lbs. Then I started running and lifting, recovered from 2 running injuries (tendonitis and then a stress fracture) and only lost 35 lbs the whole next year. I have been fully recovered since Sept and have switched to run/'walk intervals because they are easier on my body. I run 3x a week, usually about 3 miles and once in a while, if the weather is nice on the weekend will do a longer run with my longest being 8 miles so far. On opposite days I bike, lift, aerobics, tabata, walk and/or elliptical.

My diary is not pretty, but it's honest. I make good choices and bad choices but I log it no matter what. I wear a BodyMedia band so I know what I'm burning and except for the occasional rest days I'm getting at least 750 cal a day deficit a lot of times it's closer to 1000 cals a day. So calories in vs calories out math doesn't work. I eat around 1750 a day and burn around 2600-3000 a day. I've done the 1200 calorie thing and learned the hard way that doesn't work. Even dropping to 1400 or 1500 consistently drops my energy level and I'm too lethargic to work out so I stay around 1700-1800 a day.

Over the last 6 months I've lost a pound here and a pound there, but what happened to a steady 2 lbs a week? Or even 1 lb a week? That has not happened since I started running again. Are they tied together?? I have read a few articles about it and am wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I don't know if there is "science" behind it or if this is in my head. I enjoy running so I don't want to stop but I have been at this too long and not seeing much for results the last few months to show for it. And I can't possibly be plateaued after spending the month of December eating basically whatever I want, not gaining then getting back on track after the 1st and still not losing.

I guess I was just whining :wink: and wondering if running has hindered anyone's weight loss and what you did about it. I appreciate your time.


  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    Bump for the reply
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I don't have an answer, but wanted to be in for the replies.

    I do know that a lot of people seem to stall when they use those bands. Not sure if they overestimate or not.
  • random_user75
    random_user75 Posts: 157 Member
    I do wonder if the band overestimates. The other possibility is that you're underestimating your calories? I couldn't get a feel from your diary as to whether you use a digital food scale.
  • lvlupfitness
    The short answer, yes, running is stalling your weight loss. To be more specific, what you may be doing is losing muscle mass. Also, if you have a huge calorie deficit, your body will go into starvation mode and try to keep as much fat as possible.
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    I do wonder if the band overestimates. The other possibility is that you're underestimating your calories? I couldn't get a feel from your diary as to whether you use a digital food scale.

    I don't use a digital scale and I have only had my band for 2 weeks, but haven't changed my activity or calories since I got it so this was going on even before I got the band. I used TDEE-20% before using IIFYM calculator and put in my activity and was surprised to see the band was matching what the calculator's figure. Both say my TDEE is around 2600 a day.

    Sorry I left that part out.
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    The short answer, yes, running is stalling your weight loss. To be more specific, what you may be doing is losing muscle mass. Also, if you have a huge calorie deficit, your body will go into starvation mode and try to keep as much fat as possible.

    So are you saying that 1700-1800 even 2000 calories is starvation mode? I can't fathom eating more that that. Can you elaborate, please?
  • TwelveSticks
    TwelveSticks Posts: 288 Member
    Running isn't going to stop you losing weight in that if you burned the same calories doing something else, the result would be exactly the same. I started running last year, having only walked before. It made no difference to my weight loss, except that I could get the same burn in in about half the time (which is great).

    If you aren't losing weight it's either because you're eating too much, or you're eating too little.

    If your activity levels (burns) haven't changed, and you're still eating the same calories, but your weight loss has slowed to a stop, then I'd suggest that that is simply because you need less calories, the lighter you get. Looking at your diary, it's hard to believe you aren't eating enough, so I'd suggest you need to eat less. Probably not a lot less, but aim to *consistenly* eat that 1700 a day for a few weeks and see what happens...
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    If you aren't losing weight it's either because you're eating too much, or you're eating too little.

    If your activity levels (burns) haven't changed, and you're still eating the same calories, but your weight loss has slowed to a stop, then I'd suggest that that is simply because you need less calories, the lighter you get. Looking at your diary, it's hard to believe you aren't eating enough, so I'd suggest you need to eat less. Probably not a lot less, but aim to *consistenly* eat that 1700 a day for a few weeks and see what happens...

    Agree with the above. Looking at your diary for the past few days, I didn't see many (if any) days where you ate 1700 calories, you were over by a lot. Additionally, there was one day that said you burned 1000 calories from exercise. Unless you ran 10 miles that day (you mentioned 8 miles being your longest thus far), that is unlikely.

    As a reformed long distance runner, I know it is easy to get caught up in the "I ran X miles today, so I can eat whatever I want" mentality. Be careful with that rationalization, if that is what is going on here.

    Best of luck to you!
  • thefitnightowl
    thefitnightowl Posts: 32 Member
    Hey! I'm sorry that you are struggling so much! I can relate to how you feel, I was stuck on a plateau for 2 years just until this past summer!! Here is a super simple answer for you....I can almost 95% guarentee that the reason you're not losing like you used to is simply because your body is SO used to running. You must switch up your routine! If you like, continue to run but if you want to start losing those 2+ pounds a week again, you HAVE TO switch up your workouts! I would be happy to help you with something new! Feel free to friend me if you are interested! I hope this helps...I like to think I know what Im talking about when it comes to losing weight.....Ive dropped 100 pounds in 5 years on PURELY diet and excersize! I hope to hear from you!

    p.s.- anyone else feel free to friend me too :)

    Please don't think I'm crazy. I can't think of anything other reason why I'm having such trouble. A little history on me. I have been at this for 16 months. SW was 284, CW 209, GW 150. 38 yo female, 5"6'. The first 4 months of this journey I only walked and dropped 40 lbs. Then I started running and lifting, recovered from 2 running injuries (tendonitis and then a stress fracture) and only lost 35 lbs the whole next year. I have been fully recovered since Sept and have switched to run/'walk intervals because they are easier on my body. I run 3x a week, usually about 3 miles and once in a while, if the weather is nice on the weekend will do a longer run with my longest being 8 miles so far. On opposite days I bike, lift, aerobics, tabata, walk and/or elliptical.

    My diary is not pretty, but it's honest. I make good choices and bad choices but I log it no matter what. I wear a BodyMedia band so I know what I'm burning and except for the occasional rest days I'm getting at least 750 cal a day deficit a lot of times it's closer to 1000 cals a day. So calories in vs calories out math doesn't work. I eat around 1750 a day and burn around 2600-3000 a day. I've done the 1200 calorie thing and learned the hard way that doesn't work. Even dropping to 1400 or 1500 consistently drops my energy level and I'm too lethargic to work out so I stay around 1700-1800 a day.

    Over the last 6 months I've lost a pound here and a pound there, but what happened to a steady 2 lbs a week? Or even 1 lb a week? That has not happened since I started running again. Are they tied together?? I have read a few articles about it and am wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I don't know if there is "science" behind it or if this is in my head. I enjoy running so I don't want to stop but I have been at this too long and not seeing much for results the last few months to show for it. And I can't possibly be plateaued after spending the month of December eating basically whatever I want, not gaining then getting back on track after the 1st and still not losing.

    I guess I was just whining :wink: and wondering if running has hindered anyone's weight loss and what you did about it. I appreciate your time.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    The short answer, yes, running is stalling your weight loss. To be more specific, what you may be doing is losing muscle mass. Also, if you have a huge calorie deficit, your body will go into starvation mode and try to keep as much fat as possible.

    So are you saying that 1700-1800 even 2000 calories is starvation mode? I can't fathom eating more that that. Can you elaborate, please?

    No you are not starving!!!
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    From looking at your diary, you seem to be eating plenty, probably too much. You also may be overestimating calorie burns. His are you burning 1000+ cal??? Try for slightly lower intake and less junk food.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I do wonder if the band overestimates. The other possibility is that you're underestimating your calories? I couldn't get a feel from your diary as to whether you use a digital food scale.

    I don't use a digital scale and I have only had my band for 2 weeks, but haven't changed my activity or calories since I got it so this was going on even before I got the band. I used TDEE-20% before using IIFYM calculator and put in my activity and was surprised to see the band was matching what the calculator's figure. Both say my TDEE is around 2600 a day.

    Sorry I left that part out.

    I will share that my bodymedia armband overestimates by 15% (give or take). I have had to play with my settings quite a bit to get that to work (meaning I have to set my mfp activity level higher so I don't get 1000 exercise calories when I really should have 600).

    I also stalled for quite a while logging 1750-ish calories a day. I bought a food scale. The 1750-ish I was logging was closer to 2500. It's very, very easy to underestimate how much you're eating. You also seem to be using a lot of "generic" entries for things. Those numbers look very low for the associated items (eg hamburger bun for 79 cal? I've not seen one under 110-120). A veggie burger for me (with bun and toppings) rolls in around 400 cals. A real hamburger is substantially more. I know we can't always log exactly what we ate (restaurants, parties, etc), but I'd urge you to log items separately whenever possible-based on the actual brands/products you used.

    Running doesn't stall of prevent weight loss-or I'd still be morbidly obese. You just need to create a calorie deficit. It may take some trial and error, but I'd start by getting a food scale to make sure what you are logging is what you are actually eating.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    OK I have had a look at your diary, and I'll give a couple of points for you to consider:
    1. Your intake seems to be consistently over what you have mentioned. There are a few >2000 cal days.

    2. There are a lot of 'generic' items in there that are difficult to track accurately and are often underestimated. eg 1 unit of hamburger. Even things like peanut butter are very easy to underestimate and a couple of these things each day can add 1-2-300 cals to your total. I know this because I've done the same thing for a long time and was very frustrated by it!

    3. Your diet is extremely high in sodium. It is difficult to get a good accurate picture of fat loss when you are retaining so much fluid. If you have 2-3 days of 'healthy' low salt foods you will most likely instantly drop 3-4 lbs.

    4. This is not directly related to fat loss, but you should take a look at your diet overall. There are a lot of highly processed foods in there. I'm not all that strict on this stuff, but you should try to up your protein intake and re-jig your intake a little to include some more whole foods.

    If you are strictly logging (including using a scale if at all possible) and sticking to TDEE - 20% calories per day I'm sure you will start to lose weight again. If you are consistent and see no movement on the scales after one month, then drop your calories by 10% and give it another month.

    If you do this strictly and have not seen a significant movement on the scale in that two month period then I'll eat my hat. :bigsmile:
  • makzn91
    makzn91 Posts: 1
    So this s my story too. I've been a runner for over 20 years but I had my 4th baby 18 months ago and have lost 23lbs in a year. I run anywhere between 25-40 miles a week and have tracked my food and stay between 1000-1500 a day. Mainly if I workout harder I eat a lil more or a splurge meal on the weekend. I am so frustrated myself. I do notice that when I do a cross training workout it does get me out of a plateau but running is my passion. I only wish the miles I logged showed in my body!! I feel ur frustration.