I am trying to loose 10 pounds in my first month.

hey, wish me luck! I'm new here, and I am excited to get to know anyone who tracks their calories. I go to the gym 6 days a week. I quit smoking during college, and I've gained like 60 pounds. Add me?


  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    With your gym schedule, I guess it could be done but don't get frustrated if it doesn't. Take whatever the scale shows at the end of the month & go from there. Just be sure to drink a lot of water to flush your system on a daily basis.
  • Xrye
    Xrye Posts: 5
    Isnt 10 pounds for a month a little too much? Healthy weight lost is about a pound for week up to 1.5lb/week.
  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
    welcome to MFP. here there is a lot of great support. I would encourage you to read alot of post and seek out information to live a healthy life not just weight loss. Also please reconsider your goal. it is better to go the slow 1lb a week and keep it off than to try to lose tofast and get discouraged. Friend me if you like.
  • blueelephant1212
    blueelephant1212 Posts: 100 Member
    oh sweetie, don't go overboard w/ the pounds to lose right away. if you crash diet, it will only come back w/ a vengence. trust me, i've been there, done that. go for a more sensible goal, like a pound or 1 1/2 a week and it'll be more of a lifestyle change and not likely to "bounce" back.

  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Welcome....Measure yourself as well, because each person is different, you may lose inches quicker than pounds...

  • cmsdives
    oh sweetie, don't go overboard w/ the pounds to lose right away. if you crash diet, it will only come back w/ a vengence. trust me, i've been there, done that. go for a more sensible goal, like a pound or 1 1/2 a week and it'll be more of a lifestyle change and not likely to "bounce" back.


    Kristy's 100% right. Hang in there and look to your MFP friends for support, we'll be here for you, I can promise you that.
  • bhelmreich
    bhelmreich Posts: 254 Member
    Don't get discouraged if you do not lose the 10lbs!! Everyone on MFP are wonderful though and will help you through your successes :)
  • niknok28
    I lost a total of 13 lbs in my first month (Oct) just by eating healthy, keeping my calories intake between 1,200 - 1,500 and exercising. I was not trying to lose weight so quickly it was just how my body reacted to a healthier diet and exercise.

    Focus on the quality of your diet and move move move! The rest will follow at your own speed. :)
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    Welcome aboard and good luck:flowerforyou:
    Everyone is different and loses weight differently. You have set an ambitious goal. I found the following useful when i found them and hope they help you as well...


    http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/55796-newbies-please-read-me-2nd-edition mfp-you-want-to-read-again-and-again

    All the best!
  • thestacy
    okay, I'm going to change to just 5 pounds. no crashing for me plz :] lol

    I am really impressed with all this encouragement.

    also, I am checking those links thanks
  • SJSchwartz
    I average a 10 lb loss per month, and I am not crash dieting. I basically just stay (or try to) within my allotted calories. I have my goals set to lose 1lb per month, but I guess my body has other ideas. I don't think what I'm doing is unhealthy by any means. I think everyone's body is different and will lose differently. And it depends on how much weight you have to lose. If it's just a few pounds, then yeah, 10 lbs in a month is probably not going to happen. I had around 80 lbs to lose. I know that when I get closer to my goal weight, then I probably will not be losing weight so fast. And in fact, at this point, I rarely excercise. Maybe I'll go for a walk twice a week or so. But that's about it at this point. When it gets harder to lose, then I'll up my exercise. And also do toning exercises. I don't know how much weight you have to lose, but if it's a big amount, I'd keep my goal at at least 1 lb per week. But that's just me. Welcome to MFP :)
  • thestacy
    i want to get my boyfriend on here, but i don't want him to see my huge weight loss goal, which would hint at how big i am