frustrated witht the tape measure

I have been checking my measurements and trying to track my progress that way.I have lost an inch in my waist but I am gaining in my hips. ( I measure the same time each day) I have been working out like crazy.. is this right?? Weight wise I have lost 1 lb. Anyone else track their inches? Anyone have any good exercises they do for the "spare tire" around the hips???


  • tweety3
    tweety3 Posts: 118
    I have been checking my measurements and trying to track my progress that way.I have lost an inch in my waist but I am gaining in my hips. ( I measure the same time each day) I have been working out like crazy.. is this right?? Weight wise I have lost 1 lb. Anyone else track their inches? Anyone have any good exercises they do for the "spare tire" around the hips???
  • Adele
    Adele Posts: 159 Member
    From what I've heard you should only do measurements once a month ~ I measure every 6 weeks so that I see progress!!!

  • carvan
    carvan Posts: 377 Member
    Yep,. don't measure everyday. TOM, water retention all contribute to those inches. Measure once a month in the am. For the spare tire, it is the same old, calories, cardio and crunches!
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    how's your muscle tone in your thighs? it may be contributing to the measurements.

    I measure between once a week and once every two weeks. Helps to keep me going. :happy:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    muscles gain and lose water volume daily depending on whether that particular muscle is building up, in use, or being idle. Don't measure daily, it WILL fluctuate. Try to measure the same way you weigh yourself. at the same time, after you do the same stuff, once a month or so. Otherwise, you're probably going to get false readings.
  • country
    country Posts: 57

    I pretty much only use the tape measure because I hate the scale. So far I have lost 3” on my neck 4” on my arms 10” on my waist / stomach and 7” on my hips since May. I was measuring myself every two weeks or a month and I would always see a huge progress but then I started to measure myself every week and I didn’t notice the progress that much. I would suggest measuring yourself once every two weeks. In my opinion measuring yourself can be more rewarding then weighing, so give yourself more time in between measurements so you’re that much happier with your progress. Ok here are my exercises that I do, hill climbing, hill jogging, walking, water jogging, bicycling and hiking. I love these exercises because I can have fun with them. Everyone is different but for me my legs are extremely toned and my stomach has been rapidly deflating. Keep up the measuring it is the best way to go. What do you think about us starting a thread were we measure in once every two weeks and in between times we can share our workout routines as well? I think it may be a good motivator. I would love to blog with people who measure more so than weight themselves.
  • tweety3
    tweety3 Posts: 118
    Thanks everyone. I'll lay off te tape for a while. I am just one of those people that need to see results to stay motivated.:grumble: Thanks for the tips and the encouragement! I would love to do the check in thing, country. Let me know when you would like to begin.