Thanksgiving...what scares you?

What scares you more about Thanksgiving? All the yummy tempting food, or the sure to be there family drama?


  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    Ha! I'm not worried about a thing on thanksgiving. The worst thing that could possibly happen is you gain a pound. I think a day of not worrying is worth it but I don't see a problem with me losing focus once the holiday is over.
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    I know it's hard to believe, but there reallly is little family drama anymore in my family. It's all good. But some of the food does scare me a bit. I am bringing a measuring cup, and I am using splenda to make pumpkin pie and my cranberry relish. White meat only, no skin, and easy on the gravy. It'll be okay, and I plan on getting up early that morning and exercising before we head out to her house. What really scares me is that last Thanksgiving (and all of them before that) I just ate whatever I wanted and how much I wanted. I gave no concern whatsoever to how many calories I was eating. It's scary to think that if I hadn't decided to make a lifestyle change, I would have ate like that again (I did that year round, btw) and would have been over 400 pounds by now. I think that is enough to make me conscious of what I put on my plate, and in my mouth. :smile:

    Great post!
  • arbellas
    arbellas Posts: 40 Member
    I'm scared I am going to eat WAY TOO MUCH!! I have an italian/greek family and we make LOTS of food and its hard to not eat a ton. Your like "I'll just get a little of everything" and then you plate ends up over flowing!

    This year I plan to get a plate full of salad and fill up on that first and then once I get a plate of all the other food (hopefully not over flowing) I plan to eat the turkey first so I fill up on the healthier stuff. Also I'm going to try to eat SLOW even though I know imgoing to want to stuff my face. Hahahaha :laugh:
  • blueelephant1212
    blueelephant1212 Posts: 100 Member
    i'm not really "worried" about the food.... i'll just have to do more exercising the next couple days after the holiday. thankfully, i'm off til the following tuesday, so i can recooperate from all the yummy foods, having finished another semester of college @ Kaplan, and enjoy some time to myself away from the stressors of work. :D
  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    THE DESERTS!! haha No seriously, I don't think I can eat much since I started eating small frequent meals, so I won't be able to stuff myself silly this year :) I'm also allowing a dessert because it's one day, and I earned it :) HAPPY TURKEY DAY!
  • Jerri_Thompson
    The thought of "food" during the holidays does seem a bit scary but I think if we have changed our eating so much now and trained our stomachs .... we wont eat like we did before. I know what I ate before and I wont lie, up to 3 plates! Yep! I never cared, just wanted that good ol home cooked food! This year, it will be better for me, I am learning to use smaller portions on a plate, like do a "sampler" where you get each item but not so much! The turkey part will probably be heavier but no skin and no gravy. I am going to do a sampler plate then wait a good 30 min to hour...then have that slice of pumpkin pie I have been wanting. Thats it! I doubt our bodies will gain, as long as we are hydrated, post-calorie burned and relaxed. Enjoy this time together, it only comes a few times a year. Dont let food beat you up. Do the sampler lol! Then giggle inside and watch who PLOP food on their plates and bring in a dump truck to pour gravy all over it...and think that USED to be ME!!! LOL!! Trying to stay positive is all.
  • hotmomenay
    hotmomenay Posts: 5 Member
    What scares me most about Thanksgiving is losing control and eating any and everthing that I see, and when I refuse to eat something someone tries to persuade you to eat it.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    The only thing I really worry about is that everything comes out on schedule. One year the Turkey had to stay in the oven for another 45 minutes. Stupid oven! Found out later the thermostat was bad. New oven this year so things should be good.

    Well, I am a little scared of the potluck at work. So many tempting, decadent deserts!!!! :love: I'm thinking of sitting waaaay on the other side of them room from them. Problem is, they put the darn things at the front of the line.:huh: Time for the blinders LOL
  • lauramorris85
    Definitely the yummy food! I have 2 thanksgivings to go to which means double the deliciousness. step-niece Kaitlyn...she's an absolute terror. 8 years old and still wants to curl up in the fetal position in your lap like she's a baby. I know it's not nice to say but I just cannot stand her. Heck, her two younger sisters act better than she does and they are 1 1/2 and 3 1/2!
  • monoxidechick
    I am not scared at all!! nothing to be scared of!! I am soo glad that my grams will be able to leave the nursing home and go to my aunts house and that I get a chance to join them, that nothing can change that for me. I have been good about not overeating during Thanksgiving for the last few years now, being a vegetarian helps that, and I will just use my everyday smaller portions and healthier choices mentality to make the food work for me. I will log in every delicious bite I eat, but I will not weigh it or measure it, I will just over estimate and figure that at least it is better than not having a clue what I ate. ,

    I love this holiday and I feel sorry for anyone who is worried and scared of it!!

    ENJOY yourself, your food, and most of all your crazy family!!!
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Nothing to worry about food. I'm not counting my calories that day. I'm going to do my best not to go overboard, but hell, if I want a piece of pumpkin pie, I'll have it. I think I've deserved it. Lol. :) And, I'm doing a 3500 calorie burn challenge this week. Everybody needs a day off once and a while. Why not on the holidays? That's what I've started doing -- Thanksgiving, Christmas, my birthday, etc.
  • rthompson81
    rthompson81 Posts: 305 Member
    I think for me, I'm more concerned about the snacking and eating between meals than the actual Thanksgiving meal itself. A little chocolate here, a glass of wine while we're cooking, munching on whatever you're cooking "just to make sure it tastes okay", cheese and crackers as an appetizer, etc. If I can record all of THAT stuff, I think I can keep my calories within reason.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    There is always drama on my side of the family .. holiday or no holiday LOL.. so we genereally steer clear of them
    .. the food has got me nervous.. especially all the carbs... Lord help me! I am making healther low-fat , sugar free versions of the traditional favorites.. as much as I can anyway. My plan is to eat breakfast and my morning snack as normal.. excercise that day and the day after. Allow myself one plate and one plate only with a small bite of the things I really want and leave what I could take or leave and hope for the best. Oh and lots of water with lemon to flush out the soduim.
  • kmara4
    OVer eating for sure ! I'm 5'9" 148 pounds and trying to get down to 130! Thanksgiving certaintly does not help the problem. Knowing my family they'll say " Have some of everything!" 3 pieces of pumpkin pie and a bucket full of mashed potatoes later.....
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    stuffing,pie, and green bean casserole the only things i really eat on thanks giving
    xmas on the other hand..with oven roasted duck, YUM
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I would take either of those happily!!! It's me and my hubby and my 3 yr old and boxed stuffing and a pork loin 500 miles from the closest family :(
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    The food, I can handle the drama.*LOL*
