Who does Crossfit?

Hey guys!

I'm intrigued by Crossfit, every time I go to the gym I always look in next door to see what their doing. I find it a bit intimidating as their quite fit people.

I'm about 87 kilo, not super overweight, I'm a pretty strong woman I think. I've been going on you tube and dusting it out. Looks pretty intense.

Is there anybody here that's started Crossfit and was overweight to begin with or has just started it?


  • JoJo0921
    JoJo0921 Posts: 19 Member
    I wasn't overweight when I began, but I was an average Jane using machines at planet fitness. But it is still the most challenging workout I've done. It really pushes you and I love the challenge. We have all shapes and sizes and levels of fitness at my box. Any workout can be scaled, and there is no shame in scaling a workout. When I first started I had to scale a few workouts until I was comfortable with the moves and improved my endurance and strength, but I found I was getting stronger quickly. Everyone's different, but I personally love it and have seen the most gains and results from it. A lot of crossfit boxes will let you try out a first workout for free, I would just call around and see if there are any in your area that offer that so you can see how you like it. It's very important that you have a good coach as well that focuses on teaching you correct form for all the movements. I was intimidated at my first WOD (workout of the day), but the community is very encouraging and welcoming. WOD's are typically short, anywhere between 5-30 minutes, and usually immediately afterwards I am lying in a pile of sweat on the floor catching my breath, but I always feel amazing after a workout, really accomplished, I just did a lot of work haha! And I am seeing much more results after a 10 minute workout at a crossfit box than I did spending almost 2 hours at planet fitness in the past. I have been going for four months for four days a week now and feel so much stronger and more confident than before--plus I have some nice arm definition now!
    Hope that was a little helpful!
  • hunnnybee
    hunnnybee Posts: 46 Member
    I am a crossfitter. I have been for about 5 months now. I am overweight but have always been active. I originally joined crossfit beacuse I was not seeing results I wanted at a regular gym and with running up to 3-6 miles daily. I love crossift, It has shown me results that are not scale based. I feel stronger and I have more endurance, Crossift pushes me everyday to do better and give more of myself to my health and everyday is a new workout so it never gets boring.
  • QuentinHardage
    I have been doing crossfit in affiliate box for less than 6 months and enjoy WODs with a small group. I am almost 65 and have exercised moderately for years. I am lifting more weights using bar. Crossfit does not use dumbbells. Kettle bell is included. My previous experience included power lifting form. So I am often reminded of high bar form. Low bar and other power lifts are considered poor form. At crossfit the coach often has me narrow foot stance and keep back straight. Due to my age, my RX weight is same as a woman much younger. Form is more important than heavier weights. I have advanced from fundamentals to competitor WODs.
    I enjoy working on gymnastics and cardio mixed with weights during the WOD as well as working against the clock.
    I am in the games 2014. First phase at local affiliate while recording the workouts on video.
    Working with group is fun and makes workouts more intense than working out in a fitness center or at home. But I still enjoy home and fitness centers too.
    My goals are performance oriented rather than lose weight. Eating healthy, living longer and staying active are still my game plan.