Anyone Under 25 Who Needs to Lose 100+lbs??

I know there are plenty of ladies and gents on here who have this goal or have met this goal, but I'll be honest and say it can be quite different losing weight at 20 versus losing weight at 40 or 50. Being in college and having to split time between class, projects, homework, exercise, friends, family, etc. The challenges are a little different and it's always nice to have someone your own age to relate to! SO, anybody under the age of 25 who wants to lose or has lost 100lbs or more?

I'll tell a bit about myself:
I'm 20, I live in Philadelphia and am a psychology major with a criminal justice minor. I'm originally from the area and have about 100lbs to lose. I was previously on MFP and lost about 50lbs when I first went gluten free, but fell off the wagon and wanted to start fresh with a new account. So here I am! Tell me a bit about yourself, your weight loss goals/accomplishments, and whatever else you'd like to share :happy:

Bonus points if you have celiac disease!!


  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    I am 25, do I qualify? Do I get bonus points if I don't feel 25?

    If so, then here's a little about me: I live in Washington (state, not DC), and I'm a full-time college student working toward my BFA in creative writing for entertainment. I'm a bit of an oddball, and I wear the title proudly. I adore books, theater, etc., and I spend far too much time on the computer. I have about 150 lbs to lose, depending on what my end-goal ends up being. I've been overweight since puberty, so I don't know what a comfortable weight is for my body.

    Whew, that kind of felt like writing up a blurb for a dating profile! Add me if you'd like, I try to be supportive and could always use another supportive friend pushing me forward.

    Good luck in your journey, no matter what!
  • HealthfullyOffensive
    I am 25, do I qualify? Do I get bonus points if I don't feel 25?

    If so, then here's a little about me: I live in Washington (state, not DC), and I'm a full-time college student working toward my BFA in creative writing for entertainment. I'm a bit of an oddball, and I wear the title proudly. I adore books, theater, etc., and I spend far too much time on the computer. I have about 150 lbs to lose, depending on what my end-goal ends up being. I've been overweight since puberty, so I don't know what a comfortable weight is for my body.

    Whew, that kind of felt like writing up a blurb for a dating profile! Add me if you'd like, I try to be supportive and could always use another supportive friend pushing me forward.

    Good luck in your journey, no matter what!
    Of course you qualify! (: Sounds like we're in the same boat, good luck to you too! :smile:
  • tanigrrrrr
    tanigrrrrr Posts: 137 Member
    Im 27 and have 80lbs left to loose :)
  • anemchek
    anemchek Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 25, from San Diego, have about 100lbs to lose (just depends how I feel as things progress) and I'm just in the beginning stages of this long journey to health. I lost 10lbs prior to signing up with MFP, hoping for 10 more by the end of this month!

    I work full time and my work location is about an hour away, so time/energy/motivation have been very challenging so far.

    I'm not gluten sensitive per se, but I have been diagnosed with IBS, which has it's fair share of challenges.

    I have found I'm having a really hard time setting a sleep and wake routine. Since I'm so short on time as is, it's pertinent that I stick to a strict routine. Anyone else struggle with this? Any advice or tips are gladly welcomed!
  • 281Danielle
    I'm 24 and I want to lose a 100+, this is actually the first time I have ever really tried MFP. I have tried many of other things but this seems to work best for me. I am from Chesapeake VA but have recently moved to Waukegan IL because my husband got orders up here. We will be up here for the next 3 years and I plan on making lots of lifestyle changes while we are here.
  • MrsMoore92
    MrsMoore92 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 21, have 100+ pounds to lose and I am fed up with my excuses. :P I wont even bother putting them on here because its time I learn self-discipline :)
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    I'm 22, I'll be 23 in February, and I started out with 100+ to lose, and now I have 93 to lose.