What is your motivation?

Hello everyone. Back on MFP after a break and I was wondering what everyone's motivation is for getting healthy and losing weight.

At work, there is a tri-county Biggest Loser contest. 15 of us from my department have signed up. :smile:

Find it is a lot easier to do this when you have the support of your co-workers and friends. I don't won't want to be the one on the team who isn't holding my weight (or losing my weight as the case may be.)


  • StrongLife
    StrongLife Posts: 525 Member
    Going to Hawaii in 2 months!
  • My motivation is looking at my size 20 jeans hanging in my closet. I kept one pair to remind me :smile:
    Best of luck!!
  • I want to travel to Bhutan and the Himalayas. I need to be fit and active to do so and enjoy myself, I want to lead a life of adventure and after going to South East Asia last year I realised that will be easier if I am not so heavy!
  • archaichoney
    archaichoney Posts: 132 Member
    My motivation is my progress I can see within and on the surface.
  • My motivation is a cruise in March:smooched:
  • WhoHa42
    WhoHa42 Posts: 1,270 Member
    This video completely explains it

  • MinkeyMe
    MinkeyMe Posts: 7 Member
    I want to feel strong and be healthy. Also, I hate the feeling, mentally and physically when I go to bed overfull. And there is that whole sexy pants thing...
  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    Feel better. Look better. Live longer. Have more fun.
  • My motivation is myself. Also my nutritionist. She has been amazing throughout my journey!

    And of course - that motivation of being in a bikini by July :)
  • 000Linda000
    000Linda000 Posts: 50 Member
    Entirely for myself! Love the way I feel when I'm thinner :D
  • muderfocker
    muderfocker Posts: 83 Member
    Beat the young guys on the basketball court. :)
  • sick of feeling over weight and tired. I want my energy back
  • RagingThespian
    RagingThespian Posts: 21 Member
    I started back on MFP 3 weeks ago and wish I'd started earlier.... oh well. My motivation is that in 1 week and 2 days I am in a play - "Calendar Girls" and if you know the story (based on real life, was also made into a movie starring Helen Mirren) it is 6 middle-aged and older women doing a nude calendar to raise money for leukemia. So, the play has some brief nudity... tastefully done and artfully hidden by props... and I wanted to present the best "me" that I could.

    I love theatre... my passion... and I want to make sure that I don't miss out on getting roles because of my rolls. So I'm motivated to lose weight and get healthy. :-)
  • To be healthy and do more activities with my boyfriend.
  • My kids, I want to be happy and healthy for them.
  • My motivation is both my health and the way I look. On both sides of my family, there's a strong history of Diabetes (type I and II), Heart Attack, Stroke and High Blood Pressure. I really want to avoid these dangers. I also want to lose weight to feel good about myself, and wear anything I want without feeling too self-conscious. I still have a longgg way to go, but I can do it! So can you :)
  • bobbinalong
    bobbinalong Posts: 151 Member
    That's my motivation....getting healthy and losing weight. I realized I'm going to be an old lady but I don't have to be a fat old lady!:laugh:
  • I've been down on my face for the majority of 2013 , I want to become fit , buy clothes that fit just fine , become faster , stronger , and get into the dating game again.
  • My family are my motivation. That and a sudden desire to fight those forties...
  • amastre
    amastre Posts: 176 Member
    The desire to be as strong and fit as I possibly can be. Plus achieving a more masculine build through proper diet and training would be pretty nice.