Just those two kilos

Hi guys!

I'm not a new user here, but it's the first time I write a post. I am a model from Italy. I've been using myfitnesspal for a while, it helped me losing from 55kg to 50kg and then to 48. Two years I got back to 52/53 during Xmas so I started dieting again to get back to 50 (48 was way too much, Im 173 cm tall). But i got stuck into a obsessive control, orthorexia and eventually bulimia cycle. I thought one of the best ways to feel better was reducing the obsessive control I had on food. I stopped using myfitnesspal and I got better, I lost the kilos I wanted to lose and it got better with bingeing and purging (I also went to a pro for a while).
But now the same, I am 52 after Xmas feasts and holidays and I'd like to go back to 50, so I started again using mfp. Now I am really eating healthy, only proteins and veggies and some nuts here and there. And fruit. My breakfast is not so big.
I have no clue why I am not losing those damn 2 kilos.

Angine with a similar experience wanna share? That would help me so much!

Ps: before using mfp I was 67kg, so I went to 55kg by myself and then I started using it, so I know how to lose weight permanently. It's just a matter of those 2, they are fond of me and don't wanna go away :-D


  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I think you are creating a problem which doesnt really exist. Christmas was less than a month ago and besides you arent overweight. If anything you are going too low. I am male, 182cm, weigh 75kg and have a BMI of around 23. I also think that if I lost any more then I would start to look unhealthy. To compare myself to you I would have to lose another stone or 2.

    Apologies if this doesnt sound particularly relevant. You will know yourself better. What are your calorie allowances? I would imagine very very low....
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    patience young grasshopper. those 2 kilos will take time with the curent BMI (base on your height/age and weight) which is already near under weight.
    try some lifting so you can change your body composition and stay on a healthier weight range. works great last long time!
  • Andykia
    Andykia Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks guys for the answer. Kinda low but not too low, I try to stay into the 1000 calories but if that doesn't happen is ok. I know it takes longer cause my BMI is already very low. So you would suggest to go for more lifting and exercise (cardio??) to grow muscles rather than dieting?
  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    You should open your diary for good advice.

    One thing I can say for sure is, if you're eating 1000 calories a day, it's way too low for good health.
  • Maaike84
    Maaike84 Posts: 211 Member
    depending on your build, 50 kg is very low for 173 cm, it's an underweight BMI. I am 172 cm and my goal weight is 68 kg, but I have a very broad frame and easily build muscles.... My sister is 173 and built very very skinny, and she is always trying to weigh more than 50 kg for sure! I think she is 55 kg.

    Just wondering, why you are so adamant about losing those 2 kgs? Are you not happy with the way you look? Because then strength training might be a better option than restricting calories. If it is mentally about the number on the scale, I would (also given your history of ED) consult a therapist...
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    One issue that springs to mind is the usual MFP advice may be irrelephant here simply because the favoured MFP physique isn't a good physique unless she's a fitness model.

    For good health, I'd advise the MFP route, possibly not bothering with the scales (unless it's kitchen scales), eating at TDEE and lifting heavy. You will probably put on weight but look amazing. But will this get you the Victoria Secret model look that a modelling contract requires? Undereating and doing cardio will result in weight loss eventually - for most people, it results in a massive binge.
  • Rho_Ro
    Rho_Ro Posts: 201 Member
    I've read that if you eat below 1200 cals your body struggles to operate properly and will use muscle to give it the energy to survive. When you eat too few calories and the body reacts in this way, you actually put on weight or at the very least to stop losing weight. This could explain why you can't go any lower. It sounds risky I know but if you increase your intake of healthy foods, you may find you could lose these 2 kilos. Either that or learn to accept them. Someone mentioned changing the composition of your body. I assume this means that the 2 kilos could be distributed more evenly over your body - this could be a solution too. GOOD LUCK.
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    If you're a model you probably need different advices and help from the ones we're able to give you on here. I know you have to meet certain criterias for your own work, but health is more important. I didn't think that at your height you needed to be less than 50 kgs... anyway, I really suggest you to ask a nutritionist or a dietician, I'm pretty sure you don't need to lose those 2 kgs, so you might need some work on your mindset. When you've been overweight in the past sometimes you still keep feeling like you haven't lost enough.
  • I would speak with a professional on this one. Seek out a good nutritionist or a dietician as for your profession things may be different.
  • Andykia
    Andykia Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks guys, you made me think. Maybe it's that I'm still stuck with the old mindset. Maybe I'm still obsessed with the number of the scale going down. I'll work on this, cause it doesn't make me happy at all. i feel like a constant struggle and it's pointless, rather than just enjoying food (which I really love! :smile: )

    It's so nice to find such a community ready to answer and share! Again, thanks!!

    For any other good advice, Im here!!!