I need help!!

Hi,Im having trouble shifting any weight,changing my shape at all and staying motivated in week 3 :sad: I have trouble eating the 1250cals that MFP said i should. Then i read on here about BMR which shot my cals up to 1557!! I just cant eat that much. Im 5ft 5in (66inch) weigh 79kg (174lbs),would ideally like to get down to 60kg (132lbs) Im 35, I workout 4-5 times a week,i do JM30DS and Active 2 on the Wii,walk everywhere as i dont drive,but still the scales and tape measure stay the same. I am just about ready to give up but really dont want to,want to prove i can do it to myself and others. Any advice welcomed gratefully x Feel free to friend me,log in and browse almost every day x


  • angelaking75
    Dont give up its only been 3 weeks U can do it!
  • fitjaida
    fitjaida Posts: 14 Member
    Don't give up!! Don't!! You know.. mfp gives great advice but I had to change things up a bit because I want results fast. I just started a very low calorie diet. and I've been dropping pounds.. and losing inches.. I know its not ideal they say but I was doing everything working out eatin all these calories.. And not losing like I feel like I should....
    so now I'm basically ate a green smoothie in the morning.... a few protein shakes during the day no sugar.. tons and tons of water and a very sensible dinner in the evening. dropped about 10 pounds this month!!! I didn't start tracking it until later which is why it says the 6 pounds... I'm going to go with this and see what happens hope you friend me
  • skiboat1us
    skiboat1us Posts: 16 Member
    I am not an expert but I think you need to eat the 1500 calories especially if you are not eating the exercise calories. Try it for a week or 2 and see if it helps. Just add 3 pieces of fruit a day and that should get you there .
  • missy0936
    missy0936 Posts: 1,507 Member
    Have you seen absolutely no progress at all? Or just minimal? I am pretty much your size, 5 6'' 175 lbs and I am also on about week 3 or 4 and I want to quit also but I have to remind myself that slow progress is in fact still progress. Since Dec 31 I have lost gained lost gain lost gain. This week I am about 174.4 so.... what a .6 pound lose in a frisking month. I feel your pain I do but there is one certainty... if we give up we absolutely wont reach our goal. Ever. I've done this weight lose thing in the past and it always seemed like the weight melted off. But I tracked all that progress and as I look back at it, it's wasn't fast at all it was a like the rate od 2 pounds per month. I'm hoping that as I work out now I am building muscle and training my body and that at some point in the semi near future it will wise up and the pounds will start dropping. Feel free to friend me and we can work on this together, share our triumphs and challenges
  • jaquwa
    jaquwa Posts: 99 Member
    Don't give up.

    It may sound a stupid question but are you logging absolutely everything?

    If you are finding it hard to eat 1250 and are logging everything, I would suggest maybe having a handful of almonds or some peanut butter, quite calorie dense food, high in fat, but its good fat.
  • rfw24
    rfw24 Posts: 443 Member
    Hello. I am not an expert but I have my opinions. If you stay on track with your calorie intake and exercise, weight will come off. It will not be over night. If you feel you have hit a wall, you may want to either exercise more or beef up the exercises, really work the cardio!

    Good luck and hang in there!!
  • dippie100
    dippie100 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks everyone, I WILL NOT GIVE UP this time. I go up and then back to my "normal" weight,i try to only weigh myself once a week on Fridays.I think i eat pretty well,love veggies and fruit,i dont like seafood or nuts. I write a weekly menu which i work around little ones play school and husbands work (sometimes hes on earlys,sometimes lates) I weigh everything,drink 2L water most days (dont quite make it every day) I try to keep processed food out as it upsets my IBS. Even after all this i still look like i have an inflatable up my shirt in case i fall in a river or something!!!
    I dont care if it takes a weeks,months or years-would just like to see/feel the change to keep me motivated :(
  • jbeadleL1C4
    Hey Girl. It's too early to tell yet, whether or not you need to adjust anything. I'm willing to bet that it's more your nutrition than sedentary lifestyle. What's your typical day look like in terms of food intake?

    Even simple things, like making sure you log the cream in your coffee, will add up quickly. Or when you're at work and someone gives you a small piece of candy or a handful of something that's sitting around in the breakroom... Ya know?

    It might be fruit, as well. Do you notice when you log your fruit how much sugar it has in it? I love tangerines, but the silly things have like 24g of sugar! SO I either have to do extra cardio to burn off the glucose, or I have to cut back on them. Things like cantaloupe and honey dew melon have less sugar than apples and oranges...
  • christinerobinsonrd
    It could be your IBS, especially if you are eating lots of fruits and vegetables which may cause more bloating. If that is the case, you may want to google the low FODMAP diet.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Just keep it up...giving up is easy and then youll just be back kicking yourself about how you restarted. Its slow but if your consistent it will come off and more importantly it will become your lifestyle!
  • Oscarinmiami
    Oscarinmiami Posts: 326 Member
    it's only been 3 weeks, you just started...
  • KristinaB83
    KristinaB83 Posts: 440 Member
    It's only been 3 weeks! Give it time. Don't quit!
  • dippie100
    dippie100 Posts: 9 Member
    I'll see if i can find where to open everything so u all can see my food diary and give me advice :smile: Feel like i got to eat all the time and its just not me. (used to have eating probs,went from not eating to binge!) Looked into the 16:8 (ID) as that would prob suit my eating pattern better as im more of a late afternoon/night eater. But if i struggle to get the cals in a 24hr eating slot not sure how to fit them in an 8hr slot. It wasnt this hard to get fat!!!
  • Mandy1282
    Mandy1282 Posts: 8 Member
    Don't give up!! It is frustrating when pounds dont just drop off. I know that feeling but keep going. You can do this!! Feel free to add me if you would like. Anyone can add me