When can I expect this weight loss to slow down?

Hello everyone! I am starting the third week of my journey. My calorie goal per day is 1840, I have not been very good about staying under it, I tend to go over about 150 calories on average every day. However, I do work out for 45-60 minutes 4x a day, both cardio and strength. I have been losing a lb a day, and I know this is going to eventually slow down, but when can I expect that to happen so I can mentally prepare for it?


  • YorriaRaine
    YorriaRaine Posts: 370 Member
    I'm not losing a pound a day or anything. However, I'm on my second week and my goal was 1 lb a week but I'm losing 2 pounds a week. I suspecting that the additional pound a week is water weight though.

    Kinda curious myself.


    On a side note.....you work work out 4 hours a day, or did you mean 4x a week? Maybe you should adjust your TDEE to incorporate that amount of exercise. >.>
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Hello everyone! I am starting the third week of my journey. My calorie goal per day is 1840, I have not been very good about staying under it, I tend to go over about 150 calories on average every day. However, I do work out for 45-60 minutes 4x a day, both cardio and strength. I have been losing a lb a day, and I know this is going to eventually slow down, but when can I expect that to happen so I can mentally prepare for it?

    Why do you work out four times a day?
  • Hello everyone! I am starting the third week of my journey. My calorie goal per day is 1840, I have not been very good about staying under it, I tend to go over about 150 calories on average every day. However, I do work out for 45-60 minutes 4x a day, both cardio and strength. I have been losing a lb a day, and I know this is going to eventually slow down, but when can I expect that to happen so I can mentally prepare for it?

    Why do you work out four times a day?

    Typo!! I meant a week!
  • It'll slow down when it's ready, and then you'll have to change up your approach. I wouldn't worry too much. Always feel free to eat over if you are exercising that day, gotta listen to your body!! You definitely aren't starving yourself, so go with it!! Good job!!
  • maryann9wood
    maryann9wood Posts: 75 Member
    You should be eating your exercise calories back. Your goals will be easier to achieve at 1-2 pounds lost per week. I'm at 1 year doing this, my average is one pound per week. Many weeks at 3 pounds, many (vacation weeks) at +1. Make this a lifestyle change, and when you are at your goal weight you will have new, good habits. Good luck!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You mostly lose water weight at first. For me it slowed down a lot after the first 25 lbs.