I love baking... but what to do with them afterwards?



  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    Maybe you could bring them to work or church or something and have your own little "bake sale"...choose a charity or something that you can give the proceeds to. Or you could just sell them and make yourself a little extra cash.

    I freeze some of mine for a later time, but if you bake a lot that wouldn't really help you. I also make healthy baked good mainly, and I'd bet yours aren't if you dream of opening a bakery! :-)

    Maybe you could also put together some kind of group with friends where everyone brings casseroles, etc for people to take home. You bring them deserts and go home with some healthy meals?
  • msaestein1
    msaestein1 Posts: 264 Member
    I will either bring stuff to work or I'll freeze it in single packages so I can grab and go too and don't have to worry about them going bad.

    This. I have the same problem. If a whole cake or pan of cookies are in my house, I will eat them in one night or two,.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Totally feel your pain (as I'm staring back at a pan of nutella brownies). Trying to clean out the cupboard of sweets and ingredients so we transition to low carb / diabetic friendly. I used to pack extra in my kid's lunch box so she can share with her classmates. There are a couple kids in her class whose only hot meal is served at school. Sadly, a fight broke out over some cookies and the sharing had to stop. Also had to be careful since her class is "nut-free".

    I got laid off last week but I used to take leftover sweets to the office and park them next to the coffee machine - they were usually gone by 10am. Now the hubby has to take things to work.

    Unfortunately, I can't give any sweets to the shelters in town because they were not made in a certified kitchen.
  • mystian
    mystian Posts: 14
    Same problem here. I completely stopped because I don't think I should be eating ANY of the stuff I bake. I would have to get it out of the house ASAP, but even "tasting" it is bad for my willpower; also, my 5 year old son doesn't have any willpower - he loves food - so I try to keep high calorie treats out of the house. I have alot of frozen cookie dough that has been in the freezer for many months.

    BUT - I love trying out new stuff and really miss the fun of baking. My co-workers used to love me to bake :)
  • Well being that you aren't sharing your weight loss journey. Not sure where you are and where you're trying to go. If you have a serious weight problem, I would definitely suggest you bake for planned events only. I would not randomly bake because you have an idea in your head. I love all the ideas the other MFP'ers added. If you have an idea and are willing to donate the baked goods. Contact the business first to make sure they receive prepared food. Don't make any excuses for why you had to keep it.

    If you're baking for a special event make sure your count is on point leaving nothing to spare. Your health is more important than eating what you bake. Separate your lifestyle from your hobby, possible career and you will do well. Just my opinion!! Wishing you much success!!
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,519 Member
    I think you have gotten some good suggestions like donating to shelters, churches, food banks, giving some to neighbors, senior centers, taking some to work, sending treats with your bf/husband to his work. I ALWAYS half the recipe, so I don't have a lot of extras sitting around.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I agree with halfing the recipe (it's just annoying when it's an uneven number of eggs).

    My issue with giving them away is that I know a lot of people who just won't eat food made by others, because they're worried of allergens or general cleanness.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    ...I eat what I bake. And I bake pretty often (once a week at least) I bake less/lighten up recipes sometimes but fundamentally I just don't eat the whole pan of whatever.
  • kristen2713
    kristen2713 Posts: 253 Member
    Hahaha!! I could've written this!! I end up sending it to my boyfriend's work, taking it to his family who lives close, or bringing it to my work for our employees. I love some of the other ideas here that people have posted though!!
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,519 Member
    I hadn't thought about having to half the eggs when you half a recipe. I bake mostly vegan, b/c my daughter has an egg allergy. I sub ground flax + water for the eggs.

    Another thought that I had is if you could find a "cookie exchange" type group online in your area. I'm sure there are other people who like to do the same thing and could swap recipes. This might be a good way to meet new people too.
  • elwing
    elwing Posts: 9 Member
    I agree with halfing the recipe (it's just annoying when it's an uneven number of eggs).

    Just break the egg, whisk and use half (volume or weight - I use weight for my recipes). You can put the remaining egg in the fridge for a few days or freeze.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I will PM you my address.
  • elmr34
    elmr34 Posts: 32 Member
    I love baking and recently have been really into making iced sugar cookies. I have three strategies:

    1. Make the recipes I actually plan on eating healthier, usually you can cut the sugar by at least 1/4 and replace half of the butter with a banana, applesauce, sometimes yogurt. I don't always do this- usually if I want to eat baked goods I just run more that day...

    2. Make less- I will cut the recipe in 1/2 or even less. When I make cookies I make a normal batch of dough but only make like 5 cookies and save the rest of the dough in the freezer. Instead of making 4 dozen cookies I make 5 perfectly decorated cookies.

    3. Give it away. I love baking for parties, get-togethers, baby showers, wedding showers, etc. I don't make a crazy amount that won't get eaten! I also bring stuff into work all the time- I work with about 150 other people so somebody is always ready for a cookie.

    I also don't feel guilty for throwing uneaten baked goods in the trash. It is better than eating them myself when I've eaten too much.
  • so many wonderful suggestions and i've got loads of new ideas! thank you all so much!

    whoever said to focus on 'healthier' baked goods, that is a great idea. My boyfriend loves sandwiches for lunch so I will be trying out new healthier bread recipes for him too. If only I liked cooking in the broader sense as much as I enjoy baking *sigh*

    rocsings- I only joined this site today, but will be logging every day hopefully and will be opening my diary (I used to just write my daily intake in a notebook and lost 10lbs but this seems a lot easier and I love the community aspect as well) :)
  • mcsweetly
    mcsweetly Posts: 133 Member
    I love to bake too, so I have been getting my "fix" by baking treats and taking them in and sharing them in my daughter's kindergarten class for snack time. I must say I am a very popular mom in that class! LOL
  • 13suzie
    13suzie Posts: 349 Member
    A friend of mine loves baking cupcakes and decorating them in unique ways. She contracts with a local bakery to be the cupcake supplier. Maybe there's an opportunity like that for you if you can supply something they don't already sell to bring in more business. Here's one of her cakes.


    That is soooo cute! Oh no - this picture and looming baking project is a dangerous suggestion...I ought to read the whole thread to know what to do with them!
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    I still eat what I bake. I make room for it in my calories.

    I also bake less often. I have channeled quite a bit of my baking energy into cooking new and different meals for dinner. I know cooking isn't the same as baking, but it works for me. It seems like we hardly ever eat out anymore!
  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member
    i take stuff to the firehouse. the firemen go nuts for it. and since the ones around me are volunteer, it's a nice way to say thank you.
  • hbm616
    hbm616 Posts: 377 Member
    As others have mentioned I bring my baked goods into work. When I was in nursing school I'd bring in sweets for my clinical groups. Everyone loves free food so you can't really go wrong with sharing haha