Xmas 20lb Challenge P2!!!



  • Hi everyone down 2 more pounds for a total of 11 since the start.
  • This week I have a stomach virus. Hasn't been a great week. I hope to be well enough tomorrow to eat normal and exercise. Right now I am on a diet of saltine crackers, dinner rolls, and carbonated lime water because I can't keep anything else down. I will regroup and try to get back on track.
  • up by 2lbs - BOO - No surprise really had a bad week so back down to 8lbs loss for Xmas challenge, must try harder this week!
  • taz12
    taz12 Posts: 32
    up by 2lbs - BOO - No surprise really had a bad week so back down to 8lbs loss for Xmas challenge, must try harder this week!

    I was up 3 this week Lorna so don;t feel too bad! Only thing to do is start again adn try really hard. Have been good for the last few days so heres hoping I see some results this week. Gotta keep going girls. :flowerforyou:
  • Sorry I missed last week, but I see that everyone is doing wonderfully!
    I am down to 174.5#, which is 10# down from start of challenge on 10/18.
    (This is 17# total for me so far)
  • up by 2lbs - BOO - No surprise really had a bad week so back down to 8lbs loss for Xmas challenge, must try harder this week!

    I was up 3 this week Lorna so don;t feel too bad! Only thing to do is start again adn try really hard. Have been good for the last few days so heres hoping I see some results this week. Gotta keep going girls. :flowerforyou:

    thanks for the support Taz, I know we can do this and its having people like you here that get me through. I'm really going to push it this week, well done for being good and I hope the scales show how good you've been. :flowerforyou:
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    I havent given up folks!!! Ive been so busy and kind of stuck, but I still need to lose this weight by XMAS!

    Im at 170.2
    DOWN 2 pounds
  • The List as promised!

    twinsfan1976 3.4 lbs
    twilightteamedward 2lbs
    Heidi716 5lbs
    brookeybaby_00 5lbs
    ickybella 5lbs
    ferff3 2lbs
    loveusa 3lbs
    rayfromtx 2lbs
    MrsRios 3lbs
    614jaimee 12lbs total
    itsmewendylee 6.5 total
    arader61771 3.2lb
    NYIceQueen 4.4lbs
    cataclysm 1.6 lbs
    UCONNCOED 2lbs
    dlmarkley66 10lbs total
    vyseexe 2lbs

    Lots of people up or maintaing this week! M<aybe these people need a little more support and motivation! Anyone have some pearls of wisdom? Share them with the group!
  • Heidi716
    Heidi716 Posts: 135
    Ugh! so you know any post that starts with "ugh" can't be good. I know I don't have much to complain about since I just had a huge 5lbs loss last week and I'm not even at my official weigh in day. But I digress, occasionally I jump on the scale in morning just to make sure the number (if it's moving) is moving in the right direction and before the weekend it was going down and then something is happening and now it's actually going up but here's the thing, I'm not doing anything different than i was last week. I swear! As soon as I saw the number was up I made sure to keep on track with my diet plan, and drink even more water and it doesn't seem to be helping and I don't know WTF?! I don't think I've experience water retention more than a week before my TOM? What's going on? I'd be fine with a plateau but a gain? When I didn't even do anything to deserve it? Ugh!
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    SW 179.8
    CW 172.2
    GW 159
    we'll see what happens!
    i know i haven't been so faithful in my log ins but wanted to check in!!!!
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Ugh! so you know any post that starts with "ugh" can't be good. I know I don't have much to complain about since I just had a huge 5lbs loss last week and I'm not even at my official weigh in day. But I digress, occasionally I jump on the scale in morning just to make sure the number (if it's moving) is moving in the right direction and before the weekend it was going down and then something is happening and now it's actually going up but here's the thing, I'm not doing anything different than i was last week. I swear! As soon as I saw the number was up I made sure to keep on track with my diet plan, and drink even more water and it doesn't seem to be helping and I don't know WTF?! I don't think I've experience water retention more than a week before my TOM? What's going on? I'd be fine with a plateau but a gain? When I didn't even do anything to deserve it? Ugh!

    Hang in there!! It could be nothing. Maybe it's a different time of the day that you weighed in. Or maybe you drank more water before you weighed in last than you did before. Who knows. The scale will go back down, especially if your watching your calorie intake and still exercising. These things happens. Maybe the scale will wait till the week after your TOM show the loss, but the loss will come!! Work through it, you WILL see results!!! :flowerforyou:
  • I don't think I've experience water retention more than a week before my TOM? What's going on? I'd be fine with a plateau but a gain? When I didn't even do anything to deserve it? Ugh!

    My guess would be water retention! Or, could it be that you are putting on muscle? Are you exercising ect? Dont despair. Wieght is a funny thing! Maybe leave it a while before you get back on the scales? I normally refuse to even look at them a week before and during my TOM for fear that I might actually have a heart attack. Lol.

    Just keep going, and go easy on yourself!
  • michie1979
    michie1979 Posts: 41 Member
    sorry for my absence! stick me on the list for loosing 4.5 pounds since we started this challenge :) yay! xxx
  • Ugh! so you know any post that starts with "ugh" can't be good. I know I don't have much to complain about since I just had a huge 5lbs loss last week and I'm not even at my official weigh in day. But I digress, occasionally I jump on the scale in morning just to make sure the number (if it's moving) is moving in the right direction and before the weekend it was going down and then something is happening and now it's actually going up but here's the thing, I'm not doing anything different than i was last week. I swear! As soon as I saw the number was up I made sure to keep on track with my diet plan, and drink even more water and it doesn't seem to be helping and I don't know WTF?! I don't think I've experience water retention more than a week before my TOM? What's going on? I'd be fine with a plateau but a gain? When I didn't even do anything to deserve it? Ugh!

    Sometimes my weight goes up right before a huge loss down. It's as if it's the body's last attempt to hang on to its weight, and then just lets go (for a lower weight). So whatever you do, don't despair and eat stuff you haven't been eating because of the scale. Hang on tight and you will see good results in no time at all, probably half a week or even less.
  • Weigh in day comes around too soon!!!! AHHHH! I am 0.2lbs away from losing a whole stone since the start of the challenge and am desperate to see my weight start with a different number! I had several compliments from people today telling me I looked like Ive lost a lot of weight which was FAB! :)

    I really need an injection of motivation to do a work out tonight!! :P

    How is everybody else getting on??!
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Good Morning, I'm joining in at the halfway point. I have 10lbs (thanks for the suggestion) to lose before the New Year. So even though tomorrow is Thanksgiving, I'm setting my mind towards my new goals.
  • Can I join too? I know it's late, but I'll stick with 10 lbs by Christmas.

    A little about me: Just moved back to US after living in India for the last 5 years. On the way back my husband (from India) was denied entry (Long story, but apparently the embassy gave us the wrong visa), so it's been extremely stressful. We have two beautiful little girls, and I mean little. They are 2 (barely), and 10 months. So in between transitioning to a new country, petitioning for my husband's return (which could take as long as next summer!), and having no time to myself, I've managed to gain 7 lbs in a month! Depressing to say the least.

    I'm currently 135 and I would love to be 125 by Christmas.

    I just got P90X so I''ll be starting that tonight after the kids sleep.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Weigh in day comes around too soon!!!! AHHHH! I am 0.2lbs away from losing a whole stone since the start of the challenge and am desperate to see my weight start with a different number! I had several compliments from people today telling me I looked like Ive lost a lot of weight which was FAB! :)

    I really need an injection of motivation to do a work out tonight!! :P

    How is everybody else getting on??!

    Congratulations on the compliments. Those are always nice. My brother's best friend messaged me on MSN the other night because he saw my new profile picture and had to tell me I look like I've lost some weight. It feels so nice when someone notices. Makes you feel like you're actually doing something.

    I started c25k this week and it is a real workout. I thought I was a tough girl until I did this. Jillian Michaels six days a week didn't prepare me for this! My body is pretty sore, but I love that it finally feels like I've done something to it. Ordered some new workout clothes because I accidentally left mine in Tenerife and they came today, only they sent me the wrong size. They sent a 14 instead of a 16 in both the top and the bottoms but they both fit! I'm really excited because I've been miffed lately, since I've been the same size for the last 80 pounds, and that sucks. How is everyone else? I'm working a little harder to try to catch up with the challenge and finish at 20.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Can I join too? I know it's late, but I'll stick with 10 lbs by Christmas.

    A little about me: Just moved back to US after living in India for the last 5 years. On the way back my husband (from India) was denied entry (Long story, but apparently the embassy gave us the wrong visa), so it's been extremely stressful. We have two beautiful little girls, and I mean little. They are 2 (barely), and 10 months. So in between transitioning to a new country, petitioning for my husband's return (which could take as long as next summer!), and having no time to myself, I've managed to gain 7 lbs in a month! Depressing to say the least.

    I'm currently 135 and I would love to be 125 by Christmas.

    I just got P90X so I''ll be starting that tonight after the kids sleep.

    That's rough. I was refused entry the first time I came to visit my husband (boyfriend at the time) over here. There was no real reason, but when we talked to a visa-help company later, they told us it was probably because it was the end of the year and they had a quota. They were sending all kinds of people back that day. It's awful, and I got pretty depressed and put on some weight too. In the end, it was getting so difficult and we missed each other so much, we just decided to get married, but I still get asked about that blemish when I go through immigration. I hope you can get him back with you soon.
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Enjoy your P90X and I hope your husband will be here soon.
    Can I join too? I know it's late, but I'll stick with 10 lbs by Christmas.

    A little about me: Just moved back to US after living in India for the last 5 years. On the way back my husband (from India) was denied entry (Long story, but apparently the embassy gave us the wrong visa), so it's been extremely stressful. We have two beautiful little girls, and I mean little. They are 2 (barely), and 10 months. So in between transitioning to a new country, petitioning for my husband's return (which could take as long as next summer!), and having no time to myself, I've managed to gain 7 lbs in a month! Depressing to say the least.

    I'm currently 135 and I would love to be 125 by Christmas.

    I just got P90X so I''ll be starting that tonight after the kids sleep.
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