Alcohol alternatives


I'm doing fairly well on my diet but I'm struggling to find alternatives to my favorite treats: wine and hard cider. Lately I've been treating myself to either a glass of iced tea or club soda mixed with juice in the evening, but I'm wondering if anyone would like to share their favorite beverages. Or any motivating phrases to keep me away from the liquor cabinet!


Emily (UniqueSnowflake)


  • ElBence
    ElBence Posts: 291 Member
    I have never drank alcohol, but one of my favorite drinks is a good lemonade (I prefer fresh squeezed, but Simply brand makes a good lemonade) mixed with frozen fruit of your choice in a blender and a single mint leaf blended. This works particularly well with strawberries, cherries, blackberries, raspberries, peaches, and mangoes. The best solution if you want to keep your calories down is to cut the lemonade with water.
  • jaimeeknudson
    jaimeeknudson Posts: 3 Member
    Oh man, I am the exact same! There is nothing better after a long day, to come and have a glass of wine, or a nice cold beer! and I tried to measure out the 4oz of wine that is "per serving"...and that is crap. hahaha I do not have advice for you on that actually, because I struggle as well.. Just wanted to show you moral support ;-)
  • MamaFunky
    MamaFunky Posts: 735 Member
    Have you tried warm green tea or warm chamomile tea with a touch of honey. They can be very calming after a busy day. I enjoy a glass of wine or a cold beer on occasion, but have found that warm tea is great too! HTH! :smile:
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Have you tried spinning on the spot?
  • AuroraCoL
    AuroraCoL Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks everyone! Some great suggestions already.. and lots of support! :)
  • AuroraCoL
    AuroraCoL Posts: 18 Member
    Have you tried spinning on the spot?

    Har har :P
  • Will_Run_for_Food
    Will_Run_for_Food Posts: 561 Member
    I suppose it depends on what you miss about the wine/cider. Is it the taste, or the feeling? For me it's both, but I find the MADD alcohol-free wine tastes all right (red tastes closer to the real thing than white).
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Have you tried getting a single serving bottle?
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    For me its the feeling. I like to feel buzzed. Always been a vice of mine.

    I do once a week. ... on average. That is cutting way down on my end.

    But there has been weeks where I didn't drink. I try to fit it in cals and accept that some of the cals will be empty and macros will not come close to being met. Its worth it though as I do not plan to never not drink again! No fun! Gotta have my type of fun sometimes! lol
  • cmira5ol
    cmira5ol Posts: 1,246 Member
    I second ^^^^^^

    After a long day, I like to have a beer, a glass of wine, or a shot of Bourbon.....l too will never not not drink again, life is too moderation.
  • Will_Run_for_Food
    Will_Run_for_Food Posts: 561 Member
    Agreed - in moderation, so long as you can control it!
  • GenoPrice
    GenoPrice Posts: 477 Member
    For me its the feeling. I like to feel buzzed. Always been a vice of mine.

    I do once a week. ... on average. That is cutting way down on my end.

    But there has been weeks where I didn't drink. I try to fit it in cals and accept that some of the cals will be empty and macros will not come close to being met. Its worth it though as I do not plan to never not drink again! No fun! Gotta have my type of fun sometimes! lol

    I used to drink 2 - 4 beers/cider or glasses of wine a night but have cut down to once a week. I do 2 workouts on this day to account for the extra empty calories.
  • christopherphillips1983
    Man, Angry Orchard hard cider is like the only alcohol I drink anymore. That stuff is delicious.

    I don't really substitute anything for it, I simply don't drink as much as a whole. If I have one drink a week, that's probably about it unless there's some specific event going on (like my cousin's upcoming birthday party on the same day as the Superbowl... and we live in Seahawks territory. There will be booze). Generally speaking, the less I drink, the less I want to drink. I had a soda with my lunch earlier today, but other than that, all of the liquids I'd had in the last week were water, two cups of milk, and some fruit juice.
  • Bigmitch41
    Bigmitch41 Posts: 73 Member
    I dont drink anywere near the amount I used to (booze), just weekends now with one or two bottles of pear cider on ice. Water, diluted squash, Ginger beer and Tea is what usually drink most of the time.
  • ccole1009
    I'm not a huge drinker to begin with, but I mainly drink lemonade (and strawberry lemonade) now. Its got some flavor, and its not as bland as some of those diet drinks (like crystal light).
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Life is too short to give up booze. :drinker:
  • davidsonl13
    I just have fizzy water our of a wine glass
  • zmzmzm19
    zmzmzm19 Posts: 155 Member
    Have you tried the Skinny Girl line of drinks? I know they have both red and white wine and 100 cals a serving, not bad, and you can still enjoy an occasional glass. :wink:
  • Betty_Rubble
    Betty_Rubble Posts: 117 Member
    Alcohol is my #1 diet wrecker. I just can't drink alcohol and lose weight no matter how hard I work out or how healthy I eat. Although I didn't drink during the week, I love(d) my weekend libations! I like decaf tea in the evenings... :-/