Clean Eating - UK

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to find some friends on here who are into clean eating and based in the UK. It's something I'm trying to get into properly. I'm hoping for any UK clean eaters to add me for ideas etc (purely because we have the same shops) but would also love anybody else who is into clean eating who wouldn't mind helping me as this is all pretty new to me!

Frankii :smile:


  • sdreed25
    sdreed25 Posts: 208 Member
    Me, Me! :smile:

    I'm a UK clean eater, I'm having a week off logging but still eating clean, previous weeks are good to look at for my diary but alway looking to share meals and purchases!

    I also share my actual meals (rather than the MFP food list) on Instagram :)

    sdr_fitness_goals on IG
  • FitMrsR
    FitMrsR Posts: 226 Member
    I'm a clean eater too. I get everything from Tesco online (lots of dry beans, lentils, chickpeas, couscous etc etc etc) and I Mae me food from scratch. It's actually very easy and quick. Check out for ideas. I end up cooking a lot of vegetarian meals and we eat meat 1-2x per week to keep costs down. They have a healthy food section. On the website and most things take around 30 mins or less to cook.
  • Frankii_x
    Frankii_x Posts: 238
    Thanks for replying guys :)
  • chrissyjmarq22

    Im not based in the UK but my husband and I have both lost 30 pounds from clean eating and Im happy to share any recipes or tips about the clean eating lifestyle. Working on starting a blog about it because its been so life changing for us.
  • emarose90
    emarose90 Posts: 52
    I'd also like to get in on this, I'm from the UK and get very bored very quickly with clean eating. I'm not full on strict clean eating, but any meal ideas would be great as I'm not creative in the kitchen (I pretty much hate cooking!).

    sdreed25 - definitely going to follow you for food ideas! :)
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    OK, I really hate the term "clean eating", but if what you are really talking about is "cooking from scratch and not just opening/assembling packets and pre-made things" then I'm with you all the way. I'm just not in favour of excluding any food in its natural or minimally-processed form (i.e. butter, flour, pasta) unless advised by a medical professional following appropriate tests. As my old boss used to sa, "there's a lot more cases of people dying from NOT eating food than dying from eating food.":bigsmile:

    I love to cook - its how I eneded up here in the first place:ohwell: My go to site for recipes is the bbcgoodfoood site - it has all the recipes from all their magazines and tv programmes (including Good Food, Delicious, Olive etc) and you can put in 3 ingredients and get recipe suggestions - you can then refine the results by low calories, low fat, vegetarian etc.
  • belinda9980
    belinda9980 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, in in the uk (west Yorkshire). I'm wanting to change my diet and I'm not sure where to start. I've been losing weight since 2012 had lost 3 stone, but recently gained 5-6lb. So any ideas on healthy 'clean' eating would be invalueble. Thanks
  • kelvincornish1
    I eat clean most of the time but I also like to have a treat now and again. Processed foods are out normally for instance but now and again (less then once per month) I will have bacon. I think the term 'clean eating' has become so confusing that nobody really knows what it means. Certainly, my wife and me cooked virtually everything from scratch even soups and eat the usual fruit and veg. However, we also like Greek yogurt with honey. We also both love wine as although we are both healthy middle-aged people who do a lot of exercise we like to live.

    We have a Wholefoods store in our town and they sell a wide variety of 'clean' foods and also a farm shop just a few hundred yards up the road. We do shop at Asda, Tesco etc as well though but their selection of really healthy foods is pretty limited other than fruit and veg.

    Regarding exercise, I am not a bodybuilder but I do eat to lose body fat and to look lean with muscle. My wife is a powerful swimmer.

    Had a quick at your website and I hope it develops into something bigger for us in this tiny island!
  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    I'm from the UK and I eat my version of "clean".

    I believe my diary is open.
  • TheKitchenShed
    Thanks Kelvincornish!
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    What do we mean by clean eating?
  • rslcarson
    rslcarson Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, I know this is old post but feel free to add me. I don't really know what eating clean technically means but I don't eat much processed food and definitely no ready/dried meals. I cook loads and everything from fresh. I get basically everything from Tesco but also farmers market and butchers. I'd love to see more British food diaries to get ideas for meals.
  • louray73
    Hi all,

    I've been looking into this ideal as even though we hardly eat anything processed, id like to do more.... the more I hear & learn I know that processed foods are something I want to get away from :-)

    Kitchenshed, I'm going to go straight to your website!
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Hi Charlie,

    There's a lack of clean eating information in the UK because it's complete and utter claptrap. Due to us having a National Health Service, it is much harder for such practices to become commonplace because the majority of the healthcare system has to have some scientific background behind it before the budget will be spent on it.

    I'm hoping they will remove your account for spamming soon.
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    Hi Charlie,

    There's a lack of clean eating information in the UK because it's complete and utter claptrap. Due to us having a National Health Service, it is much harder for such practices to become commonplace because the majority of the healthcare system has to have some scientific background behind it before the budget will be spent on it.

    I'm hoping they will remove your account for spamming soon.

    Whos Charlie ?
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I wash my hands before I eat - does that count?
  • erinbuberinxo
    UK clean eater (most of the time :p) here! I cook all my meals from scratch and like to try out new clean recipes, feel free to add me!
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Hi Charlie,

    There's a lack of clean eating information in the UK because it's complete and utter claptrap. Due to us having a National Health Service, it is much harder for such practices to become commonplace because the majority of the healthcare system has to have some scientific background behind it before the budget will be spent on it.

    I'm hoping they will remove your account for spamming soon.

    Whos Charlie ?

    The post has been deleted for spam. They also pulled it out of the quote I had in my post, even though I had removed the website from it.
  • CatAMcC
    CatAMcC Posts: 166 Member
    Im in UK and in the same boat! Can a group be created to allow discussions to run off from this? Recipes etc?
  • TheKitchenShed
    Hey, sorry for any upset. I didn't realise I couldn't offer my own website as a reference to others. It wasn't intended as spam :) just a resource for clean eaters in the uk. Sorry for not understanding the forum rules better!