Why is my hair falling out? Help!

Hey everyone! I have been on this healthy journey since August 7, 2010. I have lost 60 pounds to date and 40 of that is non-pregnancy weight. About a month ago my hair started falling out. I didn't think much about it then but now it is ridiculous! Tons of hair falls out each time I shampoo, brush, or just touch my hair. It is coming out at the root and not breaking if that makes a difference. What can be causing this? Is this a clue that I am deficient in a certain vitamin? Do I need to up my calories? I have been at 1200 since day 1 but this did not happen the first couple of months. Please help! I don't want to be bald! lol
*edit to add: My baby was born 7/7/10 and I do have hypothyroidism. I have been diagnosed for almost 9 years and had my last bloodwork done 3 weeks ago and was not only normal, but ideal. I go back Dec 6 for another draw. I take synthroid 75mcg and cymbalta 60mg daily. I started back on my prenatal yesterday. I don't breastfeed. I started exercising and eating right in May at 7 months but any loss was masked by pregnancy gain (I started out overweight at 196 and gained 21 topping out at 217). By 1 month postpartum, I was at 186 and started Mfp. I work out 4 times a week, running, spinning, or weight training. I don't follow a diet, just mfp guidelines. 1200 cals, 165 carbs, 45 protein, 40 fat, 2500 mg sodium, 24 sugar. I try to eat low sodium, as little processed food as possible, lots of real food, and drink 100+ oz of water daily. I usually am way under carbs and way over protein daily. I will try and open up my diary when I get to work. Thanks!


  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    You aren't getting enough protein. This is pretty common among people who loose weight quickly (which you are) and aren't eating enough protein.
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    What is your protein intake? look at your diary and check your average total per day. And what type diet are you doing?
  • Chiquita_Banana
    how long ago was your pregnancy? i went through this and so did a co-worker of mine, if you took pre-natal vitamins and have stopped, sometimes your hair will fall out, the vitamins worked wonders with my hair, but when i stopped taking them i noticed my hair fell out , also could be due to hormone changes, another explanation which i doubt, could be a thyroid problem.... but i would go with hormone changes after pregnancy. and also losing a lot of weight...
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    how long ago since you have a baby? you said some of the weight wasn't pregnancy weight? I know a few months after i had my kids i would loose a ton of hair and that is because when you are preggo you don't loose much at all, it is usually a few months later it sheds.
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    I'm having the same problem and i was told that i might be defienct in a certain vitamin but i would have to go to the doctor to find out


    I was apparently low on my protein.

    You can try the same supplement i'm on. It's called Biotin. I've pasted a clip of the article but here is the link if you want to read more on this subject. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biotin)

    General overview
    Biotin is necessary for cell growth, the production of fatty acids, and the metabolism of fats and amino acids. It plays a role in the citric acid cycle, which is the process by which biochemical energy is generated during aerobic respiration. Biotin not only assists in various metabolic reactions but also helps to transfer carbon dioxide. Biotin may also be helpful in maintaining a steady blood sugar level.[2] :happy: Biotin is often recommended for strengthening hair and nails. :happy: Consequently, it is found in many cosmetics and health products for the hair and skin, though it cannot be absorbed through the hair or skin itself.

    Hope this helps,
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I also take biotin everyday. I haven't had my hair falling out, I just started taking it because I know it's good for skin, hair and nails. It's fairly cheap, too.
  • jenniferscheller
    jenniferscheller Posts: 48 Member
    Go to a doctor and ask for a full metabolic workup and a thyroid screen you might have hypothyroidism like me.
  • mamabear88
    Go to your doctor and get your thyroid checked as well.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    how long ago was your pregnancy? i went through this and so did a co-worker of mine, if you took pre-natal vitamins and have stopped, sometimes your hair will fall out, the vitamins worked wonders with my hair, but when i stopped taking them i noticed my hair fell out , also could be due to hormone changes, another explanation which i doubt, could be a thyroid problem.... but i would go with hormone changes after pregnancy. and also losing a lot of weight...

    That would be from the hormones of pregnancy, not the vitamines. It usually falls out the first few months after birth. It can be shocking and a lot. Hair thickens up great during pregnancy! Although consider the protein in the diet. And check with your doctor.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I'm having the same problem and i was told that i might be defienct in a certain vitamin but i would have to go to the doctor to find out


    I was apparently low on my protein.

    You can try the same supplement i'm on. It's called Biotin. I've pasted a clip of the article but here is the link if you want to read more on this subject. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biotin)

    General overview
    Biotin is necessary for cell growth, the production of fatty acids, and the metabolism of fats and amino acids. It plays a role in the citric acid cycle, which is the process by which biochemical energy is generated during aerobic respiration. Biotin not only assists in various metabolic reactions but also helps to transfer carbon dioxide. Biotin may also be helpful in maintaining a steady blood sugar level.[2] :happy: Biotin is often recommended for strengthening hair and nails. :happy: Consequently, it is found in many cosmetics and health products for the hair and skin, though it cannot be absorbed through the hair or skin itself.

    Hope this helps,

    I have been losing hair for years. I even had a hair stylist ask me if I had a thyroid problem due to the clump of hair she had in her hand. I recently learned my thyroid is fine (although I did find out I have Fibromyalgia). I am definitely going to get this Biotin. It sounds like a great product for dieting and exercise.

    Hope it works out for you!!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I agree with the hormones of pregnancy thing. I lost almost and inch of my hairline about 3 months after each birth. Extra protein, and Biotin do help as does Nioxin. It will grow back!:wink: Small price for that bundle in your arms!


  • 19marie74
    Thank goodness I am not the only one. I go to the doctor tomorrow for this very problem. I know I am getting enough protein because I eat protein bars all the time. I eat them for breakfast or lunch. I have lost almost 50 pounds by the way. I did take Biotin every day but I stopped because I am not a very good pill popper. But with me besides losing my hair,,,,, the top of my head will hurt at times. It was almost like my hair on top of my head would hurt then next thing I knew I would lose a lot of hair. I hope you find out what is causing it. I hope I do to.
  • Chiquita_Banana
    how long ago was your pregnancy? i went through this and so did a co-worker of mine, if you took pre-natal vitamins and have stopped, sometimes your hair will fall out, the vitamins worked wonders with my hair, but when i stopped taking them i noticed my hair fell out , also could be due to hormone changes, another explanation which i doubt, could be a thyroid problem.... but i would go with hormone changes after pregnancy. and also losing a lot of weight...

    That would be from the hormones of pregnancy, not the vitamines. It usually falls out the first few months after birth. It can be shocking and a lot. Hair thickens up great during pregnancy! Although consider the protein in the diet. And check with your doctor.

    i know the vitamins have a lot to do with it as well as the hormones ... not to grow hair, but the vitamins make your hair/nails/ basically everything needed for pregnancy healthier which in turn causes less breakage and shedding of hair, along with the hormones, i have heard of people taking pre-natals just for healthier nails and hair, and i know the fish oil/dha they have in the prenatals now works wonders
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    If you're following MFP's guidelines and only taking in 45g of protien that could be part of the issue. I was told that when I worked out I should take in a MINIMUM of 100g... Try upping that and see if that helps. If it gets too bad go see your doctor.
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    Thanks everyone for the suggestions! I am going to up my protein and watch it another month... if it is still excessive I will go to the dr.
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    It is definitely post pregnancy hormones. Your hair can almost double while you are pregnant and then once you have the baby, it all falls out. Are you breastfeeding? Your hair will continue to fall out as you are breastfeeding but you will not lose any more hair than what you had before getting pregnant. My son is 11 months old and I am still dealing with hairloss. Before long, you will notice all kinds of (annoying!!) baby hairs growing in. It's completely normal.
  • pennfields
    i am so glad i saw this, my hair has been falling out quite rapidly too, and i havent just had a baby.
    i hope upping the protein in your diet helps, i am going to try that too.