Been here before but back in the game!

I have been overweight my whole life, due to an addiction to food as a way to make myself feel better about my depression. Just in the past few years they have figured out the best medicine for me to take for my depression/anxiety so I'm not comfort eating as much. Once I finally felt better about myself, I was able to cut back on my food intake n I started exercising by using Zumba for the Xbox almost every day. I had started at 220 but got down to 180(ish) then I ended up falling off the wagon due to a divorce, it really pushed me down. What really helped me get back up in my own life is when I n some of my family went to England, I really was able to find myself as a person rather than a partner in a relationship so independence had found me. Since then I have been able to understand myself a lot more, got back up about a month ago with the same optimism I had before, so I am back in it! My CW is 209.8 and my GW is 150 at least, I may go lower and/or do weight training when I get to the goal but I am hoping to be there by mid-August.


  • Swinggrrl
    Swinggrrl Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome back! I totally hear you - emotional eater here! And I've been through the divorce thing too, but with the opposite effect! I dropped the 85 lbs I gained while with him! I'm sitting at about 215 now, for about a year and having a hell of a time breaking that plateau! Good luck in your journey!
  • kiwi_gros
    kiwi_gros Posts: 30 Member
    Ive just gotta say no matter how long it takes for you to get out of the plateau, it will be a blink of an eye compared to the rest of your life. Patience is a HUGE part of losing weight but its always possible, good luck to you!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    This is my third time. But I regained a lot less this time and I am ready to learn from the past. Welcome back. It works. You know it this time around.
  • wshultz14
    wshultz14 Posts: 63 Member
    Welcome Back Kiwi,

    I am a 65 year old woman, who has a host of health issues due to my 5'3' frame trying to support 212 lbs. I have returned to MFP myself. I was here last year at this time, and had success. Then summer came, and a lot of outdoor events, and before I knew it I too had fallen off the wagon... I have returned, now in two weeks I am finding daily success in some of the things I am tracking, carbs, sugar, salt etc., as I get use to being back on this program. I am a show and tell person. If I can see what I am eating in print it is easier for me to make the changes that are required. A few years ago I had a massive blood clot in my left leg, after the Dr.s dissolved my clot I discovered I could no longer feel hunger, feel when I am getting full, and I don't feel when I am over full. You may feel stuffed.. I don't have that. It makes it difficult to eat. I try to watch people eat when out with friends. When they stop eating I do too. I think I must be full. Otherwise, I just try to measure my food. Some day's I am more successful than other days. I retain water, and take water pills. I don't always loose my water, so only once in awhile I loose enough water I can weight myself and know I am getting a true weight. So if you notice my MFP scale is not moving much this is why. Feel free to add me as a friend if you care to. Have a Blessed Day/Evening.