My knees are killing me!

Help! I have been having the worst pain in my knees. I started my weight loss journey using the eliptical but then got bored with that so I started jogging and doing cardio "shows". Now no matter what exercise I do it seems that my knees are suffering. They hurt all the time...sitting, sleeping, when I have to lift my leg to straight it out, or when I sit down or get up. Ouch! :sad: Cutting out cardio isn't an option I want to pursue because I still need to burn calories and want to lose about 10 more pounds. Any ideas? Vitamins? I take Aleve pain pills every now an again.


  • clohessy
    clohessy Posts: 394 Member
    Ice for 20 minutes. Three or four times a day each knee.
  • Aimee_PD
    Aimee_PD Posts: 177 Member
    see thats how i feel with the elliptical...i was walking about 5-6 miles a day on my treadmill and then it crashed on me so i bought an elliptical, now my knees ache every time i get on! i hate it! although when i first started walking on the treadmill my knees would feel it too...maybe its your body adjusting to a new workout?
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I know this about myself. Eliptical, steppers, stairs, stationary bikes. These hurt my knees after a week of trying to exercise with them (or less). That's why I do a nordic trac ski machine. You can work up to a run with them. Old ladies could kick your butt cross country skiing into their 70's. Also swimming. I just stay away with stepping type repeadative things.
  • becomingsara
    I was over zealous and was working out 7 days a week, 1 hr of intense kickboxing cardio every session. When it got to 45-1 hr per day, my knees said "I quit!" and I couldn't even WALK for a work out.

    So after a couple of weeks doing sterength training only - letting my knees repair and rest (Rest,Ice, Compression & Elevation or RICE), I have changed things up a bit. I am having to work back up to the intensity level, but I refuse to push my knees past breaking again. Now I do cardio MWF, lifting weights t, thrs & sat and take Sunday off COMPLETELY...your body must heal!
    I am at 30-40 mins currently and will hopefully get to an hour per workout of cardio.

    Good luck and above all, PLEASE listen to your body! Pain, the kind you can't work through, generally means STOP! REST!!!
    ~ Sara
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    also start taking a glucosomine (sp?) supplement. It's great for the joints!
  • strongerthanb4
    you need to ice them for 15-20 a couple times a day and take ibuprofen. when i started out or when i change workouts my knees suffer too. the last time i upped my workout my knees hurt for about 5 weeks, UGH! it was awfull. just be carefull and don't injure yourself more. good luck. oh, i know they say heat is not good for injuries, but i would get some relief with the heating pad as well as ice!
  • lisafrancis629
    I had been doing the elliptical, treadmil and various DVD's for 2 months. Started doing the C25K running program and did fine for 7 weeks but then on Week 5 ( I repeated week 4 twice) my knees started killing me. I have NEVER had any kind of knee problems. Stopped to the C25K but my knees hurt regardless of what I did. So I took 3 days off totally. The pain went away and I started back walking on the treadmill and doing some strength training for the muscles around my knee. I also do plenty of stretching and put ice on each knee for 20 minutes after I workout. This seems to be helping. I think maybe I need new sneakers since I've added jogging to my exercise so I'm going to get some within the next week.

    Good luck but be sure to listen to your body. You don't want to injury yourself worse. Take it slow and easy.
  • ganesha303
    ganesha303 Posts: 257 Member
    Ice and rest now. Glucosamine chondroitin and Gelatin forever.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Tylenol for immediate relief. Have a doctor check you out to see if you have arthritis. That's what happened to me. The glucosamine, etc will help long term but will not provide immediate relief
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    My knees were hurting most of the time. I take glucosamine and omega-3 fish oil twice a day at the suggestion of my doctor and it really helps. You won't notice the difference for a month or two. But then you do. Also, if you did something that is still cardio, but less of an impact on your knees, every other day for a while, it should cut down on the pain ( like biking or swimming). Good luck!
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Strengthen your thigh muscles which in turn will support your knees. That is what my personal trainer told me to do b/c I had awful pain from bicycling. I step up and down, one leg at a time, on a high raised platform. It is to improve my stability. I also have to step sideways, while in a partial squat, with a large thick rubber band around my ankles. And sumo squats, holding a weight down in front of me and I rise and lower. I only do the Elliptical now that the weather is cold, and I have not been experiencing any knee pain thankfully.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI! I too have pain in my knees due to arthrits.I ice my knee after doing ex.Swimming helps me also.I also take supplements that seem to help.
    Good luck!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    When I tried the eliptical and the stair climber thing that my posture was altered. Well, I mean that my stance was off. I was not standing at a natural position for me. My feet were wider apart and I found myself kind of going side to side while working out. I have arthritis in both knees and also have bone spurs on the knees. The side to side motion was making the knees irritated more than normal. I went back to walking and resistance bands. I keep a couple bags of frozen Lima beans in the freezer for just those instances. 20 on , 20 off.

    Good Luck!
  • banana1999
    banana1999 Posts: 11 Member
    You need to start taking Hyaluronic acid. It helps with joints and is the number one thing my mom's doctor recommented for all of her joints. It is supposed to be better than taking Glucosamine and Chondroitin .
  • merebear
    merebear Posts: 80 Member
    You need to start taking Hyaluronic acid. It helps with joints and is the number one thing my mom's doctor recommented for all of her joints. It is supposed to be better than taking Glucosamine and Chondroitin .

    Thanks Tana - I will try that stuff. If not, I am coming next door for ice packs! Kidding :laugh:
  • banana1999
    banana1999 Posts: 11 Member
    I have some in the freezer! :happy:
  • doramouse
    doramouse Posts: 160
    Bumping this topic as there are some great advice - tips.

    My knee started KILLING me after doing jumping jacks. Just the left one. It doesn't really feel like the knee so much as the muscle behind the knee on the outside part of my leg. It's a sharp pain. I am going to ice it as suggested upthread.

    Has anyone experience this pain with jumping jacks - which I won't be doing any more but just subbing something else for them ;)
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Help! I have been having the worst pain in my knees. I started my weight loss journey using the eliptical but then got bored with that so I started jogging and doing cardio "shows". Now no matter what exercise I do it seems that my knees are suffering. They hurt all the time...sitting, sleeping, when I have to lift my leg to straight it out, or when I sit down or get up. Ouch! :sad: Cutting out cardio isn't an option I want to pursue because I still need to burn calories and want to lose about 10 more pounds. Any ideas? Vitamins? I take Aleve pain pills every now an again.

    The other thing you can try that I haven't seen mentioned yet is switching out your shoes. If you are jogging now, the wrong shoes can definitely lead to injury. Don't just wear a pair that you bought off the rack. Do to a store that specializes in running and have them fit you. That can make a MAJOR difference for you.