Linda from SA

Hi...heard people talking about myfitnesspal so i thought i would check it out and i love it.
I am on optifast and this is a really good way to track my foods etc.
I started on 26 jan 14 and my start weight was 115.8 - my goal is 80K.:laugh: :laugh:


  • 000Linda000
    000Linda000 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello, I'm Linda from Canada!
  • Hello and welcome! I've been here for 10 days so far, start weight 126.1 and I'm down to 123.6 already. I'm not on a DIEt though, I'm just counting calories and making sure I am working on a deficit every day. It's impossible for me to deny myself anything, so I just account for everything that I want or need in my day to day kilojoules.

    My initial goal is 95kg, and when I get there I will re-evaluate.
  • i have got myself a weightloss ticker.
  • is there a seperate topic somewhere that we can post the weight actually lost each time we weigh.
  • Hi Linda

    I am also from SA :smile:

    I haven't been that good about logging, but I love to see everyone's inspiring stories!
  • JcMey3r
    JcMey3r Posts: 431 Member
    Fellow SA resident checking in.
  • Wow more SA people. Thought i might be alone.
    Hi everyone. I've been using the calorie counter for about a week now and im loving it. Im also working with a dietician and hating detox.
    i seem to be way under my calorie intake currently because of the detox but in 2weeks ive lost 4kgs already. I'm weighing every saturday but cheated and weighed yesterday. Im hoping that the dieticians scale sais the same as mine.

    Where in SA are you guys from?
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    SA checking in

  • hi!