For Successful Losers: Do You Still See Yourself as Fat?



  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    When I go to the clothing store, I pull my size off the rack, look at it, and go "no, that will never fit." Then pull a larger size to go try on. I try it on, and it's too big. And I stare in the mirror. "Why doesn't this fit? Why is it too big? What's wrong with this shirt?" I sit around at extended family birthday parties or something. And don't see a group of fat people. Then I look at the pictures afterwards and go "God, who is that skinny woman sitting next to mom?" And it's me. I'm the thin woman in the mirror in the sweater too big. I'm the thin woman in the family pictures. I don't really think of myself as fat, per se. I just think I look like everyone else (i.e fat). Until I see pictures of myself and go, "where the heck did the rest of me go?"
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I'm just starting this journey (this time around) but I lost 50some pounds when I was in college, had surpassed my original goal and then some, and I still saw myself as fat. Maybe not fat, but I still felt like I needed to lose more. I remember looking at one of my wedding pictures and focusing on how fat my arm looked in the picture. Now looking back, I think I looked amazing and I can't believe I saw myself as still being fat.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    When I look at myself on the mirror, I feel like I look good, and I don't see a fat girl. When i have a picture of me taken though, I feel I still look fat. It's weird.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    The OP is not interested in us. He/she is collecting data. Check the profile, I am not ashamed of anything I have posted, but I don't like the subterfuge. I am honest and I expect MFP to be honest! :noway:
  • FreshKrisKreash
    FreshKrisKreash Posts: 444 Member
    I know that I'm not fat anymore. I see myself as normal. I don't see myself as thin although others say they do. I live with a fear of becoming that fat me again.
  • ruinswithin
    ruinswithin Posts: 7 Member
    I've lost almost 100 pounds and I feel exactly the same. I am still disgusted with my body and I can't seem to view myself as anything but obese. Does this mean that there is an underlying issue?
  • Lovelovesme
    Lovelovesme Posts: 37 Member
    I have the opposite problem, Big lady who sees herself as lean, guess thats why its taken so long to do something
  • CappuccinoLover4
    I see others my same size and think they look pretty good and when I look at myself I don't see the same thing. I do have more weight to lose, but self perception is definitely hard to accurately analyze.
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    Lost 88ish pounds, went from 285 to 197. 6'1''

    Still see myself fat unless I'm dressed
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    I don't know that I ever saw myself as "fat"

    "big" yes, but not fat - but I always had a pretty healthy ego though.

    technically my BMI now is right at the 30 mark which has me still in the obese range for my height/weight but I definitely don't see "fat" now

    oddly though, I've hit the spot where my friends and family all are starting to hint that maybe it's time I stop and I reassure everyone that I am fine and almost at my goal
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
  • MJay0023
    MJay0023 Posts: 12 Member
    I lost about 50lbs but I keep seeing a fat guy in the mirror. :( but to be fair, I still have about 15 to 20 lbs to go.
  • KingOfTheBurke
    Definitely still see myself as fat even though I'm only 10 pounds from goal.

    My history is that when I was in my early 20's, I weighed 230 at my highest. I made friends with a runner who got me started by showing me that if I went slowly enough (like 14 minute miles-- barely a shuffle) I could go much further than I would have ever dreamed. Within a year I was down to 180. I've gone back up as high as 200 and been as low as 160, but for the most part I've stayed between 180 and 190 for the last 30 years.

    The funny thing is that in my early 30's I had a couple of years when I was running half marathons and cross-country skiing. I weighed about 160 pounds, and I remember being on a ski trip and getting dressed one morning in the hotel. I got out of the shower, got dressed, looked in the mirror and to my great surprise, I did not look fat to myself. That is the ONLY DAY OF MY LIFE I felt that way. Fifty two years, and for exactly one morning I saw myself as thin. I have a picture taken that day, and I treasure it because I remember that for that one single day, I saw myself differently.

    I truly don't spend time beating myself up about it, but I think that in some way I see myself the way an alcoholic does. In my mind, I'm a fat man no matter what I weigh, someone who struggles with eating well that has managed to live a decent life because I found some exercise I enjoy and because I keep trying. Even when I'm fit I never feel any affinity with the skinny runners or the size 6 hipster chicks. I envy them, and sometimes even resent them, but they're not my people. I love reading the success stories and seeing the people who have fought the same battle I have, the gals holding up their fat jeans from 100 pounds ago, who went from round and dowdy to downright hot. Or the guys flexing confidently in the mirror and smiling far more in the "after" picture than the "before." The people who have lost weight, fallen off the wagon, brushed the dust off, and tried again for the umpteenth time. Those are my people.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I don't see myself as fat. I struggled with that for the longest time. Ever since i was a kid i never though i was good looking or had a nice body. Then, I hit 150 pounds in the summer of 2012. I went camping with my family, and looking through the pictures I saw this beautiful woman, with this ridiculous ear to ear grin, in a bathing suit. You could see the cellulite and stretch marks, and she didn't care, she was still happy. And then I realised that was me. And I loved it. I've got 15 pounds til I get back to 150, but in my head I am that beautiful woman, and I love myself.
  • nedtoloseme
    nedtoloseme Posts: 98 Member
    I think even though I have lost weight, I also see myself without clothes on. When I look I see where I need go lose more pounds. I think it will take a little while to get over that.
  • kazzsjourney2goal
    kazzsjourney2goal Posts: 56 Member
    l logically know I am slimmer....but I still carry a lot of the insecurities I had...same fears...same disbelief in myself....but I am improving...its a slow process tho
  • bethcox16
    bethcox16 Posts: 229 Member
    easy question yes!

    i really keep wishing for the day that i actually think i look skinny in something! because i cant tell anymore and it is actually quite depressing
  • DaddyDave101
    DaddyDave101 Posts: 72 Member
    I don't see myself or call myself fat anymore but I don't think I am where I want to be. I think if you had shown me the results on day 1 I would have snapped your arm off for them... But when you put so much work in and focus on it full time you become abot obsessed and constantly want more results... When I get my last 5lb off I am setting a new target of another stone. Will again teview it then!
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'm not fat anymore. But I still have too much fat, and until I don't (ie until my definition isn't being covered by a layer of it), I'll still see myself as too fat.
  • Nissi51
    Nissi51 Posts: 381 Member

    I have lost over 100lbs and still see myself as fat.

    I am shocked most times when I see a picture of myself and I am not fat.., truly weird

    Great question