Not paying for gym membership



  • Bluetoast
    Hmmmmm. What makes the gym so attractive to now go when you are being dishonest when it was not used during the time that you were legitimately paying for it?
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Id keep going and play dumb. honestly if they're charging $45 per month they can stand to lose out
    like i used to ride the metro without a ticket all the time cos it was actually cheaper to never get one and get fined like once a month than to get one daily (they never used to check them anyway)
    And I've used my mums gym membership too whenever i go down to see her as they never check it anyway
  • TLwineguzzler
    TLwineguzzler Posts: 289 Member
    45 quid a month!!!! I'd find a cheaper gym!
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    Their error, play dumb. They earn a **** load of money so go along with it for as long as you can! In my opinion * coughs


    Obviously you're not a business owner because you'd see things a lot differently if you were. It doesn't matter whose error it was wrong is wrong period. If everyone thought the way you two did than there would be no more businesses around because you feel ENTITLED to take advantage of them. And for the record you don't know how much money the gym earns. They have a ton of overhead that needs to paid: Employees, heating, electricity, taxes, social security, employment taxes, unemployment taxes, workers comp insurance, equipment leases (or the monthly bill), rent (or mortgage depending on if they own or not), the vendor who supplies the water they sell, the person who sells the smoothies and probably all the ingredients for the smoothies . . . you get the point.

    I would like to say that I'm shocked by the response and the feeling of entitlement but I'm really not. Hey, while you're at it why not skim some money off the top of the company you work for when you go and make their deposits? After all they "make enough money. They don't need any more". SMH.
  • scottyg70
    scottyg70 Posts: 388 Member
    Their error, play dumb. They earn a **** load of money so go along with it for as long as you can! In my opinion * coughs


    Obviously you're not a business owner because you'd see things a lot differently if you were. It doesn't matter whose error it was wrong is wrong period. If everyone thought the way you two did than there would be no more businesses around because you feel ENTITLED to take advantage of them. And for the record you don't know how much money the gym earns. They have a ton of overhead that needs to paid: Employees, heating, electricity, taxes, social security, employment taxes, unemployment taxes, workers comp insurance, equipment leases (or the monthly bill), rent (or mortgage depending on if they own or not), the vendor who supplies the water they sell, the person who sells the smoothies and probably all the ingredients for the smoothies . . . you get the point.

    I would like to say that I'm shocked by the response and the feeling of entitlement but I'm really not. Hey, while you're at it why not skim some money off the top of the company you work for when you go and make their deposits? After all they "make enough money. They don't need any more". SMH.

    ^^ This! I mean based on the person she quoted's response, why don't we all rob banks? They make a ton of money. Bottom line is it's stealing. They operate a business and they charge a fee for their service in order to maintain that business. Pay it or stop going.
  • Noamsh
    Noamsh Posts: 79 Member
    <--- Also a terrible human being and I would continue going until I got caught, and even then I would play dumb. However, if they then charged me for anything, I wouldn't argue, I would just pay it.
    then again, I also hate gyms and refuse to pay to go to one anyway, so I'm biased :)

    My thoughts exactly.
    But then again, I also don't like gyms.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    I bet all the people who say they would keep going to the gym until the caught up with them are the same ones who would immediately be angry if they got charged the wrong price or twice in one month for their membership. You'd probably jump up and bring it straight to the attention of management.

    Seriously. The amount of people that condone stealing is incredible.
  • scottkjar
    scottkjar Posts: 346 Member
    Some gyms have a per-class fee that you can pay. See if yours does. If so, start paying that when you go.
  • DoctorGreenthumb
    DoctorGreenthumb Posts: 16 Member
    I would go until they noticed, then play dumb if they brought it up. But, that's me. I love freebies.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Either admit to yourself that you are stealing and be okay with it or right the wrong and stop doing it. You know what you are doing. Validation from people on the internet will not change the reality of things.


    so much of this.
  • hearthemelody
    hearthemelody Posts: 1,025 Member
    At this point I just want to know if OP is going to make a decision and what it is.
  • ozmakitten
    Nicely said. I work for the government where no money is involved. I refuse to pay for gyms and would rather exercise outside or use my weights in the back garden. Everyone's different I suppose. Too many people and company owners are incompetent and therefore don't realise they aren't or are charging people. Is it stealing?
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    A cheater is a cheater. I figure the original poster won't be on MFP very long. They won't be honest enough to accurately log their calories or their workout sessions. :laugh: