When did it stop being hard and become a habit?

Okay, so I'm just wondering in general, how long for people to completely adjust to their new way of eating?

They say it takes 21 days for something to become a habit if done consistently.

Does this ring true for anyone? Or is it all merely a case of self discipline and motivation?


  • HelllYeaHH
    HelllYeaHH Posts: 56 Member
    I'd say it takes longer. I've been working out for 4-5 months and then not at all for another 2.
  • Fiona_Cami89
    Fiona_Cami89 Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks for the reply :)

    I find hearing about other people's experiences interesting because you realise that everybody is so different. Some people can start something and stick with it straight away, others (like myself) need at least three runs up to it before finally making the leap haha!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,267 Member
    I actually haven't found this hard at all.

    But I am not depriving myself either. I eat lots of food and the exercise I do I love. I look forward to it and have since I've started..

    I have not stopped eating anything I love...just less of it. I still drink and sometimes even go over my maintenance when I should be sticking to a deficet but that is how life is...
  • Fiona_Cami89
    Fiona_Cami89 Posts: 42 Member
    I think that's a very healthy and realistic approach, Stef! Life happens and everybody is bound to have a wobble here and there. I'm trying not to be obsessive about mine either, I stick to my calorie allowance every day but if I go over by a couple on a grumpy day, so what? I'm still in deficit compared to what I'd normally have eaten.