My Job is Making Me Fat!



  • jorasims
    jorasims Posts: 75 Member
    I would definitely recommend a HIIT workout. Try Youtube...LionsGate BeFit, Melissa Bender....15-20 HIIT workout will work you out pretty well....
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    With that commute I think your best bet is to watch the calories like a hawk and spend part of lunch and any breaks walking briskly. Walking does a great job of just getting you moving. Hopefully on the weekend you can find time for a longer walk or run.
  • amsipub
    amsipub Posts: 84 Member
    I understand what you are going through. My way of getting in exercise throughout the day is climbing 2 flights of stairs before I go to the bathroom and after I go to the bathroom. It takes maybe 5 additional min. each time I go, but it's worth it. I can climb up to 12 flights of stairs in one day. When the weather is nicer than it is now I also do a 30 min. walk during lunch. Then if I can only get in two evening workouts in the week, I still lose weight. But that's mostly dependent on my food intake. Exercise is good for you, but what you put into your body and the amount of calories you consume are far more important than the exercise when it comes to weight loss. The exercise is just the normal part of a healthy lifestyle. It doesn't add that many calories you can eat in a day unless you are aggressively exercising (crossfit, high intensity workouts).
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    May I ask why you can't find a different job closer to home? 4 hours a day in a car is nuts, that doesn't give you much time for anything let alone working out.
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    A lot of people here are making good suggestions that I'm sure you have already considered. You have the most control over your situation. You need to make some changes for YOU.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    Like many others have posted, you do not need to exercise to lose weight; you just have to eat at a caloric deficit.

    I recommend eating more than 1200 calories per day as a deficit that great will lead to you possibly burning out and feeling like you are dieting. If this is something you truly want, then you will want to make sustainable changes with your diet and exercise.

    Try setting your weight loss goal to 1lb per week to increase your calories; this will give you more energy through your day and allow for treats here or there so that you don't fee deprived.

    I too work a desk job, and while my commute is not nearly as long as yours I find time to squeeze in workouts. I get up early and do a 25 minute workout (T25 or a JM DVD), and I walk at lunch and on my 15 minute breaks.

    I think the key to sustainable weight loss is to make small changes and build from those small changes as opposed to trying to do everything all at once.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    So, I began an exercise and eating program with the help of MFP. I dropped 6 lbs in 2 weeks. I was very pleased.

    The problem is my job. I work 8 to 10 hours a day with a 4 hr commute (2 hrs each way), plus I am a mom and wife, so family time is very important to me, given I have so little of it most of the week.

    I have tried getting up at 4 am to work out, that didn't work, I am wiped after 2 or 3 days. I have tried logging nightly half hour sessions, but that is also very hard to do. My husband is not always home at a decent hour and most of the time dinner and homework help fall solely on me. By the time I get to sit down and eat I have an hour and a half to enjoy my family and have dinner before I have to go to bed and call it a night to start all over.

    I am thinking that given my current (and long term) situation, I need to find another schedule for my exercise. I know for sure that I can dedicate time on Friday night, Saturday and Sunday. Has anyone else had success with 3 workout sessions a week? How did you do it? Did you do full max out session those 3 days? Did you alternate cardio/weights/full body???

    Any help is greatly appreciated. I really want to and need to make this work.

    As a side note I am already set on 1200 cal for my allowance on MFP, any tweaks suggested to that are welcome as well.

    I would start with more food and then add in exercise at work...not sure if your work has a gym or one close but that works...30mins of walking or lifting or something and 30mins for lunch.
  • Geojerm
    Geojerm Posts: 291 Member
    can you go for a walk at lunch?

    ^ this

    No cost, and tonnes of benefits ! Especially working a desk job - mental & physical break needed throughout the day : D
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    I only work out 4 days a week and I've managed to get down to 18.6% body fat.

    On those days, however, I lift extremely heavy for my size and put all I can into my workouts. I usually work out Mon-Thurs and have Fri, Sat and Sun off... I'm in the best shape of my life.

    I still stay within caloric range though on days I'm not exercising.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Can you change jobs? Or move? It doesn't sound like this sustainable long term since you aren't happy and don't have enough family time.

    I second the lunch time workout if you can do it. Eat while you work and workout during your break. Do your coworkers take smoke breaks? Go for a quick 5-10 minute walk while they smoke. Can you get a standing desk? Mine is electric and moves up and down. I try to stand half the day and sit half the day and it makes a huge difference. I also used to do some push ups on the bathroom sinks, run up and down the stair case a couple of times each time I needed to go up/down once when no one was around, etc.

    Here is how to set your calories and macros appropriately:
  • wvtracyann
    wvtracyann Posts: 106 Member
    I also have a desk job and get no exercise during the day. I only workout 3-4 times a week for about a hour each day. I ended up raising my calorie goal to 1400 and I have done a lot better. I have ended up losing 15 pound in 3 months doing this so it is possible!
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    If this were me here is what I would do:

    - Train on Fri, Sat & Sun (45-60min)
    - Train early on 1day from Tuesday - Thursday. I would prolly pick Wednesday AM. That would be your ONLY early wake up day.

    The above would mean that you get in 4 days of working out with only one of them waking up at 4ish, and I would make that one a short one like 30-40 min.

    This is what I would do in the same situation.
  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    Other then the 4hour drive for work this is me all the way... I have a desk job that I'm at for 8 hours a day... I have to kids that I'm helping with home work and cooking dinner at the same time...I hate getting up any earlier to work out in the mornings... and I have very little time at night... I have lost 7lbs in the past 3 weeks just from changing my foods... I'm adding in work outs if I can and bout to force myself into working out in the AMs even if I have to come to work later and get home later...
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I work out 3X/week... I sit at a desk ALL DAY so I don't get a lot of burn from my day-to-day activities... and I've been losing on this system consistently (following New Rules of Lifting for Women). I do cardio maybe 1x/week. Food is everything. I stick to 1500 cals/day usually unless I have a very active day (on the weekends, say). I have cut my carb intake (mostly) to once/day and really try to incorporate more protein into my diet.

    I've been lazy this last week because it's my week off from lifting and I've hit a plateau so I figured if I let my hair down.... then go back at it full speed next week maybe I'll shake my body into shedding another lb or 2 :) Feel free to add me and good luck!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I'm wondering the same as a lot of other people are but haven't seen you answer... why can't you find a job closer to home? i have a 30 minute commute and I still think that is too long lol.

    I only work out 3X a week. I am seeing great results. Although I lift weights so doing my workouts 3 days in a row would not work for me.

    I know what you mean about wanting exercise... I sit on my butt all day long as well at work. It is so not healthy. That is one of the main reasons I decided to make exercise a priority in my life. But it's hard when you have a family. I go to the gym after work, I get there around 6pm and workout for only 30 minutes. It's not much but I value my time with my family too much to stay there for an hour or more.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Yikes, this job situation sounds terrible.

    I would focus on calorie control, workout on the weekends when you have time, and maybe try to be more active through your workday and increase your NEAT. Perhaps a tool like a fitbit could be beneficial in motivating activity throughout the day and fine tuning your calorie needs.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    I have a desk job. I work 8 hours a day and I spend 3 hours commuting.
    It's not your job that is making you fat, it's your mind.
    You could exercise for 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening IF you wanted to even that is better than nothing.
    Sorry to be harsh but I hear so many people moaning they can't lose weight and blaming everything and everybody but not themselves that I have no sympathy left
  • The_Angry_Fish_Guy
    The_Angry_Fish_Guy Posts: 40 Member
    I drive a desk 9 hours a day. What's your next excuse?
  • preslyann50
    preslyann50 Posts: 114 Member
    If you live near a big area like DC, LA, Atlanta sometimes you can't help how long you are in the car. Just because the time is long doesn't mean the distance is long. I lived in Woodbridge VA and Worked in McLean, it was like 14 miles maybe but the commute took forever. Hour plus. Even when I moved closer because of all the traffic it still took me 30 mins. Sometimes you can't help how long the commute is. You can though if it's a reasonable distance perhaps in nicer weather bike to work?

    I am a stay at home mom during they day and I have a full time job at night. I exercise about 6 times a week. I have found a way to do exercises with my kids around. Or I exercise when they are in preschool. Jogging strollers are great for kids of all ages. It's not as fun as running or walking by yourself but you can do it. And then the kids are involved. Get hubby to go with you!
    Or when you are at home with them, just do a quick circuit workout or something. Go up and down your stairs for 15 minutes.

    I know exercise isn't a huge part of losing weight that a lot of it is diet but I know I eat better when I work out. Does it make sense? No. but for me it helps and so I am one of those people who if I don't work out I don't lose weight. It's like if I'm busting my *kitten* I'm not going to waste that on crappy food. But if I'm being lazy physically, I start getting lazy with what goes in my body.

    Good luck!
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    I work a desk job, I have a hubby three kids and a house that always needs something. What I am trying now is:

    Work out early. It's a b*tch, but I make myself do it, because I KNOW me and my life...If I don't work out in the morning its HIGHLY unlikely that it will happen any other time. And I'm not super strict with my food so I NEED exercise. And I have body aches and issues that can be helped with daily movement.

    I take the stairs at work and I take little 10 minute walks twice a day!

    I am starting TODAY going to do a workout with my kids when I get home. They are super excited about this and its two birds with one stone...Quality Time and Physical activity for us all!! NOw how am I going to cook and do laundry in the middle of this? We shall see! But I'm determined to make this a priority in my life, because I LIVE the effects of not making it a priority...I don't want to live this not ONE.MORE.DAY!

    I have a baby and I lift him 2 sets of 10.