When should I weigh myself?



  • LeanNTrim
    LeanNTrim Posts: 15 Member
    For me, I prefer either twice a month or once a month...depends on how I feel. :smile:
  • GemmaMcIntosh
    I weigh every morning after the bathroom and before breakfast. Yes my weight fluctuates and I expect it too but weighing daily keeps me motivated and on track.

    I also get weighed at the gym every four weeks (1:30pm on a Wednesday - 45 minutes!!) as well. They take my blood pressure, body fat % and measurements - which it what I really like to go on.
  • Special2013
    Special2013 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks reading your post. Got very frustrated when i missed my weigh in day and time i weigh the next morning to have gained 5lbs when i did go over my weekly buget 1 day by approx 500 calories but workrd out every day and stayed below my calorie count all week
  • Fragilebird24
    Fragilebird24 Posts: 202 Member
    A big reason that I want to weigh myself everyday is because I get discouraged VERY easily. Weighing myself once a day would sort of take the pressure of one weekly weigh in.
  • Fragilebird24
    Fragilebird24 Posts: 202 Member
    I weigh in each morning as soon as I wake up, as weight will fluctuate greatly throughout the day. Weekly is fine too as long as it's at the same time, same day each week. Again I'd recommend as soon as you wake up. Day to day you probably won't notice much variation (0.1 or 0.2 lbs, it all depends on your routine/goals), week to week you should be seeing more substantial results. If you're strength training along with losing weight, you probably won't notice much difference at all, as you will be losing fat but gaining muscle.

    Really just be consistent with it, and if you feel discouraged, add another category such as muscle mass to the equation. You might be pleasantly surprised. Many times, the focus is on weight alone. Really the focus should be weight + fat mass vs muscle mass. Do a google search on it. There are some great guides on how to determine your weight/fat/muscle ratios.


    That's very true that people put the focus on weight. I personally tend to do that, which is why I am easily discouraged when I don't see a decrease on the scale. Thanks for the advise!
  • Susanthecatwhisperer
    I try to be consistent, and weigh my self at night. Right after a shower, when I'm still in my birthday suit. I will sometimes weigh myself daily, or wait a few days (especially when I eat too much!). I find every few days is easier to see a bigger change. :)
  • dewell2
    dewell2 Posts: 36 Member
    While weighing yourself is important to know where you are, sometimes the scale doesn't show the whole truth. You might want to consider taking your measurements of your arms, bust, waist, hip and thighs. Just because it's not showing on the scale does not mean that it's not coming off in other ways. You could try weighing one week and the next week taking measurements. Good luck!
  • joshkilborn
    joshkilborn Posts: 46 Member
    I like to weight in once on Friday, and again Monday to see where I stand going into the weekend and starting the week off.
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    Weigh myself on Friday mornings. I can't weigh myself daily or I'd drive myself nuts!
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    in the morning. i pretty much weigh whenever.. i try not to weigh everyday cause i hurd your weight fluctuates in two lb incraments through out the day..i dont know if it's true..but,i just weigh whenever.. now.im more into loosin inches... i just gotta find my meausuring tape! again.lol
  • tonightokayalright
    tonightokayalright Posts: 289 Member
    I usually weigh myself on Sunday morning after I use the bathroom... Sometimes after I've eaten breakfast lol.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    This month I'm actually weighing in once a week for fun. Usually, I don't pay attention to the scale except when I just happen to be there at the right time to weigh in (morning, pre-breakfast, totally nekkid.)

    I find I lose weight more when I'm not trying to lose it, but rather when I just run hard and eat what I need to eat.
  • kandyice1
    kandyice1 Posts: 48 Member
    I usually weigh myself on Tuesdays, right after I wake up in the morning. Doing so everyday will drive you bonkers.
  • dansanb
    dansanb Posts: 1 Member
    Here are my 2 cents....

    <start of rant>

    THROW AWAY YOUR SCALE, eat right, do exercise, and check back a year later. Make an appointment with the Doctor, they will check your weight with those super duper precise scales. Take that number, remove a couple of pounds (give or take) because of your clothes, and there ya go....

    Checking your weight every day, every week, or even every month is like watching and waiting for water to boil. Get out there and just do it.....

    How will you know you are progressing you say? your clothes will fit better, you will feel better, and people will say you look better, this is all you need, not some mechanical gadget with numbers that only provides you with 5% feedback of your overall health anyway....enough said......

    <end of rant>
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Every morning when I wake or after a run. Just got an Aria scale, its fun to look at the graph and see the damage the weekend causes.
  • kroonha
    kroonha Posts: 102 Member
    I weigh myself every morning, after going to the bathroom, naked. I log my weight in www.weightgrapher.com because it shows me the overall trend in a better manner than MFP does. On MFP, I log whatever my new low is.

    Even if my weight goes up, it might be due to the time of the month, bodily functions, water, etc. If I hate something super salty, I know I'll be retaining more water than normal.

    The weight graph shows me the overall trend and the fluctuations.
    Weighing once a week did not work for me, as very often I'd end up with barely a difference due to what I had eaten or drank and it would suck that my weigh in day would be an 'off' day for whatever reason.
  • bcovely
    bcovely Posts: 57 Member
    Me personally, I weigh myself every Friday morning - as soon as I get up. I did read some where (not sure where), if you weigh yourself every day - after 7 days, add all the weights together and divide by 7. That was your weight for the week. Do the same the next week - then compare your end number to see if you lost or gained weight. Whatever you decide to do - good luck!!
  • ejdp254
    ejdp254 Posts: 342 Member
    I like to weigh myself every other sunday morning at the local chemist as their scales are more accurate and you get a little print out to keep. I will then measure everywhere on the sundays i'm not weighing so each week i can see different changes. Keeps me happy.
  • bassclef19
    bassclef19 Posts: 53 Member
    once a month.
    too discouraging seeing the weight fluctuate everyday.
  • vwbug86
    vwbug86 Posts: 283 Member
    Who on earth advised weighing once a day? Your weight fluctuates tremendously, and women have their own special brand of fluctuations. Weighing yourself once a week (or less) is more likely to give you the big picture of where your weight is going.

    As far as time of day, I personally weigh myself in the morning post-bathroom, pre-breakfast in nothing but underpants. That's me, though.

    For data points. It is the best way to gather data for long term loss.

    If you can't do that psychologically then don't. I weigh myself 4-7 times a week.