What motivates you to shed pounds?

Hello everyone,

I've been doing MFP for three weeks, but haven't done much networking. So, here goes:

I've lost and gained in the past and can no longer put this off. I'm ready to lose weight and stick with it, no matter what challenges arise. (Lunch at a greasy burger joint with friends today didn't help. Even the salad I ordered was topped with fried food!)

I'm blogging my progress for work, which is definitely motivating! What motivates you to stick to your weight-loss plan?


  • Relle3
    Relle3 Posts: 30 Member
    The benefits are amazing! I originally started to "not look pregnant" and look good in a swimsuit. However the more I researched what I was doing I became addicted! I have so much more energy now and just overall feel great about myself!
  • Everyone who's treated my terribly because of my weight + being able to look in the mirror and be happy with what i see.
  • ordinaryloser
    ordinaryloser Posts: 35 Member
    Well, in the past, I've started and stopped after a couple of weeks or months. But this time around, I have an outside source of motivation I guess you can say. My Boss and I have a competition going on (3 month weight loss challenge), and I don't want her showing me up lol. Plus, there's a prize involved to sweeten the pot. And I guess I'm just a little fed up to be honest as well. There's no greater time than now they say!
  • LiveWellWyoming
    LiveWellWyoming Posts: 5 Member
    Way to go!
  • crash_aly
    crash_aly Posts: 112
    Pictures are very motivating for me! When I see how big I had gotten I was disgusted with myself but it wasn't truly motivating. Seeing more recent pictures that show how the hard work has paid off are what motivates me.

    I also like to browse the health and fitness boards on pinterest for ideas and motivation. Talking to others about health/fitness also makes me want to get moving or eat better. Once I made it a lifestyle and my body adjusted, the way good made me FEEL was a big thing for me also. When your body starts to negatively react to less healthy foods, it keeps you from wanting them so much!
  • Hey LIVEWELLWYOMING! Welcome to MFP. Something that has been a challenge for me is to be honest in my logging. When I eat a greesy burger and other things I probably shouldn't I tend to want to not log it b/c it isn't a positive thing. I want to urge you to be fearless and honest as this is the best way to get results. In time you'll look back and be able to see how far you have come. P.S Don't beat yourself up for going over your calories or daily fat allotments, everything will be okay.
  • Cyndesire
    Cyndesire Posts: 56 Member
    I started because I started to develop high blood pressure. The thought of being sick and potentially having a stroke at 34 with small kids that depend on me scared me into doing something. I gave it a good effort and I started losing weight. Once the weight started dropping I felt amazing. The joy and accomplishments I feel make me try even harder. These are days I have dreamed about for too long.
  • I have lost 123 lbs . I am here to lose the last 30. I motivated by good health. There are so many young people who are getting cancer, and arthritis and are having heart attacks and strokes at a young age. These disease use to be for older people now strokes are becoming very common among young people. I want to give my self a fighting chance by being healthy and fit.
  • redfiona99
    redfiona99 Posts: 116 Member
    Because I really can't afford to get new clothes.
    And I need to look good for my cousin's wedding.
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    Ten months ago I was fighting with my very good doctor about blood pressure medicine. Now, almost 70 pounds total lost, 60 pounds with MFP, my blood pressure and blood sugar are fine. Big motivation.

    Also, the stairs in my old house don't creak anymore when I sneak down them.
  • wshultz14
    wshultz14 Posts: 63 Member

    I am motivated by the graph's in the report feature... I also have some health issue's that will improve with weight loss, and finally I am just plain tired of not looking good.
  • Hi,

    I'm motivated by staying healthy. I am on no medication and I want to keep it that way. Diabetes and high blood pressure run in my family and I have been blessed to avoid them so far. Also, I want to shop without frustration, just being able to buy clothes that are not plus-size.
  • tristaj90
    tristaj90 Posts: 330 Member
    I'm motivated to get healthy so my little boy can have his mommy around for as long as possible (barring any non health-related death)..
  • stephsmom93
    stephsmom93 Posts: 1,139 Member
    I got sick and tired of being sick and tired. So, I prayed and then started moving! Tracking what I consume is helpful to truly see what I am putting into my body and I started making slow changes. The first to go was all the coffee I consumed--now replaced with water! Now I'm reading labels, moving, measuring, counting, educating myself,...and losing! I'm down ten pounds since the 1st of the year! That was HUGE for me! I'm on a journey to a new healthier me!
  • boxpunk
    boxpunk Posts: 52 Member
    there are many personal and selfish reasons for me, but the main one is fear. I am 25 and nearing the 300 lbs mark.
  • I wanted to prove to myself and the world that I was better than my past. My genetics do not define me- I define me.
  • What motivates me is seeing the pictures from five years ago. I thought I was fat then and I wish I weighed that much now. I look in the mirror everday and it makes me want better for myself. I do not want to be diagnosed with diabetes. I seen many people that come in my work everyday even young children who suffer from the effects of it. I do not want to be that way it just motivates me to be better for myself in the longrun. :smile:
  • Shopping for clothes is a good motivation. I do tend to cry and have a breakdown in the dressing room at times though.
  • girlschmoopie
    girlschmoopie Posts: 140 Member
    Fitting back into favorite clothes that I have outgrown.
  • a lot of my friends hike / run , i got tired of sitting on the side lines and wanted to live a healthier happy life