Help! My skin is breaking out!

I just started logging what I eat and staying at 1200 calories. I have been trying to eat better and cleaner. I have also been drinking a lot more water then I usually do. I have also been trying to get in 15-30 minutes of cardio daily. I have been washing my face after I workout out. I normally have very clear skin and the only thing I can think of is my body is getting rid of toxins through my skin. Is that right? Or am I just making stuff up? If anyone knows why please explain it to me.


  • tinkystyle
    tinkystyle Posts: 76 Member
    Do you wear makeup, sunscreen, or moisturizer while working out? For me, the best way to stay pimple-free is to remove makeup, etc before working out.
  • superfox12082
    superfox12082 Posts: 512 Member
    Definitely make sure to wash your face before and after. I've had acne my whole life, and sweating actually helps keep my skin clearer. :smile:
  • chopper_pilot
    chopper_pilot Posts: 191 Member
    are you under any extra stress? spending extra time on the phone? cooking with different oils and ingredients?
  • KidDisasterJC
    I totally agree with tinkystyle, get that makeup off your face before your workout. I feel like that has helped me in the pimple department.

    And from my personal pimple experience, anytime I start something new in life, from new facewash to a new job, my face goes through a 1-3 week adjustment period. My face likes things to stay the way they are! I like change. We don't agree on much. >.<
  • npostemni
    npostemni Posts: 102 Member
    Do you wear makeup, sunscreen, or moisturizer while working out? For me, the best way to stay pimple-free is to remove makeup, etc before working out.
    I always take off my makeup before I workout. I wear the same lotion I have always wore. I'm not new to exercise just to the 1200 calorie diet.
  • SamanthaD1218
    SamanthaD1218 Posts: 304 Member
    Any dietary change you make can affect your body. Have you ever used coconut oil on your skin? It works wonders for me (I also never used to break out, but recently started to). Every other day, after washing your face, rub in a small amount on your skin. Don't slather it on! You should see results in just a few days - plus then you'll have coconut oil around the house too cook with :)
  • Fit_little_vegan
    BIG possibility it could be what your eating.
    Whenever I eat a bunch of protein foods and less fruit my face completely breaks out
    But when I eat barely any protein foods and load up on my fruit intake my face is totally clear and I don't take good care of it to much lol like I don't take off makeup after workouts and such.
    Not saying it's exactly that but to just take a good look at what your eating Cus what you eat DOES effect your skin and face.
  • hep26000
    hep26000 Posts: 156 Member
    I put apple cider vinegar on my face before bed. You get used to the smell and it has balanced my PH really well. I have horrible acne and it is the only thing I have found so far that helps as much as it does. I get the Trader Joe's unfiltered organic one. It has the mother in it and is the best out there.