What motivates you to shed pounds?



  • toddabrown
    When I run (or think about skipping a run), I think about veterans and soldiers. On every single run I spend some time thinking about my brother and a few very specific young Marines who were in Sangin, Afghanistan with my brother. My brother is a Corpsman in the US Navy, the US Marines don't have medics, so Navy Corpsman train, deploy and patrol with Marines. My brother was attached to the 3/5 Marine unit and went through a tough deployment with them. I think about the brave soldiers who gave the ultimate sacrifice, those who now face lives without limbs, those with emotional damage, and all of the brave men and women who are veterans of past wars. I don't promote or agree with war, but I do find strength and motivation in thinking about the sacrifices of veterans and soldiers. This perspective make my sacrifices of not eating that bag of chips, or pushing my exercise routine harder, seem much easier.
  • AestheticStar
    AestheticStar Posts: 447 Member
    My motivation is to possibly train in wrestling school. Definitely need to be in good shape for that & to do all that is required. And just to be in good health, & possibly put out a better image for myself. I didn't have much to lose, but I needed the motivation to eat clean again & not let anything or anyone break my motivation to workout & stay in shape.
  • MatthewNSW
    I came late to fatherhood. I don't have heaps of weight to lose - for me it's more about fighting that gradual ageing process and also being able to be the best, most interactive and hands-on father I can possibly be. Of course the associated feelgood factor is a bonus, too....
  • shadriel7
    My motivators in general = looking better and having more energy... But the #1 motivator... That crestfallen "I'm an idiot" look on my ex boyfriends face when I walk past him - looking better and better every time it happens. Every time I see that look, I feel like I won, I triumphed. I've lost 30+ pounds and at least 6 sizes so far - got another 4 sizes to go to be where I want to be - and I WILL be there.
  • LiveWellWyoming
    LiveWellWyoming Posts: 5 Member
    Haha! Looking better than an ex always feels good. Way to go!